Absolute Honor

Chapter 393: Limit drop

UH-1 swayed in the sky like a drunkard, struggling to stay stable.

The most important thing in helicopter piloting is a balance. Once the balance is lost, it is very terrible, meaning that the aircraft is destroyed and killed.

The two pilots desperately tried their best, grasping the joystick firmly, and constantly turning off various unnecessary instruments that affected the stability in order to stabilize the fuselage.

Fortunately, the bullet only hit the bottom of UH-1, breaking the landing gear, and did not cause fatal damage.

The plane quickly stabilized, and in order to avoid being attacked again, it began to circle the ship at high speed.

"Suppress them!"

At this time, Qin Fei can no longer care about the helicopter, because no matter what the damage is at this time, it cannot be changed. Now it is not training that you can find a place to land for repairs. Now the enemy is on the opposite ship. The man who wants your life with a gun.

Fortunately, the Hornet itself cannot protect itself at this time, but a crew member occasionally spotted UH-1 flying towards the ship. If Qin Fei’s plane had long been found approaching and had been waiting, I am afraid it is more than one now. It's as simple as a row machine gun.

But one thing is gratifying.

That is, the helicopter has now flown over the Hornet, and the distance is only a hundred meters. At this time, even if the other party wants to launch an air-to-air missile, it is impossible.

The fuze of a missile has an insurance period. It must fly a certain distance before the fuze enters the trigger state. The fuze will not trigger if the distance is too close. In addition, due to design reasons, it will "fly over the head" and cannot hit the one that is too close. Things, this is why large-scale warships have to design weapons systems such as Phalanx, which are set up for close defense.

The polar bear knelt on the ground, grabbed the M60's grip with both hands, and swept a bullet toward the 12.7MM row machine gun firing position on the side of the ship.

The distance between the two sides is too close, and the extremely high rate of fire of the M60 machine gun is to some extent an advantage.

The raindrops of bullets were thrown on the crew member, and he was immediately beaten into a fishing net.

Hearing the sound of gunfire, the enemy on the ship appeared from different places, and some people started sweeping toward the plane with an automatic rifle.

Since the 7.62MM bullet poses a relatively small threat to the helicopter, not to mention that the helicopter keeps coiling and cannot hit it for a while. On the contrary, the front sight is showing great power at this time. This guy's left hand passed through a grip on the edge of the cabin, and the person kneeled. On the ground, relying on the proportions to stick himself to the cabin, grabbing the grip of the SVD sniper rifle with his right hand, and placing the gun directly on the arm of his left hand.


An enemy running to the shooting position of the 12.7MM heavy machine gun was hit. The man staggered into the railing of the ship's side, then turned over and fell into the sea.



The SVD sniper rifle kept spurting flames.

Although this gun is an old-fashioned model, it is not inferior to any kind of sniper rifle after the modification of the front sight and the addition of night vision equipment. Especially at a distance of 400 meters, it is almost one shot.

More importantly, this gun has a magazine capacity of 10 rounds, which has an advantage in firepower continuity.

"Go ahead! Go ahead!"

Qin Fei saw the right time and shouted at the two pilots, "On the deck of their bow, can you land by plane!?"

"No, no, no!" The two pilots felt goose bumps all over their bodies.

Airborne! ?

Damn this guy is crazy! ?

The first thought that flashed through the minds of the two pilots was that Qin Fei must be a lunatic.

Landing on an unshakable and sloping ship deck is a gamble. Once the waves push the ship up, the deck will directly hit the helicopter, knocking the helicopter out of balance and causing the crash.

What's more, if there are enemies around them shooting at them, this is simply a living target.

The cockpit glass of UH-1 is not an Apache gunship, and it is not bulletproof!

"No, no! There are too many things underneath that we can't land by plane, and our landing gear is broken again. You must take it down!" A pilot finally found a high-sounding excuse to refuse Qin Fei.

Qin Fei stomped his feet, he had no time to talk to these two **** now, and there was no time to even draw a gun and threaten them.

Must seize the opportunity to land.

Because the Hornet knew that there were not many people being attacked at this time, the damage caused by the two anti-ship missiles caused most people to go to rescue and self-rescue, including the FOX team also entered the lower deck. In fact, there are not many people staying on the driving tower and on the deck.

After killing five enemies with a single face, the deck suddenly looked much cleaner.

"Let's hover over, the old fish is ready to drop down!"

UH-1 ventured to the bow, stabilized at an altitude of 30 meters, and then hovered.

The old fish slammed the nylon cable out of the cabin, and a large roll of nylon cable fell in the air and quickly hung onto the deck.

The sea surface at night is high and windy, and visibility is very low.

Looking down from the side of the 30-meter-high helicopter cabin, what you see is not the feeling of landing on land. At this time, the deck of the Hornet seems to be a small sampan floating on the sea. The board is small and swaying~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qin Fei grabbed the nylon rope, and did not clamp the rope with his feet to offset the descending momentum like ordinary airborne troops, but directly did it on the figure 8 loop of the belt A circle, and then jumped out, the person turned into a small dot in an instant, disappearing at the end of the rope.

Less than three seconds! Qin Fei had actually landed on the deck!

The speed is simply incredible!

You know, there are many types of cable drop, and Qin Fei uses the most difficult one.

This type of cable descent does not rely on the feet, but only relies on the strength of the two arms to control the descent speed. The advantage is that the speed is fast, but there are many disadvantages, which are difficult to control and easy to cause accidents.

The faster the rope descends, the greater the heat generated in the palm of the hand. Generally, airborne soldiers will have special rope descend gloves. If you play this kind of fast rope descend, you can send it to scrap after a few times. The heat generated during the descent can be Scorch the surface of the glove.

The rapid descent is generally carried out on land, and the rapid descent from a ship on the sea has never been seen before.

"Fak! Qin is dying!"

The sight of the sight almost fell to the ground.

Taking a look at the polar bear, he shook his head incredible and said: "He is crazy!"

Before his words fell, Lao Yu jumped out from the cabin, and like Qin Fei, it was also in this fast landing mode...


The front sight eyes are round again.

"They came from the same unit!?"

The polar bear shrugged and said, "You go down first!"

After finishing speaking, he swept a shuttle of machine gun rounds at a newly emerging enemy on the ship and hit the opponent against the wall next to the hatch.

"I'll come first!"

On the other hand, the sight hung the SVD on his back, picked up an AK-47 and put it on his back. On the ship, the SVD had no effect.

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