Absolute Honor

Chapter 610: Ginger is old and spicy

"Huh!" Mentioned Thrandes, Anthony's eyes were full of resentment, and he said bitterly: "Yes, after you disappeared, he, who was already seriously ill, became even more confused. It would be too easy to kill him. As sick as he is. It is no longer necessary for the stricken people to stay in the position of the president. The Brotherhood of the Holy Cross worships the strong, not the sick."

"What's more..." He changed his tone and continued: "That position should have been mine. I didn't expect that he wanted to pass it to John..."

The John in his mouth is exactly Eric, the **** of thunder, and John is just Eric's code name among the twelve disciples of the Holy Cross.

Thinking of seeing the Damascus steel dagger in Eric's hands in the castle, the ancient knife called "Blood Blade" representing the power of the president of the Cross, Simon's heart jumped wildly.

He believed that Anthony was telling the truth.

Anthony was even more proud when he saw Simon's look dull.

"Why, even you were surprised to hear this news, right? You originally thought that the future position was yours, but it was John. I think you will be disappointed."

Anthony said: "I was even more disappointed at the time. Back then, Thrandes and I were together, just like you and John. He was able to ascend the position of the president. I made great contributions. I did not expect that he would pass it on to John, even You are not the leader of the disciples. Our business should be based on ability. John is not yet qualified to be the president."

"Then why are you designing to harm me?" Simon stared at Anthony.

"Why? It's a very simple reason, don't you understand?" Anthony glanced at Simon contemptuously: "It is not enough for me to kill one of you. The relationship between you is so good, one is dead. The other one will definitely be tracked down. Of course I will kill two birds with one stone. What is more enjoyable than letting you kill each other?"

Simon said, "Now that I know everything, aren't you afraid that we will kill you together?"

Anthony shrugged, "It seems that I still underestimated the friendship between you. You didn't kill John in the castle, but it doesn't matter. Now that you see here, you won't have a chance to get out alive. Come on, kid , Let me tell you the old bones, what level of existence should a real top assassin be!"

Almost at the same time as the voice fell to the ground, Anthony jumped up like a black panther. The fighting knives in the hands of the two were brandished so that they couldn't see clearly, only to hear the constant "hissing" noise.

After a few seconds, the two separated again.

Simon looked miserable, with familiar wounds on his arms and chest, and blood stained his snow suit.

And Anthony looked much more relaxed, only a shallow blood stain was left on his face.

"Humph!" Anthony looked at Simon with a pitiful look: "With your three-legged cat skills, you still want to be the president? One generation is not as good as one generation! It seems that my decision is still correct. The Brotherhood of the Holy Cross falls into the hands of such bad things as you, and sooner or later will lose the face of our predecessors!"


Simon spit on the ground, expressing his contempt.

"Don't be **** old things, try again!"

The two immediately swung their swords forward again, and they fought each other.

Close combat swordsmanship is almost a compulsory course for every special force. As a top assassin organization, all assassins of the Brotherhood of the Holy Cross must of course receive this kind of training.

What's more, assassin's profession in the early cold weapon era, the use of swordsmanship and cudgel skills and other equipment represents a basic value of its lethality. It is only in the cold weapon era. With the advancement of science and technology, assassination methods have become endless. Not as important as the previous position.

Any fighting technique, pay attention to the three-character mantra of fast, accurate, and ruthless, which is almost the iron law of all fighters.


When the two separated again, a deep blood mark was left on the back of Simon's hand.

His knife fell heavily to the ground with a crisp sound.

"It seems...you are really not so bad." Anthony felt his heartbeat become rapid, and he suddenly realized that he was really old.

Xiaoxiong's twilight is a kind of sadness, no matter how good you are, you will never be able to fight time.

Anthony took a few breaths and sneered: "Simon, you don't even have a knife. Why do you fight me?"

He was always a little uneasy in his heart. Although he had the upper hand in fighting skills, he lost to Simon in physical strength after all.

One power drop for ten guilds, especially in combat.

All fighting and martial arts are based on physical strength. The same is true for assassination. Without physical strength, everything is a castle in the air.

He was a little surprised that his physical strength had dropped so quickly, and it exceeded his measure of himself. According to this state, if the fighting drags on, he really dare not say who will die.

But to make him feel a little relieved, the SAS captain James and his colleagues who went out to check the sentry and monitoring heads are coming back soon, and time is in his own favor.

Simon never said a word, but stared at Anthony without saying a word.

Anthony saw a strange look flashing in Simon's eyes, which made him a little uneasy.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for Simon to be unaware of his departure. Now it is himself who is at a complete disadvantage.


After another thought, Anthony suddenly felt wet under his nostrils, and something seemed to be dripping out.

Simon finally smiled.

Anthony reached out and wiped it, and found that his hands were full of red blood~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

Suddenly, Simon stepped back two steps, wringed his hands, and looked at the vice president in front of him with a kind of laboratory experimenter looking at the vice president through a glass box like a mouse.

"I didn't expect that you could last that long."

He said: "If it comes to combat effectiveness, I admit that I lose to you."

Anthony felt his heart start beating uncontrollably again, his breathing accelerated involuntarily, and a white mist suddenly appeared in his sight, as if sitting in a sauna, his whole body was hot, and the blood in his veins was rising. It runs crazily in the body at a high speed that can be felt.

Then, feeling that his throat was sweet, he opened his mouth and vomited a mouthful of blood.

Then, the ears and eyes began to seep blood, and the skin began to appear an abnormal crimson, and the eyes were as red as rubies, and they looked very scary.


He kept wiping the blood, but never wiped it clean. He knew very well that the blood vessels burst open, starting from small blood vessels, because their calibers were the smallest and thinnest. Under the maximum pressure of blood, they burst open first. It's these small capillaries.

As the heart beats faster and faster, just like a stalling engine, eventually the large blood vessels will burst open under this pressure. At that time, you will die.


A terrifying thought flashed in his mind, but when did Simon poison him?

Is it the knife in his hand?


He knelt down, picked up the knife, and glanced at it. He firmly believed that the blade was non-toxic.

It can be poisoned up and down with a knife. In fact, even if the skin is cut, the amount that can penetrate into the blood is very small, and it can't be so fast and lethal.

what is the problem! ?

Recommend the new book of the city **** old Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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