Absolute Honor

Chapter 470: Davarihi

Southampton Port.

The Opel Commercial Wagon drove into the port area and stopped in front of a railing at a large iron gate.

Through the barbed wire, you can see that there is already a port, many ships are parked in berths, and forklifts and cranes on the dock are busy unloading cargo.

A head stuck out from the security room next to the railing, and the white man wearing a hard hat and a security vest poked his head out of it and asked in a rough English with a strong Russian accent, "What's the matter!?"

"Find someone." The polar bear opened the window and said directly to the security guard in Russian.

"Who are you looking for?"

Although the polar bear is Russian, the security guard's voice is still rough, vigilant and unwelcome.

"Look for Nikolay," said the polar bear. "Just say that his comrades in GRU came to him."

Hearing about the identity of "GRU's comrade-in-arms", the security guard's eyes lit up and his tone became more polite: "Is there any proof?"

"You give him a call and say that Shasa is coming to him." said the polar bear.

The security guard glanced at the Opel car and seemed to notice that there was more than a polar bear in the car. Then he turned back to the guard room and picked up the phone to dial. After putting down the phone, he nodded to the polar bear and said: "Trouble is here, wait, he Come here now."

Less than two minutes later, I saw a Jaguar galloping here from a distance, stopped by the security room, and jumped out of the evacuation, a fierce looking guy dressed in fur, got out of the car and looked at the polar bear. At a glance, he shouted at the security guard: "Raise the railing! Hurry up!"

Then he opened his arms and trot over quickly, almost "hit" with the polar bear.

"Davarish!" This fierce looking guy was choking, "It's been a long time!"

The two punched each other a few more times, punches to the flesh, bangs, Kunchai and the crosshair who were watching were frightened, and those who didn't understand thought that these two buddies were enemies.

"Nickley, you're so confused!"

The polar bear looked at the former comrade in front of him, then at the Jaguar and the expensive fur, and teased: "Could it be that you won the lottery with your retirement fee?"

"No! I'm just hanging around the pier and doing some trading business." Nikolay said, "I know you have been in Africa, but I can't find you. Even Nadya said I didn't know your exact address, she just I only received the money you sent her after a while, and she missed you very much and worried about you!"

"No way, I often have to go on missions there, and the place of residence is not fixed at all." The polar bear suddenly remembered something, turned and pointed at Qin Fei and the others: "Come, let me introduce you to the other members of our mercenary group, now I'll have a meal with them."

As a result, the polar bear introduced Qin Fei and his teammates to Nikolay one by one.

Qin Fei learned through the brief introduction of the polar bear that Nikolay and Sasha the polar bear were partners who grew up together. The paratroopers.

After that, both of them retired one after another. Sasha went to Africa as a mercenary, while Nikolay chose to go to Europe and eventually became the little boss here.

After the introduction, everyone got in the car and drove with Jaguar all the way to Nikolay's office.

"Nickley, I'm in trouble here now." The polar bear said straight to Nikolay: "I need to get out of here through a special channel. Can you do it?"

"Leave here? Where to go?" Nicole said: "It's better to stay here. I have a lot of business here, and I am short of helpers. With your ability, you can definitely break into a world here."

Sasha smiled and said, "You know me, and don't like to go your way."

Nikolay sighed and said: "Okay, am I still not sure about you? In this case, I will not reluctantly, but you have to leave me an exact address so that I can find you."

"Now my friends and I have a mercenary training camp in Eritrea. It should be a place where I will often stay in the future. Even after the mission, as long as I am not dead, I will go back there." The polar bear took a pen and paper and wrote to Nikolay.了 address.

Nikolay said: "It's easy for you to leave. One of my business is to help people who want to come to Europe realize their wishes. I don't know where you want to go?"

The polar bear said: "Morocco, or other countries in Africa will do."

"Morocco is no problem. Nan'an has a cargo ship route there. I'll arrange it for you right away." After Nikolai finished speaking, he walked to the desk and picked up the landline to make a call.

The polar bear said, "Nickley, there are some things I can't hide from you. I think I must let you know who we provoke."

"I don't care about him, no one will buy it here!" Nikolay said indifferently.

"It's not a person, it's the intelligence service, the British intelligence service, MI6." The polar bear said: "If they track it down in the future, they may track it down to you, and it may cause you trouble."

Nikolai froze for a moment, and immediately said: "You and I are brothers, and I am obliged to help you. Even if you provoke the Queen of England, I will help you."

After speaking, I started to make phone calls in front of everyone. After a communication, it was quickly determined.

Putting down the microphone, Nikolay said, "You don't need to go anywhere now, just wait here. Is there anything else in the car?"

Qin Fei was taken aback, and immediately understood what Nikolay meant.

He was also a paratrooper, so he knew some of the doorways of the intelligence department.

Everyone is driving an Opel, if MI6 is tracked down, I am afraid that this Opel will be tracked down.

"There are still some weapons on it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ OK, you take it off, and then I will send someone to dispose of the car." Nikolay smiled and said: "Don't worry, we deal with it professionally, it will be Unload the eight yuan and ship it to other countries to sell. I guarantee that MI6 will not be found."

"Weapons can also be brought on board?"

"What's wrong? Everyone can ship it out. Only a little weapon is a big thing?" Nikolay said: "Sometimes we transport weapons to Africa from one cabinet to another. No problem, there are customs on the docks here. my people."

So everyone hurriedly went downstairs to the garage and took out all the guns and ammunition on the Opel car. Back upstairs, the polar bear and his good friend Nikolay had already sat down at the table with a pile of food and vodka on the table. , Began to drink.

Qin Fei couldn't laugh or cry. Polar bears would drink everywhere. From the first day they knew him, they were in a drunk state. It seems that the fighting nations like to drink is really not a false rumor.

"Qin, what are your plans when you return to Africa?" Nikolay said, "I heard that you came to the UK this time to buy the arms for your base. Have you remembered being tricked by Victor?"

"Well, it's really embarrassing to say it." Qin Fei smiled helplessly: "This time I came to Britain and found nothing, and I have to go back to Africa in despair."

"Actually, I have heard of Victor. I have seen him several times. He has his own trading company and shipping company, which specializes in transporting arms for him."

Nikolai picked up the bottle and poured a glass of wine for Qin Fei, and pushed it in front of Qin Fei, "Do you want to know what is the relationship between Victor and MI6?"

Hearing Nikolai said that he knew Victor, everyone's eyes were immediately attracted.

Everyone wants to figure out all the confusion that came to the UK this time.

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