Absolute Honor

Chapter 488: Fight

Qin Fei looked at his watch after the motorcade drove.

The current time is 12:13 at night, and the time according to the retreat agreement is 4 hours later, that is, the time when the sky is not yet full.

Once the day is completely bright, the retreat will easily reveal the traces.

Through the sight on the HK416 Gunslinger, Qin Fei stared at the off-road vehicle that suddenly appeared in twos at the dock.

"Yuri, you ask the people in MI6, why don't they have predictive information about these people? I need information about these people."

Qin Fei must now figure out what the other party's background is. This is the experience he left when he was in London last time. Fortunately, he didn't shoot and kill the MI6 field team that was monitoring him, otherwise the hatred between him and MI6 would be completely ended. Big.

"The people at MI6 said that they did not receive any information from these people. It is probably a temporary emergency." Yuri's answer came from the headset. "I need their facial images for analysis. Who will give me some pictures."

The first thing Qin Fei thought of was the front sight.

As a sniper, he is also an observer of the entire team. He has video surveillance equipment in his hand and can send image data online to the dedicated channel provided by the Carl Vinson for this MI6 operation.

"Front sight, did you hear that? Yuri needs image data."

"Boss, received." The sight of the sight is now condescending, very suitable for observation.

He put the sniper rifle aside gently, then took out a miniature camera dedicated to reconnaissance from the combat backpack next to it, and connected it to the individual terminal PAD.

This set of equipment is provided by the weapons experts in the SEAL team on the Carl Vinson. It is a special equipment for the M Army's special forces. It is simple to operate, superior in performance and reliable.

Soon, the night vision image immediately appeared on the small screen of the PAD.

The front sight exclaimed in a low voice: "I like this stuff!"

The image turned out to be in color. This is a high-end thing in night vision equipment. Ordinary night vision equipment has a single green color or infrared heating patches.

And this one turned out to be a high-resolution color image, no different from the image taken during the day.

Three or two black off-road vehicles stopped in the open space in front of the pier.

The two cars one behind the other opened the doors first, and a bunch of black people filed down, all with AK47 automatic rifles in their hands.

"There are armed personnel, all equipped with AK47s, and they seem to have received military training..."

The front sight in charge of observing mechanically reported what he saw.

The six militants who were getting off the car circled around and waved to the car in the middle.

The door of the middle vehicle opened, and a tall, thin, bald black man appeared in sight.

As soon as he got out of the car, people around him swarmed up to form a defensive circle around him.

Obviously, this guy is a person with a different identity, and the others seem to be bodyguards.

"There is a big fish, have you seen the tall and thin bald head." The sight said.

Eric sneered: "You quickly send the picture, don't talk about it here, you are using a high-resolution observation lens, we can only see the outline."

The tall and thin man and his subordinates circled around three of the vehicles with containers already loaded, and one of his subordinates held something similar to a satellite phone to his ear.

After a while, Victor, who had been standing on the dock directing the unloading, seemed to have moved, and brought the two bodyguards from the dock toward the parking lot.

The two sides met soon, the thin tall man opened his hands, and seemed to enthusiastically want to hug Victor, and Victor didn't seem to be interested in this, but simply stretched out his hand and shook the thin tall man.

Under the micro-camera of the front sight, the facial features of all the people present were transported back to the Carl Vinson command center.

Facial recognition systems began to compare facial features in the massive databases of CIA and MI6.

"Yuri, is there any result of the recognition?" Qin Fei was a little anxious. After all, three of the six cars have been installed, and the remaining is estimated to be installed in half an hour.

The action must be carried out quickly.

"Still distinguishing, it will take some time." Yuri said.

Qin Fei sighed, and had to ask Lao Yu on the channel: "Lao Yu, how is your situation there?"

"I'm moving, moving closer to the parking lot." Lao Yu replied.

In this operation, the front sight and Eric were responsible for long-distance support, while Qin Fei took Kun Guai as a group and was responsible for attacking the four Victor’s men in the parking lot, while the old fish and the polar bear were responsible for directly attacking the dock. Kill Victor's two bodyguards and capture Victor.

It's just that the situation seems to have changed a bit now. Victor ran to the parking lot and didn't mean to go back to the dock at all.

"Interesting." The sight said: "Boss, they are arguing, and it's very intense, the atmosphere is a bit wrong."

Qin Fei frowned. In his opinion, perhaps these people were sent by the Boka Holy Land organization. All previous intelligence thought that Victor would send the arms to the control area of ​​Boka Holy Land in Nigeria.

Perhaps because he wanted to complete the transaction as soon as possible to rescue his daughter, Victor chose to trade directly in Morocco?

Of course, everything is just my own conjecture.

But there is one thing that cannot be changed. Victor is the top priority. He must be safely caught in his own hands~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Keep an eye on them. Our goal is Victor. He can't do anything. "

"Okay, understand." The sight had put down the miniature camera at this time, the observation mission was over, and he returned to his AP sniper rifle.

"Yuri, are there any results on your side?"

Three minutes passed, as if three years had passed. Qin Fei was a little uncomfortable, because he saw the scene he least wanted to see in the scope-the body language of both sides began to increase. Although he didn't know what each other was talking about, it was certain that whether it was Wei Kedo was still tall and thin, all in a state of anger.

The muzzle of the guards on both sides is gradually raised, which means that both sides are becoming more alert and hostile.

Once the gun is aimed at the opponent, it may be the beginning of the fight.

"No, I'm still searching, but for sure, it's not a big shot." Yuri said very affirmatively.

"Why do you say that?" Qin Fei asked.

Yuri said without hesitation: "Because of system algorithm problems. The database of the facial recognition system is prioritized. On the MI6 and CIA lists, the more dangerous the monitored person is, his facial features will be ranked first. , And now it’s been almost four minutes without any results. The more you count backward, the less likely this guy will be a big fish."

As soon as Yuri’s voice landed, the front end of the headset immediately heard a low-sounding exclamation of the sight: "It looks like there is a fight, Fack!"

Then, the crisp AP gunfire sounded, and at the same time, the cheerful gunfire unique to AK47 rang in the parking lot.

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