Absolute Honor

Chapter 505: The final battle

When he reached the door of the small tuwu, Qin Fei suddenly bounced from the ground, and squatted forward, hitting the door of the small tuwu like a cannonball.

The fragile wooden door suddenly ran into the room with the door for re-election. Qin Fei finally stopped on the floor after rolling a few laps, and immediately took out his pistol and looked around.

No one here, safe.

Unexpectedly, this small earthen house turned out to be a kitchen. In addition to the neatly piled sections of wood next to the wall, there is also a stove with pots and pans and other messy things on it.

"Come in!"

Qin Fei climbed to the door and waved to the polar bear and Kunchai.

After the two climbed in, Qin Fei pointed to the firewood by the wall and said, "It seems that God doesn't want us to die so early. These things, plus the roots of the stone foundation, may be able to stand up for a while."

After speaking, I connected to the channel of the command center and asked Yuri: "Where are the reinforcements!? Where are they!?"

"I expect to arrive in eight minutes!" Yuri said.

"Eight minutes..." Qin Fei felt a moment of powerlessness. Just now, he was desperately desperate, as if ten thousand years had passed, but actually only ten minutes had passed...

Eight minutes, now the three lines of defense outside the door are gone, C4 is used up, the sniper position on the roof is lost, and the house is crumbling...

Qin Fei couldn't think of anything else that could make him stand for eight minutes.

However, if you can't do it, you have to do it. This kind of thing is not your turn to have any luck. This is not jungle warfare. There is no cover at all on the Nigerian prairie, and there is no better terrain and features to use.

The fight between the two sides is the number and firepower, and the elite squad doesn't have much use in this kind of place.


Kunchai, who was hiding on the left side of the door, fired first, knocking down a guy who had appeared outside the courtyard wall.

This action quickly evoked crazy revenge, and machine guns and automatic rifle bullets followed one after another, all crackling on the wall.

Qin Fei and the three had to lie on the ground, without daring to go too high, sticking to the ground and starting to shoot at the rebels who had rushed into the courtyard.

Outside the courtyard wall, it was only a dozen meters away from the main house and the square. After this one, Qin Fei knew that there must be rebels everywhere, maybe they were thinking about **** themselves in the bungalow.

Sure enough, Qin Fei saw an RPG rocket launcher in the night vision goggles, squatting under a tree dozens of meters away, aiming directly at this place.

Qin Fei's scalp exploded, and the RPG broke into this place. All three of them had to die immediately, even if they were wearing dragon-scale body armor.

He quickly raised the gun, and the red dot in the scope caught the guy. After Qin Fei pulled the trigger, he saw the guy fall backwards, but by coincidence, this guy subconsciously pulled it down when he reached the ground. The trigger.

A burst of fire burst out from behind the horn nozzle of the rocket launcher, hitting the ground and spreading in all directions.

The operation of the RPG rocket launcher is forbidden to stand within 20 meters behind the horn-shaped nozzle, because the tail flame is so terrible that it can directly kill people.

The spray sprayed on the ground, and the scorching heat wave spread in all directions. Several rebel soldiers around were suddenly caught in the seedlings. One guy’s clothes were lit, babbling screaming and jumping his feet in panic. Run away.

But the more exciting thing is still behind. The rocket was fired after being pulled the trigger. The top of this guy’s head was a big tree. The RPG rocket hit a thick branch directly, on top of everyone’s heads. A fireball bloomed.

The fragments shrouded like a flower on the top of a fairy, and the soldiers within ten meters of the surrounding area had blood mold. Several of them were directly blinded by the shrapnel, rolling on the ground with their **** faces, wailing ceaselessly.

Qin Fei saw a clay pot in the corner of the room. He thought it was water or something and leaned over to look at it, and immediately asked a pungent smell.


He was shocked immediately. Once the machine gun shot through the wall and hit this thing, I am afraid it will easily cause a raging fire. This is all wood and other things. I am afraid that the three of them will become roast pigs in a few minutes.

Nigeria is a big oil-producing country. The gasoline here is very cheap. Maybe this family put it here to start a fire.

"Boss, what did you find!?" Kun guessed seeing Qin Fei squatting in front of the jar, smelling and smelling, so he asked, "Are you very thirsty?"

He mistakenly thought that Qin Fei wanted to drink water.

"This is not water, it's gasoline!" Qin Fei carried the can, walked to the door, and Chao Kun guessed, "Are there many people outside?"

"There are a lot of them now, they are hiding behind the courtyard wall, there are more than a dozen!"

Kunchai just finished speaking, a few bullets hit the door, splashed dust, and flew past his face.

He was so scared that he quickly hid behind the wall.

Qin Fei didn't think much anymore. He directly took off a grenade, bit off the safety tab, then stuffed it into the jar and slammed it out of the door.

A few kilograms of petrol pots with grenade drew an arc in the air, flew into the air more than ten meters away, and exploded in the dark night.

The explosion of the grenade ignited the gasoline in the jar and blasted the clay jar to pieces. The shrapnel was mixed with gasoline, and there was a rain of fire in the air. More than a dozen rebel soldiers who hid behind the courtyard wall and shot at the small house were on fire. They screamed and ran out of their hiding place.

The polar bear holding a machine gun and shooting on the ground picked up the leak, and a shuttle bullet passed over, cutting the leeks and sending the hapless gang to the west.

It suddenly became quiet outside. It seems that a group of people were set ablaze just now, and other rebels were already scared. No one dared to get too close to the main house and this small bungalow~www.wuxiaspot.com~Qin Fei just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief. , I suddenly felt that something was wrong.

He poked his eyes carefully from behind the wall and looked into the distance.

In the green field of vision, the group's white flames galloped in the air, dragging the long tail of the fire towards the bungalow and main house where he was.

The polar bears also saw this scene, and the two screamed almost at the same time.


When the three of them just fell to the ground, the RPG rocket hit the outer wall of the house.



Two in a row. Fortunately, these guys didn't use armor-piercing bullets, but ordinary RPG rockets.

The energy flow produced by the explosion ran wildly in the room and collapsed the roof. Qin Fei felt the floor vibrate, and his whole body seemed to be painful. The head was hit with a hammer, and it hurts again. ring.

He almost lost his consciousness, wanted to get up, but couldn't stand it anyway.

He stretched out his hand, his hand was full of blood, and I didn't know where it came from.


He panting heavily, struggling to roll over, leaning against the stove like a wounded bug, put the HK416 on his feet, so that he can hold the gun firmly.

With a blur of vision, Qin Fei took off the night vision goggles. I don't know why this thing can no longer be seen clearly.

Qin Fei felt that his soul was about to unhull, his consciousness was intermittent, and he couldn't effectively control his body at all.

There was a mess around, and the polar bear was crushed under a pile of firewood. When there was no movement, Kunchai was buried directly in the mound, only half of his body was exposed.

"Polar bear... Kunchai... old fish..."

He called everyone's name, but no one responded to him. The whole bungalow, even the whole courtyard, was as silent as death.

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