Absolute Honor

Chapter 606: Agreement

Looking back, Qin Fei shook his head: "Lei Team, although I haven't thought of everything, but I remember that you did train me, but I'm still performing tasks for the time being, even though it's just a mercenary task. I assure you that I will send Princess Charlotte back to my mercenary training camp in Eritrea first. After ensuring her safety, I will set off for you back home immediately."

Lei Ming looked at Qin Fei in front of him, feeling both familiar and unfamiliar.

Qin Fei was still the same Qin Fei, but he was no longer the same Qin Fei.

"Lei team, come here." Little Pepper pulled the corner of thundering clothes, and the two went aside.

"I understand Qin Fei's temperament very well. Although he has lost his memory, his personality has not changed at all. If he promises you, he will definitely do it." An Ruosu said, "It's useless to force him."

Thunder stomped his feet, feeling extremely stuffy.

Originally, seeing Qin Fei jumping alive and alive, Thundering was happy in his heart, but this kid had lost his memory. It seemed that he had already fully recovered his memory, but he refused to go with him.

But when I think about it again, it’s no wonder that, depending on the posture tonight, I am afraid that the pursuit of Charlotte is not over yet. This princess is involved in the royal struggle within their country. Once power and money are involved, naturally Accompanied by assassinations and fights.

Qin Fei's current identity is extremely complicated, and even Thunder doesn't know how to define his identity.

He is a soldier of Unit 203, but he is no longer on the register because he was thought to have died at the time and the funeral was done. Now his name is no longer on the roster of military service, but on the roster of martyrs.

And now he is actually the leader of an African mercenary regiment, and he has his own training camp and base in Eritrea, which is a little weird to think about.

The country has spent so much manpower and material resources, and it took so many years of operation to have the first supply base in Jebuti overseas. This kid did well and got a base in six months.

Before Thunder came, I read Qin Fei’s latest information. It is said that the mercenary training camp is still the largest in Africa, and the conditions and facilities are the best. Although the recent rebellion has caused a mess, the mosquito legs are also The development of meat should not be underestimated.

What's more terrible is who are dealing with Qin Fei now?

One of the twelve disciples of the Holy Cross served as a sniper under him, and a first-generation veteran of Unit 203 served as his deputy, as well as a famous South African killer, a former member of the GRU special forces, and a big secret. The brothers of the drug lord are all playing for him.

In addition, Ms. M, the director of MI6, seems to know him very well, and it is the princess of the Comorian royal family and the younger sister of the future king who is responsible for protecting...

He has the status of country D, and also has the military background and franchise status of Eritrea...

By the way, if you count just now, Green told him that he would be awarded honors, it would be no surprise that he might not be able to return him the honorary citizen of Stockholm.

Is this still a mercenary?

All of this made Lei Ming feel incredible.

At least, he has never seen the soldiers he brought with him can do all this.

This is also where he feels strange to Qin Fei.

"Well, anyway, I can't point a gun at him and let him follow me." Lei Ming said in anger.

Little Pepper nodded, walked to Qin Fei's side, looked at him silently, and said nothing.

Qin Fei was a little flustered by the little pepper, and hurriedly asked, "Why are you looking at me?"

"Let me see if the Qin Fei in front of me is the same Qin Fei I know." Little Pepper said seriously.

Qin Fei was inexplicably shocked and opened his mouth, but didn't know how to answer Little Pepper.

The car Green arranged has arrived, an ambulance, and a black police car.

An officer from the Counter-Terrorism Bureau came over and saluted Qin Fei: "MR. Qin, the car you want has arrived."

Little Chili wrinkled his nose at Qin Fei and smiled: "I should go. Before I leave, there is a sentence for you, don’t forget your roots, your roots, in country Z, when did you say Go back, you should go back."

Qin Fei nodded vigorously: "The gentleman swiftly lashed out with one word, don't worry, I have never failed to say anything I promised!"

"You are wrong!" Xiao Jiao interrupted him and snorted: "You have broken faith, to me, twice, once when you and Aunt Liang moved out of the compound, you promised me to contact me. I, it didn’t happen; the second time before you set out on the mission, you said you would definitely come back, but you didn’t. I hope you won’t lose faith again this time, Qin Fei, otherwise I will be disappointed in you..."

After speaking, he turned and walked two steps, then looked back again.

"Remember, if you lose faith, I will really be disappointed." Standing under the flashing warning lights, Pepper's face was blurred, but his voice was so determined.

The brothers of the 3rd team stepped forward to bid Qin Fei farewell one by one.

Qin Fei didn't know what to say to these life and death brothers who were both familiar and unfamiliar. With them, he always felt like a world away.

Xu Wu was the last to get in the car. He didn't say anything. He just patted Qin Fei on the shoulder and nodded. Everything seemed to be in his eyes.

"Old Xu!"

Xu Wu took a few steps~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Qin Fei opened his mouth suddenly and stopped him.

Xu Wu suddenly turned around and looked at Qin Fei: "What do you think of?"

"No..." Qin Fei suddenly realized that he didn't know why he called Xu Wu. It seemed that the two words "Lao Xu" had come directly out of his heart.

Some strange images flashed in his mind, in the cold icy water, all around him was pitch black, only a little light on the diving helmet.

He was in the small torpedo tube, with Xu Wu in front of him. He kept pushing Xu Wu's feet and crawling forward...

"It seems to remember something..."

Xu Wu smiled like a simple and honest big brother: "Remember, I am waiting for you at base 203."

When everyone left and the car drove, Ms. M's voice suddenly came from behind.

"These people are familiar with you?" M said.

Qin Fei turned his head abruptly and found that M had walked behind him, but he hadn't noticed it. Maybe the emotional fluctuation just now was too great.

"M, can you make a noise when you walk? In my hometown, it is said that ghosts of dead people walk without sound."

"Really?" M was not at all angry, "I was originally a ghost, a GHOST, even the name you call me M is just a code name, isn't it? In the real world, I almost don't exist. ."

"Okay, Ms. GHOST, I think it's time for us to settle the accounts." Qin Fei said like a debt collector: "You owe me two adults now. Now let's talk about how you pay for the first affection. ."

"What do you want?" M asked.

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