Absolute Honor

Chapter 611: The front wave died on the beach

"Want to die, do you understand?"

Simon walked to the table, stooped to pick up the gun from the ground, and walked to the other side, hitting the unloaded magazine into the gun.

At this time, Anthony was already on his knees, and his whole person began to tremble like chaff.

He felt like a balloon with an inflated valve, with an inflator constantly pumping inward, his head was swelling, and his eyesight was declining sharply.

For Simon, this was already an old guy who was waiting to die.

"From the beginning, I planned to come and kill you. You thought I was so stupid that I didn't know how many kilograms I had?" Simon seemed to be stating something too common, and his tone was calm.

"I know that you are a master of combat, and Thrandes can only be equal to you during the peak period. A junior like me may beat you a little bit in terms of physical strength. You have it."

"So you poisoned the knife?" The blood on Anthony's mouth was already filling his mouth, and his speech became a little vague.

"On the knife?" Simon sneered: "Are you really confused or stupid? The knife used for poisoning must have a medicine trough, and the dose on the blade is too small. Besides, can I hurt you? Unknown, do you think I will take this risk?"

He looked at Anthony, opened the barrel of the MK25, and loaded the bullet of a heart.

"Anthony, you are really old. You are a good fighter, but you are not the best assassin for the new era." Simon said, "You really don't know how you got poisoned?"

"It's the oxygen cylinder!" Anthony's eyes widened, as if he had guessed something.

"Yes, you are so old and cunning, and relying on a few Ecstasy incense will definitely not balance you. I have guessed this a long time ago. I also guessed that you will hold your breath and wait for me to come down. Maybe you didn't guess at all, and so did I. Holding my breath and fighting with you, I am more adventurous than you, because I know that the little bottle of my gas mask is not mixed air at all, it is poisonous gas."

"As long as I am a little careless and inhale a little bit, those highly toxic gases can kill me. It will speed up my heart and lose control of my pulse. Then the blood vessels cannot withstand the pressure and burst, and finally seven holes. Bleeding to death."

"I know you will **** my respirator, because for you, you are too self-confident, almost to the point of arrogance. You had a chance to smash the window. Then it won’t take long before the ecstasy gas in the room will be lost. The dilution finally loses its effectiveness, but you just think that you can grab my respirator. You want me to taste the taste of being poisoned and stunned by myself."

"Anthony, you are a top fighting master, but not a top assassin. Assassins need powerful strategies, but you don't. That's why you didn't become the president."

After listening, Anthony was even more anxious, and fell directly to the ground and began to convulse.

"Don't worry, you will not die now. You still have at least ten minutes." Simon looked at his watch: "Do you know why I chose this medicine? Because it is fatal and difficult to understand, but it is poisonous. It won’t kill you in a few seconds like cyanide. Enjoy this process slowly. This is the reward for what I have done for you!"

"Give me...a...gun..." Anthony curled up on the carpet like a dead dog, making an asthmatic sound in his lungs, looking at Simon pitifully and pleadingly.

The burst of small blood vessels in the brain caused a rapid increase in intracranial pressure and pain. The burst of blood vessels in the lungs made his alveoli filled with blood, giving him a feeling of drowning, but his physique was extremely powerful, which made him better than ordinary people. To die slower, this is simply a kind of living torture.

Simon has been too lazy to take care of this guilty old guy. According to the plan, he can leave now, otherwise James and the others will come back and it will not be easy to get the two SAS players.

He walked through the living room and into the kitchen, where there was a window leading to the back of the meeting cottage, from there into the woods, and then ran out five hundred meters to the east. Lilia's car was waiting on a small road. Own.

The things here have been completed, he feels very relaxed, and there is a news that makes him even more happy-Eric has not betrayed himself.

Now he is glad that he didn't shoot Eric in the castle, otherwise he would make a big mistake.

Everything was a coincidence. KGB wanted to recruit himself, and Anthony wanted to kill two birds with one stone. The two parties who had their own ghosts did not communicate and communicate, but the goals were the same.

Planting Eric can make him desperately go to KGB and establish a gravedigger organization, and Anthony can also sit back and watch his brother and Eric fratricide.

All coincidences created all the evidence pointing to Eric.

I was blinded by the pain in this matter, and I didn't even carefully analyze the mistakes behind it, which led to being fooled and almost killed his good brother Eric.

After Simon decides to flee here, he wants to go to Africa to find Eric in Eritrea's Tio mercenary training camp, apologize to him, and ask for forgiveness.

The Brotherhood of the Holy Cross can't go back, kill the current president himself, I'm afraid it will be pursued and killed, but let him go! Among the twelve disciples, who can stand shoulder to shoulder with himself? Come one, let him die!

He opened the window and jumped into the snow.

Thick thinking that the snow covered up the sound of landing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After walking a few steps in the boundless wind and snow, he suddenly stopped and slammed into the woodstack beside him.


James' voice came from behind a tree more than 30 meters away.

"I advise you to put down your gun and surrender."

"James, do you think just two SAS players can pose a big threat to me?" Simon sneered in his heart and scanned the surroundings. He could use the cover of the firewood to jump back into the house and find another one. Leave the right exit.

Two SAS players, they couldn't seal the whole house.

"I know it's difficult to keep you, but you can choose to run away and see who this is!" James seems to be winning, "unless you don't care about your own woman."

Simon's heart jumped!


He quickly pushed aside the snow on the woodstack and looked out through the gap.

Sure enough, Lilia was grabbed by a SAS team member's hair, and she fell to her knees. The team member held a pistol in his hand and placed it on the back of her head.

"I promise, after you go, I will treat her well!" James shouted.

Simon sat down in the snow, leaning on the stack of firewood.


He cursed in a low voice.

A killer is most afraid of being emotional.

However, although Lilia is a swallow of KGB, she saved herself when she needed help the most. Although she had a mission, Simon could feel that this woman really fell in love with herself while taking care of her injuries. .

Women are always impressed by the men who have consumed their most beautiful youth; men are the women who will never abandon the women who accompany them when they are most desolate.

Simon would never give up Lilia at all.

Recommend the new book of the city **** old Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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