Absolute Honor

Chapter 598: Raising the grass and playing rabbits

"Contacted the local police!"

The scholar shouted to Leiming and Qin Fei in the police car: "They asked who we are!"

Lei Ming glanced at Qin Fei, then turned his head and said to the scholar: "Just tell them that it is the bodyguard in charge of Princess Charlotte and Miss Xiao Lin. Tell him the situation here and ask them what they plan to do next. We need our cooperation, the two sides can coordinate, and the inside should be combined with the outside."

The scholar communicated for a while and turned around and said: "They did not dare to launch a strong attack. Before, SOG special forces tried to sneak in from the secret tunnel. As a result, two people died and one injured. The gravedigger tied a bomb on Gustav and sent the video to them. If you threaten to attack again, the crown prince and the hostages will be killed."

Lei Ming said: "Just tell them, if we help him save the crown prince, will they be able to attack?"

The scholar conveyed the meaning of thunder to the police, but the reply sent back soon was unexpected.

The police rejected their plan and warned them not to act rashly or to bear the consequences.

"Fuck!" Lei Ming couldn't help it. "It's fine if you don't have the skills. Don't you let us help?"

He scolded them like this, but he knew it in his heart. In fact, it was reasonable for the police to refuse them.

After all, in the eyes of the police, they themselves are professionals. What are the bodyguards? And Princess Charlotte's bodyguards are still a group of mercenaries from Africa, most of whom are either black or yellow.

In the eyes of superior northern European whites, those who are from the most backward places in the world cannot be compared with those with "advanced tactics" and "advanced equipment."

The most terrible thing is that the 203 unit is now using a fake identity to cover up, Xiao Chili is Xiao Lin, the daughter of the corporate boss, and the rest of the 3rd team are bodyguards.

According to the principle, it is absolutely impossible to tell the Stockholm police the true identity, otherwise major incidents will occur.

"Scholar, you ask them to provide information. I want the real member information of GMT company to identify the enemy and us. I believe that they will not refuse. You just say that we are not safe here. GMT company has ghosts. We need The information distinguishes the enemy from us." Qin Fei can only make one such decision.

Anyway, the police can't count on it anymore, at least it took so much effort to not run in vain. It is also useful to get the information about ghosts in the GMT company.

The information was quickly sent to the computer of the police car, and the singer copied the information and sent it all to the personal PAD.

"OK!" The singer made a gesture to everyone and said loudly: "Okay, now the police advise us to find a hidden place to hide, saying that their anti-terrorism forces have stepped in, so let us stay calm. The matter will be resolved satisfactorily."

"You ask the police to leave us a contact channel, maybe we are useful." Lei Ming took a long look.

"What shall we do now?" Tiger Hu Yong asked Lei Ming: "Captain, we can't just sit here, can we?"

"I won't stay here." Qin Fei said: "Eric lost contact. I guess something happened. I won't be here waiting for those trash SOGs to come and save us. I can't count on it. I want to return to the castle. If possible, I will unite my teammates to kill the gravediggers here."

Lei Ming looked at Qin Fei and said, "Very well, I don’t want to stay here. Let’s leave a bulletproof car. Tiger, your foot is injured. It must be inconvenient to move. You and the singer will stay here and be responsible for providing For communications and logistical support, Qin Fei and the scholar and I went back to meet Xu Wu and the others to see what was going on inside. If possible, we will carry out a raid. You can drive over to support us at that time."

"Just do it."

After all, the three got into one of the bulletproof cars.

The scholar is in charge of driving, and Qin Fei and Lei Ming are in charge of mobile operations.

Lei Ming took the PAD in his hand, called up the map, pointed to the location of the bridge, and said: "Go back to the castle, we must pass the location of the bridge, where it is estimated that there are at least ten gravediggers now, and kill them."

"This is the simplest." After Qin Fei finished speaking, he immediately contacted the sight on the channel: “The sight, Lei team, me and the scholars are going to move towards the castle. It is estimated that we will pass the bridge. What do you see upstairs now? Is there any movement?"

