Absolute Honor

Chapter 506: The belated "Sea Eagle"

Muhammad's desperate tactics succeeded.

After Deshka's heavy machine gun successfully suppressed the sniper on the roof, all his vehicles and personnel have successfully breached the three lines of defense in front of the yard, and some soldiers have already reached the far door.

Everyone knows that it is inevitable to be shot directly into the house, so the rebel soldiers came up with a simple and direct method-directly bombard the two dirt houses with RPG rocket launchers.

In Africa, whether it is a regular government army or a rebel army or a tribal armed force, there are many things like RPG anyway. The Cold War caused a large amount of inventory in Eastern European countries and the former Soviet Union. After the end of the Cold War, most of them were sold all over the world. , And Africa is one of the most important consumption places.

This kind of thing is simple and easy to make. Like the AK automatic rifle, both bullets and rockets can be copied and produced, so just like the firecrackers in the New Year's firecrackers shop, you can put them away.

The structure of the earth house was originally not strong enough to save it. After being attacked by RPG rockets one after another, it was almost blasted into ruins.

The main house is slightly better than the small bungalow where Qin Fei is located. After all, the location is large enough and it will take some time to blow up such a building. Qin Fei is different here.

This is just a simple kitchen with an area of ​​less than 20 square meters. Fortunately, the base of the wall is made of stone, otherwise it would have been wiped out.

Qin Fei crawled over to Kunchai, dragged him out of the mud, and photographed the dust on his body.

Kunchai let out a groan and moved.

"Are you OK?"

"Boss..." Kunchai just moved his body and immediately screamed, covering his right leg with both hands.

Qin Fei lowered his head and saw that there was a piece of wood stuck in Kun Guai's right leg, which may have been pierced in by the collapse of the house during the explosion.

Now that there is no time to deal with the wound, Qin Fei dragged him to the side of the stove, let him lean there, and said: "The reinforcements are estimated to be rescued soon. We have to withstand it. Can you hold it?"

Kun guessed that sand was spit out from his mouth, but he spit out a dangling mucus. He answered vaguely and nodded: "Um...ok..."

Qin Fei crawled over again and grabbed the polar bear by the shoulder, trying to drag him back.

It’s just that Qin Fei’s whole body is hurting everywhere, and the explosion made him feel as if he was collapsed, and he couldn’t use it at all. In addition, the polar bear was tall and weighed 200 pounds. Qin Fei could not drag the polar bear, so he slipped and fell. On the ground.

At this moment, a dark shadow flickered at the door, and two rebels appeared at the door.

Qin Fei was shocked in a cold sweat. It was too late to lift the gun. Fortunately, Kunchai behind him had some consciousness. The HK416 in his hand continuously pulled the trigger and knocked them down.

Suddenly there was no movement outside, and the people who followed seemed to know that the people in the house were not dead, so they didn't dare to rush in and die.

After a while, a grenade flew in from the door, hit the stove first, and then bounced back to Qin Fei's side.

Just an American-made M67 grenade, effective, reliable and deadly.

Once it explodes, this small square is simply a natural murder chamber, and the fragments and shock waves produced by the explosion will kill everyone here.

Qin Fei reached out his hand, grabbed the M67, and threw it out of the door.

The grenade exploded before it hit the door. The rebel soldiers who were mostly on both sides of the door were hit by seedlings. The fragments produced by the explosion instantly blasted several rebel soldiers into sieves.


Over the Atlantic Ocean, the Carl Vinson, M, accompanied by two US naval intelligence officers, walked quickly into the command center.

Yuri sees M and jumps up from the chair.

"Damn! You should not withdraw the Global Hawk so early! Now my father and his comrades are in danger!"

"I know, these situations are accidents." M looked at Yuri calmly. This woman is used to seeing life and death. I don't know how many times, she watched her subordinates die in battle on the monitor screen. "Every one There may be accidents in special operations, Yuri, no one wants these things to happen."

"Oh! God! You don't want to? I think you think very much! Victor was killed by the rebels. For you, you don't have to bear the responsibility of killing him, and you can eliminate a big worry, what a beautiful plan." Li couldn't help but sneered.

"Please pay attention when you speak." M's eyes were sharp like a falcon. "Everything we do is to save Victor's life, including hiring you."

Yuri is speechless, and M does have some truth to what he said.

Victor’s death is not a good thing for MI6 and the CIA. No one can guarantee that Victor will arrange for a backstop. When all the secrets are spread out under uncontrollable circumstances, it will be the British Empire and International scandal in the USA.

M's eyes fell on the surveillance screen. Under the surveillance of the satellite images, she clearly saw the situation of the ground fighting.

"How is their situation now?"

"It has been more than 20 minutes. The rebels have suffered heavy losses, but they still have a great advantage in numbers." The naval intelligence officer said on the side: "The combat effectiveness of this mercenary group seems to be very strong~www.wuxiaspot.com~Ling People admire it."

"When will the rescue helicopter arrive?" M asked.

"very soon!"

The naval intelligence officer pointed to the corner of the screen, "Look, you have entered the war zone."

Yuri hurriedly sat back in his position, picked up the microphone and connected to the channel of the X mercenary group: "Dad! Qin! Old fish! Are you still alive? The helicopter has entered the combat area, please mark yourself with an infrared indicator immediately They want to clean up the ground!"

There was no response from the channel.

Yuri yelled again anxiously.

This time, Qin Fei's response finally came.

"You guys are really so long these twenty minutes!"

Before the voice fell, an infrared indicator fell in the yard on the screen.

"This is the building where we hide. Except for this yard, everything else that can move is sent to see God."

"We have seen the infrared indicator."

On the leader plane of the "Seahawk" helicopter squad, the pilot had already put on AN/AVS-9 night vision glasses. In the field of view, the laser light emitted by the infrared indicator was extremely clear.

"Start cleaning."

After that, the first SH-60K "Seahawk" helicopter began to dive, and the two "Hellfire" missiles suspended from the belly of the aircraft broke away from the launcher and rushed towards the convoy of armed jeep.



With two loud noises, two huge fireballs appeared on the ground, and several armed jeeps and pickup trucks of the Boca Haram armed organization were blasted into the sky.

The second SH-60K also began to dive, selecting high-value motor vehicle targets for bombardment. The "Hellfire" missiles under the belly were like a sword that pierced the night sky, rushing toward the terrified rebels on the ground.

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