Absolute Honor

Chapter 429: Princess trouble

"Yes, when my sister Charlotte and I were born, my mother was not in the main room. At that time, my brother's mother was in the main room, so we belonged to the concubine."

Hassan doesn't shy away from his identity at all, but this identity is probably an open secret in Morro Kingdom.

"Recently I received some news that someone wanted to use my affection for Charlotte to threaten me. I once considered letting the Royal Guard protect Charlotte, but in order to protect me and my father, the guards have done their best to protect me. I don’t have elite personnel, so I can only consider hiring foreign aid."

"Your country does not have an army?" Qin Fei smiled, "Send hundreds of soldiers to protect the princess. I'm afraid it's better than anything."

"Cough cough—" Hassan coughed slightly, his face seemed a little unnatural.

"On this issue, I think I have been deliberate, and I saw the skills of you and your friends last night. From this point of view, I agree with your combat effectiveness very much. I think in our country, No one is better than you, more professional."

Hasan didn't answer his question directly, which made Qin Fei feel that the crown prince in front of him seemed unspeakable.

Every family has sutras that are difficult to recite.

No one can avoid emperors, generals, and the general public.

He did not intend to continue to ask questions, now the goal of the mission seems to be very clear.

Is to protect a princess named Charlotte.

In terms of rewards, Qin Fei felt that he would bring all the elites of the X mercenary group with him to ensure that security could smoothly transition to after Crown Prince Hassan was crowned.

Once successful, the reputation of the X mercenary group will rise to the next level.

"Okay, I promise you, I'll take this matter."

"After 50 days, preparations for the abdication ceremony and coronation ceremony will begin. On the morning of the 80th day, the coronation ceremony will officially begin. That month is a critical period." Hassan said, "So I hope your team I can officially take over Charlotte’s close security work in fifty days."

"Where is your sister now?" Qin Fei was a little worried that Hassan's opposition would act on Charlotte now.

Hasan clearly understood Qin Fei’s meaning, and shook his head: “They won’t do it too early. It’s too early. The coronation and abdication ceremonies are too long. On the contrary, they are prone to change. Besides, the time of the abdication and coronation ceremonies is still kept secret. At this stage, apart from me and my father, only Mr. Qin currently knows about it. Please keep it secret for me."

Qin Fei was shocked that Hassan trusted him to such an extent.

If you don't trust yourself very much, if you reveal these important secrets, it will be a disaster for Hassan and will completely disrupt all his plans.

"Thank you for your trust in me, Your Highness, don't worry, I will leave tonight and be ready at the end, and then I will go to Morro Islands to find you."

"No, no, you don't need to go to the Moro Islands." Hassan shook his head: "Charlotte is not in the Moro Islands. To ensure her safety, I deliberately arranged for her to go to Europe on vacation. I have arranged enough for her. Duo formed, and also entrusted my friends in Europe to hold many parties and banquets, try to drag her in Europe, at least where she is safer than at home, war does not belong to women, that is our men’s business."

"Well, don't worry, I will accept Princess Charlotte's security job on time in fifty days. As long as Qin Fei is still there, I will not hurt your sister."

Hassan smiled and nodded. He had to say that the young man in front of him had a convincing attitude. After all, he was the crown prince. He had been studying in a British aristocratic school since he was a child. A typical British gentleman's demeanor.

The two exchanged contact information such as email and telephone, and Hassan asked Qin Fei to tell himself the offshore bank account number in order to allocate remuneration and necessary funds.

When I returned to the hall, it was already full of people, and they were all together in a small circle talking about something.

After Qin Fei and Hassan bid farewell to them, they went to look for Lao Yu. They did not find Lao Yu, but first saw Diago in the crowd.

"Hey, Diago, have you seen the old fish and them?"

Holding the lieutenant colonel who was chatting hotly with two black girls with a front/convex/backward figure, Qin Fei asked, "Did you see me?"

"Boss, who would pay attention to men in a place like this?"

The actor winked at Qin Fei with a pained expression on his face, indicating that he was picking up a girl, and asked Qin Fei not to ruin his good deeds.

Looking around, he didn't see the old fish and them, so Qin Fei had to ask Diago, "Where is your uncle?"

"Second floor." The dramatist poked the second floor with his index finger impatiently, and then turned his face to continue dancing with the black girls.

Qin Fei knew that even with nine cows, Diago could not be pulled away from the woman, so he had to go up the stairs to find Lawrence on the second floor.

Today he must tell the minister about the arms that were pulled away from the training camp. Without these, he would not be able to solicit business even if he rebuilt the training camp.

As soon as I went to the second floor, I saw the door of a room at the end of the corridor being pushed open. Lawrence and a guest came out of the room, hugging and shaking hands again, seeming to have a very happy conversation.

"Minister." Qin Fei stepped forward.

Lawrence saw Qin Fei and was stunned for a moment, then beckoned: "Qin, I'm about to find you."

So farewell to the guests, and smiled and invited Qin Fei into the room.

This is the club's office-like place. In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, there is a huge solid wood desk, and in front of the desk is a huge carpet with a sofa and a coffee table.

"any drinks?"

The minister walked to the cabinet, took out a bottle of red wine and a bottle of whiskey from it, and shook it in his hand.

"Whatever you want," Qin Fei said, "Minister, I will drink whatever you drink."

Lawrence said with a smile: "Qin, I really like you as a fellow. You remind me of my youthful years. Those were turbulent times, but they were so passionate and full of passion..."

While pouring wine into the glass, he sighed with emotion.

This made Qin Fei a little puzzled, and did not understand why the Minister suddenly became emotional~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Holding a wine and walking to Qin Fei, Lawrence sat on the sofa and raised his legs, making him comfortable. She leaned on the soft chair back, shook the glass and watched the amber liquor spin in the glass.

After a long time, he said, "Are you here today for munitions?"

Seeing that Lawrence was so straightforward, Qin Fei didn't intend to hide it, so he confessed: "Yes, Mr. Minister, although I have taken over the training camp now, it is now in ruins. I have to start over everything."

"Well, I know this." Lawrence said, lighting his round and fat head.

Qin Fei said: "I heard that a large part of the weapons in the arsenal were confiscated and transported away by government forces. I wonder if this happened?"


Lawrence's answer was not detour at all, which surprised Qin Fei.

"So..." Qin Fei tentatively said, "I wonder if Mr. Minister can return part of it?"

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