Absolute Honor

Chapter 380: They are running away

   I had a teammate like Diago, a pig teammate who chased thoroughbred pigs in the world, and Qin Fei also had tens of thousands of grass and mud horses stepped on in his heart. X

But cursing goes to cursing, and cursing can't solve the problem.

The most desperate thing for everyone was that Lao Yu's guess was confirmed that the **** reconnaissance car was slowly moving its wheels, toward the side of the barracks where everyone was hiding.

The most terrible thing is that all the shooting holes on the side of the brdm-2 armored reconnaissance vehicle were opened, and the people of the Fox team suppressed Qin Fei and others from the inside, blocked the moving routes on both sides, and removed all the members of the X mercenary group. It was suppressed behind a seven-to-eight-meter-long ruin at the end of the barracks.

"I have to think of a way, old fish." Qin Fei flipped through his equipment, only to smile wryly.

There is no smoke bomb...

"Now it has proved an iron law of the battlefield." Lao Yu couldn't help sighing, "In the era of hot weapons, equipment is combat effectiveness. It is not enough to rely on fighting will and level."

"Qin, what do we do now!?" The sight was lying under the ruins, and he dared not raise his head and shouted, "Aren't we just sitting and waiting to die?"

Qin Fei tore off the two grenade and smiled bitterly: "After a while, when they get closer, we will throw the grenade in front of the car together. We can only pray that we can blow up a little smoke to temporarily obscure their sight. I will charge first. Go out to attract their firepower, sight, you use svd to take care of the people in the shooting hole."

He looked back at Lao Yu and said, "Lao Yu, you took the polar bear and Chen Yong and turned in the opposite direction to me. Their kpvt machine gun hit the turret, and the rotation speed is not fast. Once you aim at me, even if you find you too I can't turn it back for the time being, all you have to deal with are the few gunmen in the shooting hole, those people, hand it to the front sight."

"What do you say!?"

Qin Fei asked loudly.

"Qin, you will be beaten into mashed flesh!"

The sight knew that Qin Fei actively asked to attract firepower first. That was the most dangerous method. Relying on a little smoke from the grenade was not enough to block the sight of everyone in the brdm-2 armored reconnaissance vehicle.

Once Qin Fei rushed out from behind the ruins, all the firepower would greet him. The car sitting in the car was not the parallel imports of Diago and his men, but the former SEAL team members who had been replaced.

It was almost a suicidal charge, Qin Fei wanted to take all the danger on himself.

The front sight couldn't help but admire Qin Fei. For a long time, Qin Fei seemed too young. Before the front sight, he thought that the position of the leader of the mercenary group should be the most suitable position for the old fish.

But the old fish chose Qin Fei, which made the crosshair still have some doubts in his heart.

Only through many battles and cooperation, the crosshair became more and more convinced of Qin Fei. A soldier who dared to take danger and responsibility to him in a critical moment was a natural leader.

"I don't agree with you to go to death, if I want to go."

Qin Fei couldn't help cursing: "Now give me less mother-in-law, you are a sniper, is there someone who is more suitable than you to sniper the enemy in the shooting hole? If you can't kill the person in the shooting hole, the old fish will last Rushing out is a dead end, do you want to watch everyone die together?"

The sight is blocked.

"You think you have a better way, you can say, if it is better than my plan, I accept it." Qin Fei looked down at the two grenades in his hand and shook his head: "The problem is, sometimes on the battlefield. It is not our turn to choose. It will always be a single-choice question. There is only one way. The choice is to do or not to do it!"

The sight of the sight was a little hot, and Qin Fei's words were calm, but they touched the softest part of his heart.

"Brother, good luck, give me the **** in the shooting hole!"

The two brdm-2 armored reconnaissance vehicles were getting closer, and everyone could almost hear the roar of the engine.

Qin Fei's hands were full of sweat, and there were less than ten seconds left to execute his plan.

Life and death, maybe at that moment!

Suddenly, a huge explosion sounded from the entrance of the training camp.

Then, the violent gunfire seemed to suppress the sound of kpvt's machine guns.

"what happened?"

Qin Fei glanced at the old fish next to him suspiciously.

The old fish was also confused.

Diago's proud voice suddenly came from the earphones: "Qin! Our troops are here! They are near the fighting hall! They are coming here!"

This guy is full of the savior's tone at this time, as if he is the **** who descended into the world, and everything tonight is his credit.

Qin Fei dismissed this guy’s credit, and said sarcastically: "Then you don’t have to go out and command your army to kill those two reconnaissance vehicles, Nima’s, I’m going to die here, so why don’t you hide? What did you do in the barracks? Be a tortoise!?"

Qin Fei couldn’t bear it anymore about Diago’s behavior. Whatever **** lieutenant colonel, what **** minister, **** pig teammate, if it weren’t for Eritrea’s territory, Qin Fei would really say like a crosshair. Like that, Qin Fei got the tool to cut off this guy.

"Ah..." Diago was drenched in a basin of cold water and looked very embarrassed. He knew best in his heart that he could eat a few heads of garlic, and said haha, "I won't go out. There are important things here. The characters need my protection. Don’t worry, our reinforcements have the same armored vehicles, and this time we have ten. They are not our opponents. Fati’s reinforcements also have Type 59 tanks. Wait for them to arrive~www. wuxiaspot.com~ I will let these white-skinned pigs who dare to make trouble on my site see God."

"Qin Fei! The reconnaissance car turned around!" The old fish stretched his head and glanced out, retracted his head, and let out a long sigh of relief: "They turned around and ran away!"


Lao Yu nodded and said, "Well, I am heading towards the dock."

"What are they doing at the pier?" Qin Fei frowned, "Old fish, the boats there are all exploded?"

"It's blown up." Old Yu said: "I killed it myself. The Lci landing craft had a 40mm cannon. I used one of the cannons to blast off the other two ships and fired at the engine compartment. , I must have smashed the engines of the two ships, and the last lci was sunk by explosives that I personally installed. They were out of ships."

"No, they have boats." The sight said: "The Somalis still have many wooden boats."

"Bullshit! It's okay for the wooden shell ship to sneak into Eritrea. Now the military is alert. If the wooden shell ship wants to go back, I am afraid that it will be attacked by the Eritrean navy." Old Yu said, "The wooden shell ships are very slow and run. Not going out."

Qin Fei said: "Anyway, we have to stop the Fox team. They have Kunchai in their car. Damn, they are really going to be taken away. Should we go to Mogadishu to rescue him?"

"I don't want to go to that ghost place!" The sight shook his head quickly. "Country m sent so many elites in the past, and they almost couldn't get out. Besides, we have three or two kittens. We went to estimate that the tribal soldiers would have their teeth stuck between their teeth. Not enough."rw

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