Absolute Honor

Chapter 597: Backhand

In the international train compartment.

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Alexanderkovich's face stiffened a little bit.

He threw the phone on the dining table, staring at it gloomily, anger radiating from all over his body.

Suddenly, the phone screen lit up, making a whine of vibration.

Alexanderkovich glanced at the number on it, bit his lip hard, and picked up the phone.

"Our transaction has been completed, should you fulfill your promise?" M's voice came from the microphone.

Alexanderkovich pretended to be relaxed and said: "No problem, I will give Simon an order now."

hang up the phone.

Alexanderkovich thought for a while, he picked up the phone and dialed Simon's number again.

An unreachable voice came from the other end.

Aleksandrkovich felt that things seemed to be falling apart from what he least wanted to predict.

Simon, really is not a **** that can be controlled.

After thinking about it, he picked up the phone and dialed another number, and soon a low baritone came from the other end.

"General, what's your order?"

"The beast is out of control, execute plan B." Alexanderkovich finished the sentence plainly and cut off the communication.


The West Gate walked through the long corridor towards the banquet hall.

At this time, the dance floor in the center of the banquet hall was already full of well-dressed and glamorous guests.

However, it was completely different from the dinner party before. Everyone didn't have the kind of chattering and polite appearance, one by one, many women even cried so that their eyeliners were melted, and Wuyang Wuyang looked like a panda eye.

Gustav was placed in the center of everyone. He was tied to a chair like a sculpture, covered with bombs, and frightened blue eyes swept over every member of the gravedigger present.

Near the banquet hall, in the corridor leading to the hall stood gravedigger leader Chris and two fake GMT bodyguards.

Seeing Simon returning, Chris and two of his men greeted him.

"You're back?"


"Have you found the princess?"

"No, I was thrown away by them." Without looking back, Ximen walked straight towards the banquet hall.

Chris exchanged colors with his men and followed.

The gravedigger member of the fake GMT company gently drew the pistol from his waist, slowly raised it, and aimed it at the back of Simon's head.

At this time, there are still thirty meters away from the door.

Simon turned his head abruptly, an arc of light flashed across the air, and a bloodstain appeared on the throats of the two gravediggers. In an instant, blood arrows spewed out, sprinkling a cloud of blood in the air.

Chris was shocked, he really underestimated Simon.

In order to reduce Simon's vigilance, he and his two confidants had deliberately not held guns in their hands, just to wait for this moment to attack Simon.

Simon has lost control. As KGB has been ambushing Chris by his side to monitor Simon, his task now is to kill Simon and then lead the team to raise their hands and surrender.

In this way, the crisis is over.

The bandit leader fought the law, the Yu Dang was arrested, and the SOG special forces acted as a hero who was picked up once. Although several guests died, it was finally a victory.

Then all that needs to be done is to wait for the matter to fade, and in exchange, the gravedigger involved will be quietly released.

This is a secret battle buried behind the scenes that will never be known to ordinary people.

When the cold blade touched his throat, Chris' hand just touched the handle of the gun at his waist. In terms of the speed of the action, he lost more than one grade to Simon.

Swallowing hard, Chris began to pretend to be crazy: "Boss...you are..."

"Do you think I wronged you?" Simon asked.

Chris still insisted: "I don't know what you mean..."

Simon stretched out his hand, took Chris' gun out and threw it aside, then touched it in his pocket and took out a cell phone from there.

This is a keyboard-style phone, and you can see that it is over-encrypted.

Throwing the phone into Chris's hand, Simon's eyes were as cold and hard as ice cones: "Open it."

There was a layer of sweat on Chris' forehead in the cold weather, and he could only do so.

Simon took the phone, called up the call log, dialed a number back, and pressed hands-free.

"Chris? Is that you? Why don't you speak?"

It was the voice of Alexandrkovich, and neither of the two present were unfamiliar.

Simon hung up the phone and threw it away.

"Anything else to say?"



Chris had no chance to distinguish. The sharp Rambo No. 5 fighting knife swept across his neck from right to left. His neck suddenly opened like a baby's mouth, and a blood arrow shot out.

Chris was clutching the wound, staring at a pair of big horrified eyes, stepped back a few steps, finally leaned against the wall, and slowly slid to the ground.

Simon dragged a few corpses into the next room and closed the door.

He looked at his watch, and the time pointed to eleven.

He turned to leave the room, left the banquet hall in the opposite direction, and ran to the other end, to the east of the castle, he walked into a room.

This room looks like a kitchen. Simon walked to the corner of the room, opened a stainless steel cabinet, took out a set of LAR5 Draeger closed pure oxygen scuba ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and began to take it off Put on a diving respirator, put the clothes into the cupboard and close the door.

Then walked to the other side of the room and opened a door. Inside was a small room, like a water room.

Ximen bent over, knocked on the iron fence of the sewer on the ground, then turned on a bright flashlight, and got down to take a photo.

Sure enough, as stated in the drawings, the sewers here are very spacious and can accommodate more than two people.

He sat cautiously at the entrance of the sewer, put on a respirator, then lifted the iron fence and jumped into the water.

The iron fence slowly closed again, and on the surface, there were no traces left here.

...Half an hour later, in a secluded alley in Stockholm, a sewer iron cover on the ground moved slightly, and then moved again.

The lid was quickly pushed open, and Simon climbed up from below wearing a submersible.

Five meters in front of the sewer exit, a Volkswagen van was parked. The driver seemed to notice the west gate, the car started, and slowly began to back up to Qimen.

Ximen took off his diving equipment, threw it into the car, then closed the door and sat in the co-pilot position.

He turned his head and looked at Lilia in the driver's seat.

The blonde Russian beauty stretched her head in awe-inspiring manner, and gave Simon a long kiss warmly.

"You smell like it was fished out of a cesspit." Lilia said.

Simon chuckled, and instead of answering Lilia's question head-on, he asked, "Is everything I want ready?"

"No problem, they are all in the carriage. You can prepare now. We will set off right now and we will reach our destination in about forty minutes."

Thank you book friend jinhe12345 for your reward!

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