Absolute Honor

Chapter 385: Mysterious sea gunboat

Diago was already stunned by the explosion, and the power and prestige just now disappeared, and he was trembling on the ground at this time.

"You are a pig! If you haven't given an order yet, whoever is your subordinate will be **** for eight lifetimes!"

Qin Fei grabbed Diago on the ground and shook it violently: "Let your men turn off the lights and leave, now we have been shelled!"

"Quick...Quick..." Diago finally recovered a bit, and shouted with his hands: "If you hear it, turn off the lights and do as Qin said! Get out of here."

Unfortunately, this order is too late.

The two shots just now were just test shots, and suddenly, a burst of shots started.

One shell after another fell around, and the ground began to tremble. Qin Fei felt that even if he fell on the ground, he would shake himself up.

The reconnaissance vehicles brought by Diago were unlucky. The people inside opened the doors and fled like mice running around.

"Find concealment!"

Qin Fei yelled, and quickly ran a few steps with Lao Yumao's waist and jumped into a hot crater that had just been exploded.

The soil here is soft, which has certain advantages, because it does not produce debris such as stone chips. In the explosion, the power of the hard debris and shrapnel that tells the splash is about the same. People die.

Diago's commanding combat level is simply terrible, but his escape skills are top-notch.

He didn't follow anyone, just followed Qin Fei and Lao Yu.

Because he thinks that Qin Fei and Lao Yu are the best people in the X mercenary group. When encountering difficulties, it is always right to run with powerful characters.

The three jumped into the pit, and Qin Fei couldn't help but start Diago again: "I don't know where you commander learned the combat skills, so you won't go to another pit!? Three A person was squeezed in a pit, and a shell was all dead!"

"Run with you, I can rest assured..." Diago gasped, "Besides, on the battlefield, the probability of the same two shells hitting the same point is harder than having twins."

Qin Fei was taken aback for a moment, this guy was not really stupid to say that he was stupid, his theory did exist.

Due to the principle of artillery shooting, the probability of landing at the same impact point is basically very low. Therefore, in actual combat, many veterans will choose the crater as a hiding point when there is no better concealment.

Before Diago's words fell, a corpse fell from the air and fell directly into the crater, just among the three.

Seeing the whole body burned to black and steaming corpses on them, the three of them were speechless.

It is terrible to die when bombed by a shell. Even if it is swept by a short-range shock wave, it will bleed internally if it is not dead.

"Damn! Old fish, where did they get their guns!?" Qin Fei said, "It seems that I'm right. FOX is not that stupid. There must be something behind."

The old fish "hushed", pressing his index finger on his lips, and pricked his ears as if he was listening.

"Did you hear anything?" After a moment, he asked Qin Fei.

Qin Fei also listened, his eyes lit up and said: "First explode, then there is sound."

The old fish nodded.

Diago was confused on the side: "What are you talking about? Can you not speak Chinese? I want to hear too."

Qin Fei rolled his eyes. For an unlearned special forces officer like Diago, he thought he would simply lose the face of all the members of the special forces in the world.

This kind of basic battlefield knowledge, as a lieutenant colonel commander of the Tiger Battalion, doesn't even have it!

Seeing the leopard in a glimpse, we can see that Eritrea’s military strength is really...

"There is an explosion before the sound is heard, which means that the gun position is very close to us. The speed of the shell is fast, and it exceeds the speed of sound before it is attenuated. Therefore, before landing before it is attenuated, the explosion is first seen and then the sound is heard. The distance is far. If the speed decays, the sound will catch up. In that case, you will hear the sound first and then see the explosion, okay?"

Qin Fei taught the lieutenant colonel in as detailed and straightforward language as possible.

Diago thought for a while and shook his head: "I didn't understand."

Qin Fei almost turned his back on his back. For the first time, he realized that he was an idiot. How could an idiot understand the words of a normal person because he explained such a detailed question to the idiot?

"Qin Fei meant that the gun position was not far away from us. I guess it would be no more than two kilometers. It was a direct shot." Lao Yu looked at Qin Fei and said, "But there is sea within two kilometers of this area, and there can be no guns. position."

"Old fish, don't forget, the ship is fine." Qin Fei said: "You listen to this gun sound, and this kind of explosive power. It is not an ordinary ground gun, but a naval gun. The caliber is not too big, it is estimated to be below 100mm. , In line with the characteristics of a naval gun."

Old fish said: "Damn, if this is the case, FOX must have thought about it a long time ago. He knew that it would not be safe for the boat to moor directly at the pier, so he let his boat stop in the open sea and waited for his order to dock. Seal tactics The cooperation is generally very strict. Unlike the Somali, they can achieve a tight fit without any time difference."

"No. They have made a mistake." Qin Fei said: "They did not expect us. This time the FOX team came here for the CFO of UBS, not for us, but just met us by mistake, in order to deal with us. , The time they originally planned has gone wrong!"

The old fish nodded and said, "Well, if something goes wrong, the action will fail. We must seize the opportunity!"

Qin Fei frowned and thought about it, and asked Diago, "Where is your air force? Where is the nearest air force?"

"Two fighter jets have been sent." Diago said: "My uncle thought that some of the Somalis might escape from the sea, so he sent two MB-339 attack planes to clean up. The enemy fleeing at sea."

MB-339 is not actually a fighter in the strict sense. It was originally a trainer aircraft. It was installed with a Rolls-Royce engine. There were three types of B, K, and C. The K was an attack aircraft type. After modification, it can hang offensive weapons such as missiles and ground cannons. The 6 under-wing suspension points carry a total of 1815 kg of external weapons, which can hang cluster bombs, AN/SUU-11A/A 7.62 mm small machine gun pods, and "horse "Tela" 155 launch nest, air-to-air infrared guided missile, AGM-65 air-to-air missile and "Matra" MKII anti-ship missile. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

Qin Fei gave a thumbs up: "Your uncle seems to be a little real, much better than your fellow. The key now is, how long will the plane arrive?"

Diago quickly contacted the command on the channel and asked about the arrival time of the plane.

After a while, he gestured to Qin Fei excitedly: "There are still twenty minutes!"

"How long does it take to get to the Somali waters from here?" Qin Fei asked Lao Yu.

The old fish said: "It will take at least three hours."

Qin Fei breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately, there was enough time.

"But..." Lao Yu added: "The time to reach the high seas will be very short, it only takes half an hour."

"How can it be so fast!?" Qin Fei was taken aback.

"Because the opposite sea is the Republic of Aden. As long as they drive near the middle line, the air force’s aircraft will not be able to operate there. Also, don’t forget, it’s very close to Jebuty, and there is an overseas military of the M Army. base."

Lao Yu said with a solemn expression: "Maybe, they are not going to Mogadishu at all, but to the Jebuti base. I think these people are related to the M army."

Qin Fei took a breath, knowing that with Eritrea's military strength, he would not dare to provoke M in any way, it was the only superpower.

Suddenly, there was a strange whistling sound above his head.


Lao Yu is a veteran who has been on the battlefield in southern Xinjiang, and he is too familiar with this voice!

This kind of sound is the sound of rubbing against the air when the shell falls over your head!

This means that at this time, a cannonball is falling on the three of them at an astonishing speed over their heads!

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