Absolute Honor

Chapter 601: Negotiator who went to die

"M, if you plan to let me do you a favor, then I remind you that it is best to make things clear. Now the royal prince here is **** in the hall like a zongzi, with enough explosives to blow up the main hall of this castle. In ruins, if you plan to hide a little thing from me..."

Qin Fei took a deep breath, "Why don't you collect the corpse for me is another matter, you can at least let the military here collect the corpse for their prince."

m looked at Major General Passy and Green next to him, his expression still hesitant.

She suddenly felt that this young man named Qin Fei had become more and more ghostly.

Obviously he had sniffed something in his own breath, and knew that tonight this incident was definitely not easy, and he would definitely not be able to get around him, otherwise it would be impossible to find him through the police contact channel in this case.

Tell Qin Fei the inside story, not only to owe favor tonight, but also to hand his pigtails to the other party's hands.

Where did Anthony come from?

That's how it came.

M does hesitate to raise tigers.

Qin Fei doesn’t care so much. Anyway, dealing with the leader of this kind of intelligence agency. As a mercenary, he can get as many chips as he can get. Although mi6 is no longer the glory of yesterday, the empire will be sunrise and sunset if the sun does not set. However, the skinny camels are bigger than horses, and they might be useful in the future.

Otherwise, I can't be ignorant of just doing this for people like m.

If m is unwilling to be honest, she can not buy it at all, and she will not do it.


Suddenly, the singer's voice came from thunderous headphones standing aside.

"Team Lei, please tune the headset channel to line 02 immediately."

There was a startled thunder, the secret line No. 02, it was an emergency line.

The entire 3rd squad came to Stockholm to find Qin Fei this time. The singer, as a communications expert, carried a satellite phone for confidentiality.

This phone was used as the only tool to communicate with the headquarters in an emergency, and was called the "02" line.

Lei Ming stood up, walked aside, and tuned the headset to the secret channel.


m thought about it again and again, and talked slightly.

Now I can't help but pick and choose. Maybe the X mercenary group on the island is really my last straw.

If this thing can't end well tonight, once the trouble goes big, let alone yourself, the whole otan will be ridden by scandals, and none of the heads and brains of a large number of related politicians and intelligence agencies can get away.

"Well, Qin, you are my friend." M said: "Since you are friends, maybe you should help each other. Of course, the friendship between friends will never be forgotten."

Qin Fei almost didn't laugh when he heard m calling himself a friend.


Be friends with the intelligence boss?

I'm afraid I haven't felt that blessing yet.

Helping each other is just a cover, and using each other is the truth.

"Okay, since you are a friend, just say it, don't worry, I still know the importance of scoring." Qin Fei said.

m said: "What I want to tell you below is all confidential. I hope you can keep the secret for me."

"No problem, I have a lock on my mouth." Qin Fei said.

m told Qin Fei the whole thing at the fastest speed, including Korolev in the entire Weasel operation, the deal he had made with the head of the third bureau of kgb Alexanderkovich tonight, and the gravedigger organization The origins of Simon and Aleksandrkovich’s confidants are now missing from each other.

"Now that you know everything, would you like to do this for us?" M asked.

At this time, Qin Fei's mouth was still open and not closed.

I thought it was an assassination action organized against Charlotte, but I didn't expect the twists and turns behind the matter to be so bizarre that all the most famous espionage agencies were involved.

"I fuck!"

Qin Fei couldn't help but cursed in Chinese in a low voice.

"What did you say?" m asked.

Qin Fei immediately said perfunctorily: "No, I'm talking about it, it's very simple!"

"You mean, would you like to help us?" m asked.

In fact, Qin Fei had a plan in his heart. Even if he didn't contact him for help, I'm afraid it would be impossible to watch all the more than 100 people in the banquet hall die here.

"Well, I can help, but I want to know what your plan is?" Qin Fei said, "Strike?"

"As long as you kill Simon, things will be easier. The gravediggers were supported by kgb. Alexanderkovic has control over them, but now I can't get in touch with the kgb who Alexanderkovic has inserted next to Simon. Spy Chris, if you can find him, I think things will be easier."

"M, Simon is not in the castle." Qin Fei said, "We searched all the time, but we didn't see him. Also, you said you couldn't contact Chris. In my opinion, this guy might have died long ago."

M said: "It is also possible. But how could Simon not be in the castle? His goal was not achieved at all. What he asked for was to send Anthony to the castle to meet him, and wanted Anthony's life."

Qin Fei said: "You ask me, who am I asking? I am not the roundworm in Simon's stomach, or else, you ask him?"

m was immediately stunned by Qin Fei with nothing to say.

"What's the situation in the castle now? If it is possible, Major General Green will send a sog special force to force it in. You can act as an internal response."

"I think it’s very troublesome. The hall is too big. There are nearly twenty gravediggers in it. They are very scattered. One of them is holding a detonator. His Royal Highness Gustav has a bomb vest tied to his body. I don’t know. Are there any other threats. If the sog special forces attack, no one can guarantee that there will be any problems. Your bottom line is how much fatalities and injuries you will bear?"

m said: "The people attending the banquet tonight are mostly celebrities. I'm afraid we can't afford to die."

Qin Fei sneered and said, "Can't afford it? Let me tell you that there are seven or eight corpses of guests lying at the door, and the bodyguards of gmt company tonight, except for the undercovers installed by the gravediggers, all the rest are hung up. ."

m was silent again.

"Mr. Qin." Passy's voice appeared on the channel, "I have a suggestion. I don't know if you want to take a risk."

"What proposal?" Qin Fei asked.

Passy said, "Are you sure Simon is no longer in the castle?"

Qin Fei nodded and said, "Of course I'm sure~www.wuxiaspot.com~ My people have already surveyed the situation in the hall just now. Simon is not there, and the Chris you are talking about is probably not in it either."

His judgment was correct. If Chris was still alive, how could he not answer the call from his immediate boss, Alexanderkovic? Even if he is not dead, I am afraid that he has lost the ability to move freely at this time.

"If this is the case, would you like to take a gamble and become a negotiator?" Passy said: "I know this proposal is absurd, but apart from this method, I can't think of any other best peaceful solution. choose."


Negotiate terms with an organization that is full of killers and desperadoes? Let them surrender?

As long as there is a little mistake, Qin Fei will definitely not be able to get out of the banquet hall, which is equivalent to dying.

He couldn't help but said: "Are you making an international joke with me?" WeChat search the public account: wmdy66, you are lonely, Miss Sister warms you with movies

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