Absolute Honor

Chapter 392: Last 1 km

What Qin Fei didn't know was that the Hornet at this time was actually hard to protect itself.

A "Matra" MKII anti-ship missile hit the right side of the stern, directly penetrated the not very thick shell, and got into the diesel engine in the engine compartment.

The explosion caused a fire, and the pierced hull poured into a large amount of sea water, so that the sealed compartment on the right side of the hull had flooded in, the hull began to tilt, and the power was lost.

The second anti-ship missile launched by Attack 2 directly hit the middle of the ship, where the crew rest compartment and generator set were located. As a result, the generator was damaged and several off-duty crew members were killed.

On the whole ship, there is one person who is the happiest.

And this person is Kunchai.

He was taken to the underground lounge for overtime work to be tortured. Kun guessed that he was already feeling the cold metal on the egg, thinking that he would go to T country to be a special type of actor in the future, the first "Matra". The MKII anti-ship missile hit the right rear side of the hull, and Jones was shocked and immediately stopped.

When the second "Matra" MKII anti-ship missile launched by Attack 2 hit the middle section of the hull, with the sound of a huge explosion, a wave of air swept in from the door and pushed Jones a few meters away. , Hit the hard bulkhead heavily, then fell heavily to the ground, and suddenly did not get up.

On the contrary, Kunchai, who was tied to a chair by 45 degrees on his back and fixed to the cabin floor, was unscathed.

Everything happened like falling into a dream. Kunchai was stunned for several seconds before realizing that he was not dreaming.

The first thought that flashed in his mind was that his boss came to save himself.

Why did you think of Qin Fei first?

Because he suddenly discovered that in this world, he has no relatives, if he insists that there are people who care about his life and death, maybe Qin Fei is the only one.

This made him extremely moved, and he was very guilty in an instant.

Kun guessed that at this point, Qin Fei would actually chase out of the sea to rescue himself. From the explosion sound just now, it can be seen that Qin Fei not only came, but also brought strong firepower to support him.

With these powerful firepower support, the Eritrean military will have nothing else.

Seeing Jones fell to the ground, Kun guessed that this was the only chance he could escape.

He started shaking his body desperately, trying to break the rope. But he really underestimated the SEAL team members, these people tied sailor knots, it is not so easy to open.

Fortunately, the sky is endless.

The explosion ruptured the walls of the room, and the place where the rope was fixed was loosened. Kunchai struggled and finally fell to the ground with a chair.

With this fall, he almost knocked off his front teeth, and his lips were suddenly hit by blood from the hard floor.

Before it was too late to cry out, Kun guessed that his life was hanging by a thread, and the middle of the hull was bombed. Other members of the FOX team would definitely come to check the situation soon. Then he would definitely be caught again and didn’t know which part of the body would be cut off. .

When I think of this, my body doesn't hurt anymore. Kunchai hurriedly curled up like a worm and stretched out, constantly moving towards Jones.

Jones has a military dagger in his waist, get it in his hands, he will have hope...


Twenty kilometers away, the roar of the engine of the UH-1 helicopter seemed to reach the level of explosion. This old-fashioned aircraft has never tried to fly at the extreme speed. The pilot stared at the speedometer on the instrument panel, like a stream of sweat. From the flight helmet...




"Hurry up! Hurry up!" The old fish stared at the front nervously, and kept urging the two pilots.

The sea in the distance was pitch black, but no one knew if a cluster of fire suddenly appeared there, and then an anti-aircraft missile flew up.

UH-1 helicopters can’t avoid advanced anti-aircraft missiles anyway. Once discovered, everyone has only one way to jump into the sea. Of course, even if they jump into the sea at this speed, the huge momentum will be huge. It will make people fall to pieces.

"Already the fastest!"

The pilot's head was full of sweat, as if he had just come out of the sauna for an hour.

"The plane is going to fall apart!"

Qin Fei looked up and heard the rolling sound of the propeller bearing.

Flying close to the sea at low altitude is actually very dangerous for helicopters. The most feared thing for helicopters is airflow interference. The stability is not as good as that of ordinary wingspan airplanes. The most prone to formation on the sea is updraft or strong wind. , Blowing a little wave or something, telling the next sea that hits the helicopter will also make it crash.

The distance is shortening little by little, ten kilometers...five kilometers...

After entering five kilometers, Qin Fei and Lao Yu looked at each other. They all knew that Lao Yu’s guess was a guess—that armed spy ship suffered two anti-ship missiles under the attack of two MB-339s. , Has been dying, the system must have some malfunction, otherwise it would have reacted a long time ago~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Everyone pay attention, get ready, start fighting! Qin Fei said as he opened the insurance of the VZ58 assault rifle, Lao Yu pushed a coil of rope to the side of the cabin and hung one end on the hook.

Later, as long as he hovered on the deck, he would immediately push down the rope, and then everyone could start rappelling.

"Ship!" The sight put down the night vision goggles in his hand and pointed to the front and shouted: "There is a boat ahead!"

In the darkness, I saw several clusters of bright lights swaying on the surface of the sea, falling together.

From a distance, it is a ship that is not small in scale.

"Ready to climb!" The pilot yelled back, and everyone slammed on the lifeline in the cabin.

The pilot grasped the joystick in one hand and stared at the speedometer, getting closer and closer. He had to raise the altitude about one kilometer. If he was too close, he would not have time to raise his head and hit the ship.

Suddenly, a small orange-red light appeared in several lights in the distance.

Twinkle and twinkle, twinkle and twinkle.

"Be careful! They found us and they are shooting at us!" The old fish has rich experience and can see at a glance that it is not a light, but a muzzle flame generated by a machine gun when it is fired.

As soon as the pilot pulled the joystick, the UH-1 nose raised and began to climb at a large angle.

Ding Ding Ding-

The sound of harsh metal impact came from under the belly of the aircraft, and a large string of sparks exploded at the bottom of UH-1!

"We were shot!"

The pilot screamed!

The various instrument pointers on the instrument panel of the aircraft began to jump randomly, and the beeping alarm sounded in the cabin, and the red wait was flashing, making people feel shocked!


Qin Fei cursed secretly in his heart, but he didn't expect that the last step had already been taken, and he was still discovered by the enemy.

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