Absolute Honor

Chapter 489: End the battle

The situation seemed unpredictable for a moment.

The first shot of AP was made by the front sight. Although Qin Fei did not get permission, he had to shoot at the thin and tall head that suddenly appeared later.

Because when the two sides were at war, this guy suddenly drew his pistol and headed it towards Victor's forehead.

As the key to the entire operation, Victor's safety is clearly in the first place. If this big arms dealer fails, it means that the entire operation will become meaningless.

No one knows if the tall and thin guy really wants to shoot, and no one knows if this guy’s pistol has been opened and the insurance is on top of the bullet. Although the night vision device is advanced, it is impossible to make such a judgment in the dark. .

The thin and tall head exploded like ice cream being smashed by a shovel, and the steaming brain and skull fragments splashed within one meter, splashing the several bodyguards beside him with all his heads and faces all over his face. .

They haven't even figured out what's going on, they only heard a gunshot, and their boss lay down on the ground like a dead fish and couldn't move.

Almost at the same time, the automatic rifles in both hands rang.

If you talk about the number of people, there are many people who are thin and tall; if you talk about firepower, the two sides are equal.

But one thing is that Victor secretly has the fire support of Qin Fei and others, which is equivalent to two people of equal level fighting for life and death in the ring, but the referee is pulling sideways.

When the two snipers, sight and Thor, fired at the thin and tall subordinates at the same time, the two assault teams of Lao Yu and Qin Fei rushed out from the grass and woods on both sides, with the help of vehicles on the parking lot. As a cover, shot at the tall and thin man.

At the same time as the gunshot, Victor's bodyguards dutifully took Victor to escape, trying to hide behind an off-road vehicle in the temporary parking lot, using it as a temporary concealment.

It's just that the distance between the two parties is too close.

Several of Victor's bodyguard and lanky subordinates fell in an instant, and even the investment of the bodyguard who dragged Victor away was shot in the back and overturned directly to the ground.

Victor fell to the ground, but fortunately avoided the bullet that was directed at him.

The warhead rubbed his scalp the moment he fell, shattering the off-road vehicle glass behind him.

He screamed in panic, and his survival instinct was at its fullest at this time. He almost crawled behind the tires of the off-road vehicle with his hands and feet, and squatted there panting like a dog chased for ten streets.

Of course the thin and tall subordinate who shot him will not let Victor go. After all, his boss is dead. If Victor is not killed, he may be difficult to deal with.

The AK47 in his hand was flaming, and the bullet rained on Victor's hiding position.

Fortunately, the wheels of the off-road vehicle were big enough and thick enough. After a few shots, although the tires were flat, the wheels blocked the deadly bullets that were directed at Victor.

Before the gunman fired a few shots, Qin Fei had already rushed to the edge of the parking lot. In the green night vision field of vision, he covered the gunner's head with the green dot in the sight glass and shot a beautiful burst.

Like training on the training ground, Qin Fei's performance is not bad when shooting at close range.

The gunman was shot before he even had time to hum.

The two teams of the X mercenary group made a sneak attack at this time, almost without any difficulty.

The two tall, thin bodyguards managed to escape and hide behind the truck, but they became the targets of the old fish and the polar bear who suddenly jumped out of the grass nearby.

They removed the AK47's magazine in their hands. Just before they had time to replace the new magazine, they found two black shadows appearing in the grass in front of them.

Lao Yu didn't have a moment to leave these people, but neatly and the polar bear pulled the trigger almost at the same time.

Two gunmen holding empty AK47s were beaten to the body, and blood was sprayed everywhere on the body.

Next, everything went on in an orderly manner.

The attack team of the X mercenary group, with the cooperation of the sight and Eric sniper, swept the entire trading scene like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves.

The two groups of Qin Fei and Lao Yu joined behind the vehicle, and then Qin Fei made a tactical sign language to Lao Yu, and everyone immediately separated and pushed forward from the left and right sides at the same time.

Qin Fei's group included himself and Kunchai. Kunchai was a newcomer, so Qin Fei walked ahead.

Turning out from the back of a truck, there was a gunner holding up an automatic rifle in a panic. Qin Fei's aiming speed was much faster than him, and the gun sounded first.

The gunman fell, it was Victor, not the tall and thin one.

Qin Fei had already seen this point before the shot, but now he had no time or opportunity to shout to Victor's men to explain that he didn't want his life.

This is not a story between a policeman and a thief, a robber and a special police officer. This is an attack by a mercenary team. It only requires quickness, and only requires Victor to take it alive. The lives of other redundant people are redundant.

Just one minute.

The entire assault operation came to an end. It all started with a mess of gunshots and ended after a burst of messy gunshots.

With the strong military quality and perfect firepower of the X mercenary group~www.wuxiaspot.com~ none of the thin and tall men survived, and only one of Victor's men was still alive, hiding in the off-road vehicle with Victor Behind.

"Victor! I am Qin Fei! We are not here to kill you. If you understand what I mean, then put down your gun and come out from behind the off-road vehicle. I promise you won't hurt you."

Qin Fei worried that Victor would worry too much, so he said again: "Like Minister Lawrence, I don't want to see you die under my gun."

He did not disclose the transaction between M and himself.

This is the professional ethics of mercenaries.

The reason why M did not dare to attack Victor was because he was worried that Victor would tear his face and reveal the secrets in his hands, and also worried that SAS or the special forces of the United States military might be involved in making mistakes and causing political consequences.

Therefore, Qin Fei is now entering this incident as a mercenary leader.

Because Victor played Qin Fei together, Qin Fei had enough reasons to look for Victor to be unlucky. At least on the surface, everyone would think that this was the truth of the matter.

As for the future, if Victor is willing to ask Qin Fei to help him solve the problem of his daughter being kidnapped, then regardless of success or failure, MI6 or C/IA will not dirty his hands.

And even if Victor himself hangs up, there is no problem. After all, Qin Fei is an independent identity, and the transaction with MI6 is off-stage. No one knows, only the team members and M himself.

Intelligence organization will always be this side of operation, M is the leader of intelligence organization, playing this kind of two birds with one stone can be regarded as a trivial one.

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