Absolute Honor

Chapter 472: Codenamed "Blue Cat"

"I think it's OK." Qin Fei said: "How much does an intelligence cost?"

"Then you have to talk to the other party." Nikolay said, "He often stays in the dark web chat room on the Internet. When someone comes in to find him, it will reconnect with you for a video chat, and then the two parties will talk. Good price, he will provide you with the information you need in a short time."

"When will we leave Annan Puton?" Qin Fei asked.

Nikolay said: "My people have arranged for you. I estimate that I can leave tomorrow night and arrive at the Moroccan port in about eight days."

"Do you think that in less than 36 hours, the intelligence dealer can provide us with details of Victor's whereabouts?"

"Oh! Don't worry about that, my friend, you should believe in technology." Nicole said: "This intelligence dealer is called'Blue Cat'. It suddenly appeared in the dark web chat room six months ago. We usually conduct some transactions through the dark web, and there is a gathering place for hackers and underground intelligence dealers, so we often encounter people who sell intelligence there."

"And this'blue cat' became famous after it appeared half a year ago. Everyone knows that this person is very powerful, but he can almost get any information needed. For example, we like to get the coast patrol timetable and patrol route, etc. , To avoid inspection, he can provide us with less than one disappearance, and the service is in place, even if the patrol time is temporarily changed there, he will immediately update it to us in less than half an hour."

"It sounds like it's a bit magical." Qin Fei was quite surprised. It seems that there are really some capable people in the dark web world.

"Actually, I didn't believe him at first, but then I learned that Blue Cat is a Russian man, and I developed a sense of trust, so I deliberately gave him a job and asked him to help me eliminate one of my cars. There were dozens of ticket records in the police station, but he did it in less than an hour, and the work I gave him once again proved that he is indeed a great character."

Nikolay spread his hands: "Now, he not only collects money, but also exchanges information on the dark web, sharing resources with other people, or if you ask him for help, you don’t need to pay, but you can use valuable information to repay the debt. Yes, so he quickly became a popular celebrity, everyone knows that he has the most resources."

"Nickley, how do I think you are his agent." The old fish smiled aside, "It seems that you are trying to sell your own models?"

"Oh! I swear to God, I really don’t know the blue cat, at least I haven’t seen him very face, he wears a blue cat head mask every time the video covers his face, in fact it’s dark Online transactions could have been faceless, but this guy seems to be very confident in his technology and feels that no one can track him."

"Well, listening to what you said, I am really moved. Anyway, there is still time. I am idle and I am idle. Let's meet this Mr. Blue Cat and see if he can provide us with something worthy of Victor. Intelligence, I'm willing to pay this money, at least Victor won't let us play our corps without such a small loss."

Qin Fei said: "This old slippery person, I must let him know that there is a price to pay for cheating, especially for some people who shouldn't be cheating."

"Okay!" Nikolay said, "I'm happy to be the middleman for you."

After speaking, he asked his subordinates to take his laptop and log in through the software. Since it was not the first time he had dealt with the blue cat, he only glanced at the friend list and found that the blue cat was indeed online.

Typing on the keyboard, Nikolay quickly told the blue cat of his needs.

The Blue Cat hardly hesitated and said that I would see you on the video in an hour, and the two parties would discuss the price when that time came.

During this hour, everyone was wiping their guns.

In fact, apart from being curious about whether the blue cat can obtain intelligence within an hour, basically no one is talking about the same thing as Nikolay.

After all, everyone knows that Russians have big mouths, even if Nikolai had been a paratrooper.

A big arms dealer who can't even look at MI6 can figure out whereabouts in an hour?

This sounds absolutely fantastic.

It took twenty minutes to wipe the guns, most of them couldn't stand it anymore. Last night, all the iron-clad men couldn't stand it. They all snored while lying on the sofa.

Only Qin Feiqiang kept his spirits. After all, he was the leader and couldn't fall asleep on his own, and he didn't have a top hat on Nikolay.

While waiting, I dozed off, and I don't know how much time had passed before I was slapped heavily on the shoulder.

"Qin, wake up, the blue cat is online."

When I opened my eyes, I saw Nikolay's shaved chin, and there was a slight smell of aftershave.

Qin Fei straightened up from the sofa, rubbed his eyes, and followed Nikolay to the laptop.

Seeing the portable screen, Qin Fei almost laughed.

In the video software ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a guy's head appeared on the screen with dim lighting behind him, but he could still see all kinds of figures. Obviously, this guy is an absolute dead house.

What made Qin Fei laugh the most was the mask that this guy wore on his head.

Seeing the mask, Qin Fei finally knew why this hacker and intelligence dealer was called "Blue Cat".

Because it was a Doraemon mask, maybe Nikolay hadn't watched Riman so much, so he didn't even know that it was called Doraemon.

"Hi, hello, how do you call you?" Qin Fei still held back a smile and asked politely.

The Doraemon on the screen nodded, pretending to be old-fashioned: "Just call me the blue cat, don't talk nonsense, I have the information you want."

Qin Fei didn't believe his ears. He quietly glanced at his watch. To be precise, less than an hour has passed since Nikolai contacted Blue Cat to discuss the deal. Only 50 minutes passed.

"So fast?" Qin Fei asked in surprise.

"Why? Don't believe my ability?" Blue Cat obviously doesn't like others to question his professional ability. "If you don't believe it, the transaction can be cancelled."

"No." Qin Fei said, "It's just too fast, I'm a little surprised."

"What's so surprising? To be honest, I know who you are." The blue cat started to show off his ability like a treasure. "You are all put on the police station's wanted list now, and MI6 Early in the morning, 4 field teams were looking for you everywhere. Last night you had a gun battle with people from MI6 on the outskirts of the farm. Am I right?"


Qin Fei didn't feel sleepy right now. He realized that the blue cat in front of him was really not so powerful. Nikolay didn't brag, and this kid was really capable of a bit against the sky.

Recommend the new book of the city **** old Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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