Absolute Honor

Chapter 430: Ginger is old and spicy

   "Return part of it?" Lawrence's gaze squinted and fell on Qin Fei's face: "Do you mean free or paid?"

It was another sentence too straightforward. X

This means, feelings are asking for money?

"If you think you need some money, Minister, I can pay, but I have spent almost all of the money to rebuild the training camp." Qin Fei feels that it is comfortable to deal with people like Lawrence. Everything is straightforward. It is impossible for everyone to cover up. Playing a game of guessing under the covers.

"Yes, within my abilities, I will pay for it."

Since opening the skylight to speak brightly, this is also in line with Qin Fei's character, and he simply speaks openly.

"Qin, I appreciate your refreshment." Lawrence poured the whiskey into his mouth in one sip, "I'll give you the count, you will pay me 400 dollars for an ak-47 automatic rifle, and an rp-46 machine gun will count you for 600 dollars. There are PK machine guns for 800 US dollars, as well as mortars, recoilless guns and rpg rocket launchers. I will pack them all for you. I will return all the ones I took in your training camp, and then you can still pay if you don’t have enough. Buy from me, as long as I have it in my arsenal, I will sell it."

Qin Fei's heart suddenly ran past a group of grass mud horses.

Lawrence's tone sounded very generous and righteous, but in reality it was a lion's mouth.

An ak-47 is worth at most US$200 in Africa. Even if the old model rp-46 is properly maintained, you can buy it at most 300!

Not to mention other RPGs. Although Lawrence didn't mention the price, it can be seen from the previous ak-47 that almost everyone is selling to himself by raising the market price by half.

Isn't this nonsense! ?

The stuff was towed from his training camp warehouse, and he would recognize it when he took it back to collect the money. Qin Fei knew that Lawrence, an old fox, would of course not give it away, but he didn't expect to sell it back to him at a doubled price.

This is not to say that it is an explicit robbery, it is simply extortion!


Qin Fei cursed Lawrence secretly in his heart, but had to suppress his anger and said: "Minister, these things were originally from the training camp. Since something went wrong, they were taken away. I admit it, but the price... is it too outrageous? ?"

"Is it outrageous?" Lawrence said with an innocent look. "Brother, you seem to have a misconception up to now, that is, you have obtained the right to operate the training camp, so the contents are yours. This way The idea is wrong, and it's dangerous..."

Hearing this, Qin Fei vaguely felt something was wrong.

Sure enough, Lawrence put down the cup, twisted his hands on his chest, and looked at Qin Fei. "The training camp is official in Eritrea. What you get is only the right to operate. And the arms in there are indeed not owned by the Eritrean military, but they are. Robert’s, since Robert is dead, we have his partner. Of course I have the right to order all the arms and equipment to be taken away. Is there anything wrong with me doing this?"

Qin Fei's head suddenly went blank.

He realized that he had met his opponent today.

When it comes to fighting ability, I don't know where it is higher than the black pig in front of me.

But when it comes to methods and minds, he and Lawrence, the Secretary of Defense, are really more than a block behind.

Qin Fei felt unable to refute what Lawrence said.

That’s right, those arms and equipment are indeed Robert’s rather than his own. Lawrence promised that his own is only the right to operate the land and the camp, just like the landlord promised to rent the house to you. If not stated, the house There is no need to equip furniture, unless it has been specifically mentioned that there are supporting facilities.

This is the business loophole.

Although Qin Fei had studied at a university, he did not have the actual combat of this kind of interest negotiation, and the other party was the minister of defense of a country, and he had been used to big scenes a long time ago. When it comes to playing methods in front of him, he is of the ancestor level.

"Brother, don't you think I'm putting you together now?" Lawrence didn't seem to have the triumphant triumph, but his eyes were full of sincerity.

"This..." Qin Fei didn't know how to answer, unless he wanted to tear his face, or if he had to suffer, he would secretly swallow it in his stomach.

"I know you must think I played you, but my brother, I really didn't play you." Lawrence said: "I only promised you the right to operate. I never said that all the weapons in it belong to you. Don't think I drink well water. People who grew up were not as smart as you grew up drinking tap water. If black people were stupid before, some black people have learned to be shrewd. When people from every country came, we all warmly welcomed people from every country and we promised to cooperate sincerely without reservation. , But what did we get in the end?"

Lawrence laughed and said: "In exchange for deception, I believe that 99% of people who come to Africa are for money. For the diamonds, gold, minerals, oil and wood resources here, you ask them whether they love it or not. Africa? They must say love. But it's all deceitful. They took away valuable things, leaving only pollution and poverty, as well as wars. Since hundreds of years ago, they have been like this time and time again. There have been no exceptions."

Qin Fei was dumbfounded. He wanted to refute, but he seemed unable to refute it.

Even when I came here, didn’t I think about digging diamonds to make money?

Lawrence was right.

"If we have become slippery now, it is also a gift from those outsiders." Lawrence sighed lightly, looked at Qin Fei with a gloomy face, and comforted: "Of course, I still have a better impression of the people of Z. Okay, you are different from those white-skinned pigs. We have also noticed this, so I did not intend to embarrass you."

He yawned from the sofa, put his face in front of Qin Fei and said, "You may have considered looking for other arms suppliers to buy, but my brother, I would persuade you to die~www.wuxiaspot.com ~Why?" Qin Fei's anger began to burn again. Doesn't he have to buy it from the military? Listening to Lawrence's tone, it seems that there is something in the words. Is this threatening yourself?

"The reason is simple." Lawrence said: "Your current team has just been formed, and there is not even a company. A mercenary organization that has no formal photographs is not protected by any international law. It is even regarded as an underground mercenary organization, which is illegal. , So you can’t get any arms from a regular arms dealer.”

"It seems that ten and eight arms are illegal, isn't it?" Qin Fei said, "Especially in Africa, I don't believe that all the weapons in the arms are purchased by regular arms dealers! "

"Yes, it is a fact that there are a large number of illegal arms dealers active in Africa." Minister Lawrence laughed: "However, since they are illegal arms dealers, it means that many of them are wanted criminals themselves. You are willing to Do you have to deal with criminals? Brother, we are people who have lived and died. Let me advise you a few words. Don’t think that being an illegal underground mercenary in Africa can make a lot of money. I have been in the army for so many years and participated in a lot. In the battle, there are not a hundred or dozens of underground mercenary organizations I have ever seen, but how many have a good ending?"

"Trust me, brother, you are a smart person. You will never like the life of being an illegal mercenary. I am giving you a chance, a chance to embark on a different path. You should thank me."

Qin Fei stared at the old fox with scorching eyes, and said coldly: "What opportunity?" rw

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