Absolute Honor

Chapter 600: M's favor

Qin Fei helped Eric sitting in the corner of the wall and looked at the body armor in front of his chest in surprise. After checking it quickly, he found that there were about six 9mm Glock pistol bullets on it, but there was no wound on his body.

"Fuck, you look like a sieve!"

Eric's expression was dim. In normal times, maybe he had already started a joke with Qin Fei.

This time, Qin Fei was a little lost when he saw Eric's eyes lost.

"Thunder God! Are you okay?!" Qin Fei just finished speaking, and heard a clamor at his feet as the Damascus steel dagger fell on the ground.

Thunder God Eric always regarded this dagger as life, and Qin Fei also knew that this dagger was given to him by his adoptive father, the former president of the Brotherhood of the Holy Cross, Thrandes, who was dead. , This knife is not only a token of the president of the Brotherhood of the Holy Cross, but also the only relic.

Qin Fei picked up the knife and handed it to Eric, who did not answer it.

Seeing Eric's desperate look, Qin Fei couldn't help but grabbed his shoulder and shook it violently.

"Wake up! Now is a critical juncture, what's wrong with you?!"


Eric was shook hard by Qin Fei, and he grinned with pain.

Qin Fei knew that he had suffered six or seven 9MM bullets, and it must have been uncomfortable.

"Have you met Simon?"

"Yeah." Eric finally nodded and sighed: "He shot this bullet."

"He shot?" Qin Fei was puzzled. He was able to hit Eric with a pistol several times, but not one shot was directed at his head?

This marksmanship is really amazing.

"What about others?" Qin Fei asked.

"Let's go." Eric said, "He thinks I betrayed him."

"But..." Qin Fei stopped talking.

"You want to say, in that case, why didn't he kill me, right?" Eric smiled bitterly: "To be honest, I don't know why, he could have killed me, but then he answered the phone and turned and left. ."

Qin Fei couldn't guess what was going on at once, but now that Simon was not there, the first thing was not to worry about why Simon didn't kill Eric.

"Kun guess, go to the east side of the maintenance area and take the corridor to gather. Here we are."

"Boss, I'm here!" At the end of the corridor, Kun Guai's head was exposed, "I just wanted to come over and take a look at the sound, it's you."

"What do you hear?"

"Guns!" Kun Guai said solemnly.

"Fuck, you are a pig. I didn't fire the gunshots. I just arrived. The gunshots must be from Simon." Qin Fei said, "Let you hide and hide. Why do you come out to find death?" Is it Simon's opponent?"

Qin Fei secretly broke out in a cold sweat. If Kun Guess the pig ran over to join in the fun just now, Ximen would not be polite to him, and would directly feed him a few peanuts and send him to see the Buddha.

Suddenly the voice of the singer came from the earphones.

"Qin Fei, there is a big man who wants to talk to you."

"What big man?" Qin Fei asked.

The singer said: "I'm a woman, with an authentic English accent, but it's definitely not your lover, because I'm very old, I know you don't have rheumatism, and you don't need to burn old lotus roots."

"People from Daying?" Qin Fei frowned. "Who does she say she is?"

"She said she was your old friend and her name was M." The singer said, "I think this woman is very stylish, and she feels like a big man."

"M?" Qin Fei understood instantly.

Besides Ms. M from MI6, who else is there?

This surprised him a lot, why did M find himself? And still at this time. What does this matter have to do with MI6?

"Connect the line," Qin Fei said.

A familiar female voice was heard soon on the other end, which was a little old, but with an unquestionable strength.

"Long time no see, boy, do you remember me?" M said.

Qin Fei smiled and said: "Of course I remember that you still owe me a favor. I said that in the past, the British Empire opened a defense company and you had to help me."

"Cough cough cough----" M seemed a little caught off guard. He didn't expect that Qin Fei, like a debt collector, mentioned these things in public.

"Qin, of course I remember your favor, but..." She squatted down, and then said, "I'm afraid I still need your help tonight."

"I'm helping you a lot? Madam, I can't take care of myself now, what else can I do for you?" Qin Fei kept an eye on him, knowing what the head of the famous intelligence department would do for him?

It's better to be careful when dealing with this kind of old man.

"Are you on Castle Island? Be a bodyguard for Princess Charlotte?" M asked.

"Isn't this nonsense?" Qin Fei said, "Otherwise, why would you want to find me through the communication channel of the Stockholm police? I'm not on the island, where can I be?"

M was almost choked to death by this guy from Country Z. As the highest leader of MI6, he faced a young guy with a hairy head. Although the other party did have something to do with him, his subordinate was not a good soldier. Who would dare to be with him? ?

But now if you want to ask others, you can only be polite.

"Yes, I am old, my mind is not flexible anymore." M first showed his weakness: "Since you are on the island, I have a big favor here. Please help me. As long as you help, MI6 will definitely remember your benefits. I personally guarantee that you have a favor card with me, and you can come and get it at any time."

"Hey~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The last favor has not been honored yet." Qin Fei smiled and said, "The old debt has not gone, and the new debt has come again? How do you calculate my interest? Don’t forget, I am Mercenaries, mercenaries look at money to do things."

"This..." M was speechless again.

Leiming listened to the conversation between Qin Fei and the strange old woman with his ears erected. He vaguely guessed that this person named M is sacred.

What surprised Lei Gong was, damn, what has this kid Qin Fei been doing outside these months? Even the head of one of the world's most famous intelligence agencies, the old woman who has been portrayed countless times in movies every day, is just as casual nonsense.

Looking at the friendship, people who didn't know thought it was the aunt who lived in the next door for more than ten years!

"Helping me is equivalent to helping you, Qin, this matter is not harmful to you." M was a little unhappy.

Qin Fei will accept it when he sees it. After all, it is rare for people like M to ask for help. If it is not compelling, she really won't be dignified and arrogant here, asking her grandfather to tell her grandmother in a low voice.

"Well, I believe that Ms. M is not the kind of unfaithful person, she is not worse than the African guys, right?"

"Of course not!" M said: "What I said to you..."

M is considering whether to tell the truth to Qin Fei.

After all, some confidential actions are involved. Qin Fei is a mercenary, a mercenary, should he know too much?

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