Absolute Honor

Chapter 471: The history of white gloves

"What's the relationship?" Qin Fei never figured out why Victor temporarily changed his mind, and why MI6 had to stare at Victor. He thought that Victor's arms trading might be illegal, so MI6 would stare at him.

Later, it was not right to think about it. After talking to Sergey and the bald man in the farm house, Qin Fei felt that the matter was not that simple.

"We Russians have a saying, if someone treats you as a friend, then he will definitely not mind drinking a bottle of wine with you."

After speaking, Nikolay's gaze fell on the wine glass in front of Qin Fei.

Qin Fei usually doesn't drink much, but since Nikolay said that, let alone he has something to ask for, he had to drink this wine for the sake of the polar bear.

He picked up a full glass of vodka and poured it into his stomach.

"Okay!" Nikolay grinned, "I like happy people!"

"I'll tell you about Victor now. By the way, he is also of Russian origin."

Speaking of this, Nikolay set his sights on the polar bear: "He used to be an officer in the army of the Kiev Military District, but when our great Soviet motherland was disintegrated, the army had gone through a difficult period. Victor was A company commander and more than a hundred troopers were waiting for dinner."

"At that time, Western arms dealers flocked to him. Victor initially sold some armored vehicles, automatic rifles, machine guns, etc. in the armory to the arms dealers to fill the stomachs of his brothers. Then he found out that it turned out to be The old country no longer exists, and no one cares about what they are the lower-level officers doing, so he simply didn't even do it as an officer and became an arms dealer by himself."

"With his good relationship in the military and his ability to speak well, he has already established some relationships and sales networks with some arms dealers before, so this guy is running everywhere between the disintegrated countries. From bayonet pistols, to tanks and airplanes, in the end even a few ships were inverted."

"During this period, Victor's arms business grew stronger and stronger. Anyway, he was definitely indispensable when there was a battle. Later, the Chechen War provided him with an opportunity. At that time, a large number of mercenaries entered Chechnya, which required a lot of arms. At that time, Western countries wanted to sell weapons to Chechen armed forces, but they were afraid of angering Russia, so they needed someone familiar with Chechnya and Russia to be their white gloves."

"It is just such a coincidence that Victor has become the most reliable white glove in the hands of the military and even the government of several Western powers. In order to avoid the Russian intelligence agencies from chasing him down, this guy hid in the British Empire. Continue to do his own arms business. Because he has always helped the government and even some politicians and intelligence organizations to ship goods, when there is no business, he will do his own arms trade."

"But because of his special status, even if Interpol has already targeted him because of the civil war caused by the influx of weapons into African countries, he has never been able to get him because of the protection of the intelligence agencies and the government."

Qin Fei interjected: "Well, according to the information I got, Victor and MI6 are acquaintances."

"Hmph! Those Western governments who are honest and respectful will admit that they are actually selling arms to rebel groups or rebels? Sometimes they are like overthrowing a government. The best way is to provide arms, and Victor is their best. Good white gloves, so Victor and MI6 know that this incident is not fake at all, but real."

"For example, the British Empire or France. Although they have lost many colonies in Africa, their influence is still deep-rooted. Many of the local governments are secretly controlled. If certain political factors and interests do not match, they will support the rebels. Overthrow this current government and achieve their goals."

"I've heard MI6 attack him this time. Of course, we are not interested in participating in the grudge between Victor and MI6. After all, we are not the same with Victor, and I even hate that guy."

Niclair said: "I heard that MI6 and Victor fell out because of an arms deal. Victor didn't listen to MI6, but MI6 didn't dare to touch him publicly, because this guy knows too much. There are many Western countries’ governments and intelligence agencies that are elusive."

"In that case, why don't you just kill him?" The sight couldn't help but said: "MI6 can even use SAS. It's too easy to kill a Victor."

Nikolay looked at the front sight with a smile but a smile: "Brother, you are too naive. Do you think Victor can be mixed from an army captain to his status today. Does his IQ have a negative number? Is that information on my own body? The day MI6 killed Victor was when their secrets were exposed. Now I look at Victor or MI6, I guess they have their own bottom line~www.wuxiaspot .com~No one dared to really tear his face."

"Victor has slipped away now." Qin Fei smiled bitterly, "I knew it was these two guys who bit the dog, so we won't get involved."

"The most **** thing is Victor." The sight was tickled with hatred: "He is actually using us. Next time I see the choppy, I must let his head bloom!"

"Why don't you guys, you can really see him." Nikolay looked at the front sight to the right and looked at Qin Fei, smiling mysteriously: "I heard that the arms deal involving Victor and MI6 was in conflict. In Africa, if he slips now, where do you say he is most likely to go?"

"Africa!" everyone said almost in unison.

"Damn, dare you to go to our home court?" The old fish turned to look at Qin Fei and said, "Or, if we go back to Africa and just scrape the ground three feet, we need Victor, not to peel him a layer of skin. No, let him know that our X mercenary group is not easy to bully!"

Qin Fei smiled bitterly: "The problem we don't even know where he is going now. Africa is so big, where are we going to find him? It's not reliable than finding a needle in a haystack."

"I know someone who might be able to help you." Nikolay's words once again brought surprises to everyone.

"Who?" Of course Qin Fei wanted to find Victor to settle the account. It was not for personal grievances, but this time Victor really played everyone up. If this happened, it might also damage the reputation of the X mercenary group. .

If you don't retaliate against Victor, everyone in the future will think that your corps will be bullied.

"An intelligence dealer is also a top hacker." Victor said: "He will definitely help you, I can guarantee. This guy is extremely well informed. Although he only appeared in London six months ago, I ask him. None of the information gathered has failed."

Recommend the new book of the city **** old Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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