Absolute Honor

Chapter 487: "Guests" who are temporarily admitted

A beach somewhere in Morocco, deep water.

Two small assault boats passed through the waves. The leader was a SEAL team, followed by Qin Fei and his teammates.

At this time, the X mercenary group can be regarded as world-class in terms of equipment. The all SEAL standard equipment has given up the MP5K stolen from the MI6 operatives and replaced it with the more powerful HK416 automatic rifle. , The pistol gave up the P99 and replaced it with the P226, even the body armor was dragon scale armor.

It seems that this time Ms. M has really paid a lot of money for Qin Fei to settle the hostage crisis in Nigeria.

In fact, Qin Fei thinks that maybe Victor has not only the inside information about the cooperation with the British Empire, but also some of the intelligence agencies of country M and even the military's tricks that Victor has held in his hands.

Otherwise, the lighthouse nation has always been unprofitable and can't afford to act early. Even if it is their big cousin, the British Empire, they would not be able to cooperate in this way, and they actually used the aircraft carrier formation.

This kind of large formation is all silver when it moves, and it flows out like flowing water.

Everyone tried their best to lower their bodies, sticking to the inflatable column of the inflatable boat, and wearing night vision goggles to set up the HK416 automatic rifle with silencer, and aimed at the front.

This is Morocco. There was no prior communication with the military for this operation. It was originally a secret operation, so the less people know the better.

Looking at the beach getting closer and closer, if there is a coastal defense force, then it can only be brought down.

The first rubber boat rushed to the shore. The reconnaissance leader jumped off the boat first and trot all the way with his gun. After running more than 100 meters, he squatted on the ground and observed everywhere.

He is the bait. If someone is lying nearby at this time, they will shoot at him in order to avoid exposure.

After some reconnaissance, the guide confirmed that the surrounding area was safe, so he turned and used the infrared indicator to draw a circle towards all the teammates on the distant beach.

This is a pre-appointed signal and represents safety.

The SEAL squad and the members of the X mercenary regiment who were already on the beach raised the rubber assault boat and trot under the cover of the night to keep up with the guide. Everyone stopped in the windbreak forest not far from the beach, with quick hands and feet. A lot of leaves and hay were pulled to camouflage the assault boat.

The SEAL captain approached Qin Fei and said to him: "We can't participate in the operation, we can only send you here."

He pulled out the waterproof map from the combat vest, turned on the low-light small flashlight, swept it a few times, pointed to a location and said to Qin Fei: "According to intelligence, Victor and his men will unload the goods here. The unloading point is less than one kilometer away from our current location. It is a simple wharf."

He handed the map to Qin Fei: "Here you are, I can't use it. Although there is GPS, it's better to spare it. Electronic products are sometimes not trusted."

Qin Fei smiled and took the goodwill, and said to the SEAL team leader: "Everyone, check the watch. After five hours, if we can't come back smoothly, you will withdraw. If the situation permits, I will contact the aircraft carrier. Command center."

"OK, good luck to you!"

In the blessing of the SEAL captain, Qin Fei took his brother and disappeared into the darkness.

More than ten minutes later, one kilometer away, on the simple wharf of the small town called Kander, the lights were brightly lit.

This simple wharf was built by a powerful local businessman himself. In fact, it was not originally used for freight transportation. To be precise, it was only a fishermen's wharf, used to supply the passing fishing boats to refuel, water and supply, or some surrounding African small businesses. The fishermen of the country send the fish they catch here to trade.

After many years of operation, the facilities here are fairly complete, but due to limited conditions, large cargo ships cannot be berthed.

Victor chose here because his arms cannot openly enter the regular dock berth to unload without the protection of MI6 or CI/A.

He used his usual practice when he hadn't walked the white glove road before, when Victor was still an illegal arms dealer, relying on this method to ship weapons to Africa.

At this time, Kander Wharf was facing the sea, with a cargo ship of several thousand tons berthed, and many small cargo ships lined up around it.

Put down small containers from above the boom of the ship, each wooden-shell motor boat can carry a box, and then turn the bow and sway into the fishing port of Kande. There is a crane waiting at the berth. The containers on the ship were hoisted onto container trucks.

Twelve small container containers, a total of six large trailers can be handled.

These vehicles are hung with a logo of a certain food company, disguised as vehicles for transporting food, and there are a complete set of forgery procedures and a certain amount of cash in each vehicle, which is used to bribe law enforcement agencies along the road.

"Front sight, are you in place?"

"Boss, it's in place." A crosshair's answer soon came from the throat tremor headset.

Qin Fei asked: "You are in a high place, how many armed men can you see?"

"Four people next to the convoy, two at the dock, and the big cargo ship on the sea is uncertain and cannot be seen clearly."

"He doesn't seem to have many bodyguards." Qin Fei felt that it was really easy to deal with six-to-six when he knew that others were in secret.

Qin Fei asked: "Sight, how many are you sure to kill first?"

"It's okay to solve two in the shortest time. I want the two on the dock."

"Thor, how about you?"

For this mission, both Thor Eric and Crosshair chose MK11 as their weapon. This gun is between a rifle and a sniper rifle. It is a high-precision automatic rifle~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and can be used as an automatic rifle. , Can also be used as a sniper rifle at a certain distance, and with continuous firing function.

"Of course I can't lose to the black boy from South Africa." Eric usually quarrels with the front sight the most. Of course, he has to tease each other when he finds a chance. "Leave the two bodyguards on the right side of the parking lot to me."

"That's good. In this case, the rest is simply too easy to handle. I, Polar Bear, and Qin Fei are responsible for fixing two. It's too easy." Old Yu asked Qin Fei on the channel: "Qin Fei, how about Let’s do it now, so that there are no long nights and dreams, and get back to the aircraft carrier as soon as possible, and let the people of MI6 come over and take away the weapons."

Qin Fei checked the time, and now there was still four and a half hours before the retreat time agreed with the SEAL captain.

But of course he can do it sooner than later. He is about to agree to Lao Yu's suggestion, and his finger has been placed on the communication button.

Suddenly, the front sight hurriedly came from the earphones: "Attention! The situation has changed. There are new guests entering the venue! Emphasis, there are new guests entering the venue!"

The sight was hiding on the top of a nearby water tower. His position was the highest here, almost overlooking the entire wharf area.

The whole situation has changed, and the first thing to know is the sight.

Qin Fei hurried to inform everyone: "All are well hidden on the spot. No shooting is allowed without my order. Yuri, are you in the command center? I need factual information. Please find out the identities of these people immediately."

Qin Fei said as he slowly retracted into the haystack.

Three jeeps rolled up the loess, drove past Qin Fei's hidden location, and slid towards the dock.

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