Absolute Honor

Chapter 605: Crisis resolution

Fortunately, after the number was dialed, Qin Fei vaguely heard Alexanderkovich's voice in the receiver.


Qin Fei's heart loosened, he almost collapsed, his back was chilly, his clothes had already been wetted with cold sweat.

After listening to the call for a full minute, Lekov raised his right hand and shouted at the people under him: "Put down the gun! The matter is over!"

Hearing Lekov's order, everyone's guns hung down.

After all, the gravedigger organization is still a peripheral organization controlled by the KGB. Simon is just a puppet after all. Alexanderkovich is just using Simon’s ability. From the beginning to the end, Alexander didn’t really believe in the West Gate and placed him beside him. The spy Chris acts as a deputy to Simon, in the final analysis, it is surveillance and control.

The gravediggers all knew who was the real boss.

"The upper hand ordered us to surrender immediately." Lekov said calmly, as if he was ordering his men to prepare things and start a long journey.

"Can you put down your hand?" Lekov turned his head and looked at Qin Fei.

Qin Fei smiled and said: "I still feel a little worried, you can let them put down the gun first."

"Put down your guns!" Although Lekov was just a boss, his people were obedient to him. Obviously, Simon's control over the gravedigger was self-evident.

All the gravediggers in the hall put down their guns.

Lei Ming, Lao Yu and others seized the opportunity, everyone entered the banquet hall from the four entrances, and immediately controlled the situation in the entire hall.

Qin Fei released his hand, but still holding the RG-60TB warm-pressure grenade in his hand, he carefully squatted down, picked up the safety pin on the ground and reinstalled it into the safety hole of the grenade.


After loading the grenade, Qin Fei sat down on the ground.

Lei Ming and Lao Yu walked over. Lei Ming saw Qin Fei who was sweating like a fish caught from the water, and then looked at the RG-60TB temperature-pressure grenade in his hand, and said with a smile: "Rookie, this thing Is it fun?"

"It's not fun at all. I don't know what his firing pressure is. I just broke into a cold sweat." Qin Fei said.

Lei Ming said: "I can't see how scared you are. Just now I thought you were going to be beaten into a hornet's nest and you were about to attack. The veteran asked me to wait."

After all, he glanced at the old fish.

The old fish pointed to Qin Fei and said, "This kid has always been too fate to die."

Qin Fei glanced around. The members of the X mercenary group and the 203 unit gathered the gravediggers together, released all their weapons, and then held them in the corner to guard them. He quickly put on the headphones.

"General Green? Tell your people that the crisis is over and you can send SOG over."

Green said "OHMYGOD" over there, and then Qin Fei heard the old guy yell to his men: "Hurry up and let all SOG enter the Castle Island, and the ambulances, send them over!"

"Qin, how can I thank you!? You are a great help to me tonight...No, no, you saved me and saved our country from the crisis!"

Green was obviously very excited.

It is a great blessing in misfortune that a crisis has been resolved in this way.

Although a few guests were randomly swept to death by grave diggers, almost no one died behind. In terms of losses, it was still affordable.

"Thank me? Let me think about it. I'm very thirsty now. Can you bring us some water? We didn't drink a sip of water all night." Qin Fei said.

"Don't worry, I will greet you personally on Castle Island. You are our hero!"


SOG's actions were very quick. Qin Fei sat on the steps and saw that SOG and the police entered Castle Island from water, land and air, just like a blockbuster movie.

There were shouts everywhere, and the SOG with live ammunition and the police came and surrounded Qin Fei and the others. After all, they were wearing tactical vests and body armor, and they were holding the same G36 assault rifle as the gravedigger in their hands.

The front sight couldn't help it anymore, and shouted: "Fak! You special forces pretending to be a ghost, why did you go just now!? Now run over here to pretend to be a hero!"

When he scolded, the others gathered tighter.

"Put down your guns! Put down all your weapons! Raise your hands and lie on the ground!" One of the SOG special forces officers who led the team yelled at several, his eyes full of vigilance.

"Fuck! We have become gangsters!? The gangsters are all inside, tied up!" Kunchai couldn't help but scolded his mother.

"Don't embarrass them!" Major Green jumped out of the helicopter, seeing Qin Fei and others surrounded from a distance, ran over in three steps in two steps, pushing away the SOG players.

"These are our friends!"

Qin Fei secretly smirked. This time the bet was worth his life. Now, Ms. M of MI6 and the Major General Green probably regarded themselves as benefactors.

"Bring the water here." Major General Green waved his hand, and the two Pidian Pidian officers carried a box of mineral water and placed it in front of everyone.

"These waters really cannot express my gratitude to you. Don't worry, I will report the situation to the king and the Ministry of National Defense. I believe they will award you honors!"

Lei Ming touched Qin Fei with his arm next to him.

Qin Fei immediately understood and said to Green: "General, I have a small request."

"What small request?" Green said: "As long as it is within my scope of power, I will help you achieve it."

Qin Fei unscrewed a bottle of mineral water, took two sips, and walked over and hooked Major General Green's shoulder: "Let's talk."

The two walked aside and Qin Fei whispered: "Tonight is actually not the only one who contributed to me~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or the bodyguards of the president of Longteng International, but they don’t want to show their faces, you know, we People in Z country are more reserved and don't like to be pushy, and that Miss Xiao said that her family is very conservative. If the news media broadcasts her and her bodyguards, I am afraid that the 80-year-old lady in the family will have a heart attack. So, please send them a car and an ambulance. Some of them are injured. I want to get priority treatment."

"Huh?" Green looked back at Lei Ming and the others. In the Nordic's impression, the people of Country Z are of course a more conservative type. Their traditions are long-standing, and many customs are beyond the understanding of Europeans.

Perhaps, as Qin Fei said, these people don't like to show off.

"Okay, no problem, it's just such a small request, I'll tell someone to do it right away."

Turning around, he immediately summoned an officer and ordered Qin Fei's request. Then he walked up to Thunder and them, shook hands with them one by one, and Barabala said a bunch of thankful shit.

Lei Ming came over and hooked Qin Fei's neck and said: "Rookie, everything I told you tonight, I don't know if you remembered that I am your instructor, those..."

He pointed to the third team behind him.

"They are all your comrades-in-arms who live and die together. You are just a soldier who was accidentally performing the mission. So, you will go with me now and go home immediately!"

Qin Fei looked back at the X mercenary group behind him, as well as Charlotte and Nina.

promise? Still not agreeing?

He looked a little embarrassed.

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