Absolute Honor

Chapter 607: 1 wave again

"A legal defense company, a well-known British Empire defense company, and the office location is in London, all procedures and qualifications are complete." Qin Fei said: "And I told you before, all of my people All need a British identity, including Yuri's wife and his mother-in-law."

Qin Fei's purpose of needing this identity is actually very simple. Although the so-called sun never sets empire, its influence still remains to a certain extent throughout the world.

What's more, the passport of this country can be exempted from visa in many places, which is of great benefit to future actions.

"It's easy to handle. I'll do it for you right away. It's a trivial matter. It will be done within a week, and then send someone to your training camp in Africa." M said in a relaxed tone, after thinking about it, and then asking, "You defense Have you figured out the name of the company?"

Qin Fei thought that the price he asked for seemed too low. The first time he helped M go to Nigeria to save people, several people in his team almost died. Isn't it easy for the big bosses of these intelligence agencies to get a few identities?

"Think of the name, called Gray Rabbit Defense." Qin Fei said.

"Grey Rabbit Defense?" M frowned, "Why is it called Gray Rabbit?"

"I'm from country Z. Many people call us rabbits. I think it's not good to be black rabbits. White rabbits are too innocent. Gray rabbits are good and have a black belly." Qin Fei smiled.

"What is a black belly?"

"Uh..." Qin Fei quickly put aside the topic, "By the way, M, I don't have an office location yet."

"Well, I know it’s not so easy to pay back your favors. Let’s do this. We have a small three-story building in the Covent Garden area of ​​London. You can use it for office purposes until you find a more suitable place to move out."

"OK, thank you!"

Qin Fei was secretly delighted. In fact, it is not impossible for him to rent a place, but what is more suitable than the boss of MI6 to come forward and give him an office location in person?

When you enter the circle of defense companies in Europe, when someone inquires, you will know the origin of that location.

In this way, everyone knows that they have a good relationship with MI6. This is called a tiger skin as a banner. If you want to go to a new place and stand firm, you must first give your company a share of the pie. Add some qualifications and background.

An officer from the Counter-Terrorism Bureau hurried out and whispered a few words beside Green.

Green walked to M's side and said solemnly: "My people searched the entire castle, and Simon ran away and found his clothes near the sewer in the kitchen of the castle."

"Run?" M frowned: "How could it be possible that he would rather have been used by Alexanderkovich for so long, set up this plan for so long, but gave up the last chance and ran away?"

While talking, the phone in the M pocket vibrated.

She took out her phone and took a look, a strange look flashed in her eyes.

Taking out the phone, M walked to the side calmly and talked with the other party in an inaudible voice.

The call was very brief. In less than 30 seconds, she cut off the phone and walked to Passy's side and said a word.

Percy looked shocked, took out the phone and immediately walked aside and made a call.

After a minute, Passy returned to M with a solemn expression, and the two talked in a low voice.

Qin Fei had a premonition that MI6 and the CIA might be in trouble again.

Sure enough, M and Passy walked towards Qin Fei quickly.

When he reached Qin Fei's side, M whispered, "I said..."

When the words came to my lips, he seemed to hesitate again.

The old woman's complexion didn't seem very good, and she looked a little embarrassed.

Qin Fei asked: "Ms. M, your face is not pretty."

"I thought, if I need you to do me a favor right now, would you agree?" M looked around and scanned everyone in the X mercenary group.

"Including your subordinates."

Qin Fei had just gone through a big battle, but he was very interested in M's sudden request for help.

Things are settled here, what else do you have to help yourself?

A dignified MI6 boss, has fallen to the point of repeatedly turning to an African mercenary group for help?

This is simply a fantasy.

"I heard you right?" Qin Fei looked at M and Passy like a monster and said, "M, I said you are not talented? Is it that MI6 has been reduced to the point where it hires mercenaries to do things for you every day? Isn’t your action team a frequent sign of SAS and SBS members?"

Then he pointed to Passy again: "What about you, Mr. Passy, ​​you are also the dignified CIA director anyway, and there is no one in your hands?"

M and Passy exchanged glances, looking quite embarrassed.

Qin Fei did hit the pain point of the two of them. It seems that the landlord's house has no more food these years.

"Qin, this matter actually has something to do with you." M said: "The call I received was from my subordinates, and they found traces of Simon~www.wuxiaspot.com~Simon!?" This time It was Qin Fei's turn to be taken aback.

Simon has not been seen since he and Lei Ming and others returned to the castle. The last person who saw him was Eric. In Green’s mouth, he found Simon’s clothes in a cabinet beside the sewer in the kitchen on the side of the castle. There is reason to believe it. Simon escaped.

"Where is Simon now?" Qin Fei couldn't help asking, after all, Eric was involved in this matter.

If Simon insists that Eric is an enemy, he will come back sooner or later.

As the leader of the X mercenary group, Qin Fei could not allow his team members to be exposed to threats. No matter who the opponent is, as long as he poses a threat to his own people, the best way is to kill the opponent.

M said: "Three minutes ago, my people sent me news that a safe house we arranged in the northern suburbs of Stockholm is in danger of being attacked. The monitoring equipment arranged around the safe house is all paralyzed, but in the final video In the record, they saw a car and the people who got on and off were very similar to Ximen."

"Why did Ximen run to your safe house in the suburbs?" Qin Fei couldn't guess Ximen's intentions.

Now almost the whole world is hunting him. As the leader of the kidnapping case tonight, he finally killed off the eyes and ears of Alexanderkovich who was standing beside him, resulting in MI6, CIA, and KGB all looking for him.

For a normal person, since he escaped from the castle, he should immediately change his face and hide, or even leave the country.

How can anyone go to the safe house full of MI6 members?

Isn't this a self-inflicted trap?

M said: "Because there is the person he most wants to find in the safe house-Anthony."

"Anthony is in Stockholm?!" Qin Fei immediately expected things to be bad.

Recommend the new book of the city **** old Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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