Absolute Honor

Chapter 384: Shelling

   Hawk slammed the steering wheel, and the two brmd-2s slammed into each other, entangled with each other, and sparks splashed on the body. X

The kpvt machine guns on the roofs of the two cars turned at the same time. They turned their muzzles to blast off each other. After turning the muzzles, they discovered that everyone was too close to each other and the barrels were stuck together, making it impossible to aim at each other.

Chen Yong stepped on the brake violently, trying to make the opponent's car jump in front of him so that it would be easier to destroy the wheels.

Unexpectedly, the armor plates of the two cars were already embedded in each other, and there was no way to get rid of them.

"Da Maozi! Shoot at the place where our two cars are hooked. We must get away from them, otherwise it will be difficult to fight!"

When Chen Yong was in a hurry, he forgot who was the polar bear Sasha who was not familiar with him, so he called him Da Maozi.

The polar bear scolded: "My name is Sasha, you can also call me a polar bear, don't call me big hairy, next time you dare to call me that, I will break your neck!"

As he said, he stopped entangled with the other party, turned his gun to the place where the armor of the two cars were stuck and fired directly.

The bullet of the kpvt machine gun tore the paper-like armor plate, the two cars separated, and the fox team's car suddenly jumped to the front.

"Hahahaha! Go to hell!"

The polar bear seized the opportunity and swept toward the opponent's rear right tire.

Unexpectedly, Hawke, the driver of the Fox team, was also a veteran. As soon as the polar bear shot, he actually started to drive the brdm-2 and began to snake.

The bullet hit the ground, picking up clumps of sand.

Hawke's brmd-2 braked suddenly, and Chen Yong couldn't brake enough, so he installed it all at once.

The rear-end armor of the brmd-2 on the front was sunken.

However, this kind of reconnaissance vehicle has a characteristic. Its door is not opened at the rear like an ordinary armored personnel carrier, but at a place where the front of the vehicle is a little behind the driver's position.

Generally, the armor of the armored vehicle is weaker due to the design of the outlet, but the brmd-2 is a different freak. The armor on its big **** is no different from other places, but is stronger.

This collision caused Qin Fei and the others to suffer a big loss.

Chen Yong's head was knocked on the steering wheel, with gold stars in his eyes; the nose of the polar bear Sasha knocked on the inner edge of the turret, and his nose was bleeding. Fortunately, there was a rubber rim, otherwise he would definitely break his nose.

A large swarm of people in the car staggered.

"Get up, chase, they ran away!"

After a while, everyone finally came to a sense of relief and found that the reconnaissance car of the Fox team had driven a hundred meters away.

Now it is only a few hundred meters away from the dock, and it has almost passed through the entire cqb training ground and reached the last section of the dirt road in the training ground.

The car died and Chen Yong tried to start. The motor idling a few times in vain, the engine did not respond.

"What's wrong!?" Qin Fei asked anxiously.

Chen Yong was sweating profusely: "Damn, I can't fight anymore! The impact just now, it is estimated that some parts inside have been shaken off. I'm going to check it out."

Qin Fei thought for a while and said, "It's too late! Let's get out of the car to chase!"

Open the door and everyone filed out.

Suddenly, a few bright lights from behind shone, scaring everyone, and quickly squatted down to find cover.

"Qin, I brought a large army to help you!"

After listening carefully, it turned out to be the voice of this fellow Diago.

Qin Fei looked back and found that the coward brought a few reconnaissance vehicles and came to help.

"Diago! I need a car! Our car is broken!" Qin Fei walked towards Diago with a gun.

"Don't worry." Diago is triumphant, and now the situation is completely controlled by the government forces. His presence here indicates that the rebellion in the camp has been completely quelled.

"All the captains are fine, target, the brdm-2 scout car by the dock, shoot free! Fire!"

With an order, the kpvt heavy machine guns on the several reconnaissance vehicles lined up on the road at the same time spit out flames.

Qin Fei's scalp exploded, and he rushed to grab Diago's camouflage uniform: "Damn! You are a pig! Give me a ceasefire! Ceasefire!"

Diago was still at a loss. He didn't think there was anything wrong with doing this.

In that car, aren’t they insurgents?

Yes, it was possible to open fire, and fell to death.

Black thinking is always simple and rough.

"Why!?" He looked at Qin Fei in surprise, with an innocent look. He didn't understand why Qin Fei yelled like a mad dog for helping.

Qin Fei drew a pistol and pressed it on his temple anxiously: "I'm a messy horse! My people are still in that car! Do you really want to kill my people!?"

Diago froze for a moment, then patted his forehead, turned and yelled at his men: "Stop fire! Stop fire! Didn't you pigs hear? There are people from the X mercenary group in the car!"

The gunfire finally stopped.

However, the front sight screamed again.

"Qin, it's over!"

"Fuck! I'm not over!" Qin Fei retorted unhappily, "I'm fine!"

The front sight pointed to the pier and said, "No, I said Kun guess that kid is going to die!"

Qin Fei's heart trembled, and he hurriedly looked in the direction of the sight. It turned out that Diago's hand was sweeping, and the blind cat hit a dead mouse. The brdm-2 that had fled to the dock was hit. Somewhere, it turned over and fell into the dirt ditch under the roadbed, and a cloud of yellow dust was lifted up.

In Qin Fei's heart, tens of thousands of grass-and-mud horses ran past, and he wanted to kill Diago, the African stupid pig~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Let's go and see! "

With a wave of his hand, he led people to a reconnaissance vehicle.

Suddenly, the reconnaissance vehicle more than 20 meters away suddenly exploded a ball of fire, like a large firework being lit.

Qin Fei was swept backwards by the air wave and flew more than two meters away, and plunged into the sand on the side of the road.

"Artillery Attack"

The old fish crawled over and pulled Qin Fei: "Are you okay?!"

At this moment, Qin Fei had two old fish in his eyes. The explosion just now made him almost fainted. There was chaos in his vision, and everyone looked at him in pairs.

"what happened……"

"I don't know, I don't know where the shelling came from!" Lao Yu said, helping Qin Fei up, and checking on him, seeing that there was blood oozing out of his arm, he hurriedly tore open the clothes in that place.

Qin Fei’s left arm had a 3cm piece of shrapnel embedded in it, which was not serious.

"Hold it." The old fish finished, grabbing the shrapnel with **** and pulling it out.

Qin Fei frowned with pain. Just about to say something, another explosion exploded in Diago's motorcade, and the fireball reflected the surroundings like daylight.

"Get out of here! Get out of here!"

The old fish waved his hand at Diago: "Let your men turn off their lights and leave here! Damn, you are now live targets! Are you all waiting here to die!?" rw

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