"No, after Xu Wu and I killed three people, the remaining nine people all went to the grove to get more, and no one came out." The sight said.

"Lei team, the outlying gravediggers on Castle Island are hiding in the woods. They can't advance or retreat now, for fear of being killed by Xu Wu and the sights."

Lei Ming smiled and said: "This is too simple, just slap the rabbits out, we just get them out."

Qin Fei understood and explained the sights on the channel: "We are going to drive them out of the woods. You and Xu Wu will prepare, and if you see one comes out, you will kill one for me!"

Raising grass to beat rabbits, this absolutely Chinese tactic, originated from one of the guerrilla tactics during the Anti-Japanese War.

Extending to this day, no matter how the equipment changes, how various information warfare, digital warfare, over-restricted warfare, and three-dimensional warfare develop, in the tactics of individual squads, many of the tactical essences that were retained during that period have been continued.

The scholar drove the car, swaggered across the bridge, and returned to Castle Island.

The gravedigger hiding in the woods saw this scene, and his heart was so bitter that bile came out.

They made a mistake before. They didn’t expect that Qin Fei and others’ car crashed into the sea and was not dead. As a result, they searched back to Castle Island along the direction of the bridge. They were sniped by Xu Wu and the front sight, and they all ran into the woods in a panic. Dodge.

Then he watched gunshots from the direction of the temporary command post, but didn't dare to rush back to help.

Now he watched Qin Fei and the others drove the bulletproof car they had snatched back against them, turning their heads to deal with themselves.

This feeling is more desperate than despair.

"Turn on the car lights! Illuminate these rascals"

As the car approached the woods, Thunder said loudly to the scholar: "Let them panic for a while!"

The headlights of the bullet-proof car were shining brightly, and the woods were brightly illuminated.

The gunshots suddenly sounded like beans exploding, and bullets rained on the bulletproof car.

Unfortunately, although the police bulletproof vehicle is not as good as a light armored vehicle, it is more than enough to handle the 5.56 caliber G36 assault rifle.

Qin Fei and Lei Ming fought back with the shooting hole in the car for a while, feeling that the effect was not great.

After all, the other nine people were all hidden behind the big tree, and the car couldn't drive into the woods.

"These guys, you can bear it, they are all like a tortoise." The scholar couldn't help but said.

"Have you ever blown up mouse holes?" Lei Ming looked at Qin Fei, "Have you played this game when you were a kid~www.wuxiaspot.com~? When I was a kid, there were always many mole holes in the fields every time the village was harvested. The best way is to throw it in with a firecracker. Once it explodes, it will immediately rush out in a panic."

After that, he glanced at the two Gustav M4 recoilless guns in the corner of the bulletproof car.

Qin Fei understood immediately, and almost didn't laugh out loud.

The scholar smashed the car horizontally, Qin Fei and Lei Ming got off the car from the back, one against an M4 recoilless gun, one at the front and the other at the rear.

"Alright?!" Lei Ming asked.

"I have no problem!" Qin Fei replied.

"One, two, three! They bombed their grandsons!"

Following the order of thunder, Qin Fei and Leiming appeared at the front and rear of the car at the same time.



Two dazzling fires exploded in the darkness, and two fireballs rose up in the woods.

A shell fired by Qin Fei hit a big tree, the trunk was directly blown off, and the people hiding behind the tree were torn to pieces.

Thunder fired toward the ground. Although it did not directly hit people, the fragmentation damage range of the M4 shell could reach 30 meters wide. Several gravediggers hiding behind the tree were hit by shrapnel, and screams came and went one after another.

In front of the recoilless gun, a small forest of less than hundreds of square meters is really useless.

After a round, the two got in the car and then got in the bomb.

The grave diggers in the woods were about to collapse. They couldn't hide from the shells, and didn't dare to rush out of the woods.

"We surrender! Surrender!"

Finally, someone raised the gun and walked out from behind the tree trunk.

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