Absolute Honor

Chapter 618: Qin Fei's ambition

Qin Fei pursed his lips, sorted out his thoughts, and began to express his thoughts.

"We don't have a strong military background like MPRI, but we also have advantages. At least up to the present position, there is only one reason for the company to become bigger and stronger, that is, there must be something extraordinary. MPRI is a strong military background." 'Deyang' and'Shamrock' became stronger because the Blackwater Company's scandal left a power gap in the Middle East, and they seized the opportunity to fill it up."

Qin Fei said: "You have not discovered that for every large company, they either have a background or a territory, and they have a good relationship with the military and intelligence agencies."

"You mean, we need to use MI6's network of relationships?" Lao Yu asked.

Qin Fei shook his head and said, "No, no, no, you made a mistake, Lao Yu, MI6 can never treat us as her own, okay? This is not a matter of irrelevance, even if we helped M, she still owes us only Favor, in the face of their national interests, our friendship is considered a shit. Ask her for information, or help a little, I guess it's okay, if they touch their fundamental interests, M will sell us without hesitation. "

Old fish said: "What should I do?"

Qin Fei said: "In several continents of the world, the cakes of America and Europe have already been divided. It may be difficult for us to get in. The remaining valuable continents are Asia and Africa. As far as Asia is concerned, the Black Sun organization has done a good job. It’s pretty good. From their control of Kungues sister, you can see how powerful they are, and they can enter the drug market in the Americas, and they can mobilize the former SEAL team members. It can be seen that they have a very close relationship with Lao Mei. , We can't move them."

Kun guessed: "Boss, if I get the money left by my sister, we can recruit soldiers and buy horses to work with them!"

"That's something for the future. The problem is that you don't even see the money now." Qin Fei couldn't help pouring the cold water of Kunchai. Kunchai and Hei Ri have an antagonism, Qin Fei The most worried thing is that his vengeance will be bad.

If you can't bear it, you'll be chaotic. If you want to fight, you must first weigh your own strength.

The old fish said: "So, according to your statement, now the only valuable places in the world are the Middle East and Africa."

"The situation in the Middle East is currently complicated. No one can say anything there. Eagle sauce, Maozi, Sunburst Empire, Tugou and a few local YSL countries all want to get a share of the pie there. Wade through the muddy water."

When the conversation changed, Qin Fei said: "The reason I say we are lucky is because we are based in Africa. There were originally two largest mercenary companies in Africa, but they have all collapsed now."

"Are you talking about the ‘Wild Goose Club’ and ‘EO’?" The sight was very familiar with the history of mercenaries in Africa and asked immediately.

The "Wild Goose Club" in the front sight is actually a very old mercenary company in Africa. The founder of this company is Thomas Michael Hall, a man in the armored forces of the empire who never set foot on the days of World War II. He has extensive battlefield experience.

From 1960 to 1961, a rebellion broke out in the province of Katanga, Congo. He formed the Mercenary Organization "Fourth Commando" to assist the government in suppressing it; in 1964, the Congolese Prime Minister hired the Mercenary Organization "Fifth Commando" organized by Hall. "Suppress the "Simba Rebellion" supported by the Soviet Union; the classic battle is "Operation Red Dragon". The "Fifth Commando" cooperated with Belgian paratroopers to conquer Stanleyville on the grounds of rescuing Europeans detained by the rebels. Therefore, the service was called "The Butcher of Stanleyville."

Hall's mercenary organization also uses wild geese as a logo. In 1974, Hall called mercenaries in Johannesburg in the name of the "Wild Goose Club", hoping to make a fortune in the civil war in Angola; in 1975, Portuguese capitalists began to recruit mercenaries in an attempt to overthrow the current regime in Mozambique; but the South African military took the lead One step involved Angola and Mozambique.

In 1977, a coup broke out in Seychelles. In 1981, Hall hired the former president of Seychelles and led 53 mercenaries into Seychelles pretending to be tourists, but they were found to have hidden weapons; they exchanged fire with Seychelles military police at the airport. Later, the mercenaries boarded an airline plane, landed in South Africa and were arrested.

After that, Hall spent ten years in jail, and the famous "Wild Goose" club was quickly eliminated by the times.

The EO company, also known as "Executive Results", is a legal PMC company in South Africa.

Its customers are basically multinational companies that extract natural resources. In 1993, the government established by the "People's Liberation Movement of Angola" hired EOs to crack down on the "National Alliance for the Complete Independence of Angola".

As a result, it only took EO three years to force the two to negotiate. During the war, EO was paid for "traditional oil and gas" and "De Beers diamonds"; because EO regained the stolen oil fields for the former, while the latter focused on the diamond mines in Angola.

Later in Sierra Leone, the EO also quickly forced the "Revolutionary United Front" to negotiate with the Sierra Leone Provisional Government; but after EO withdrew due to international condemnation, the RUF broke up the peace agreement and made a comeback.

During the war, every time EO regained a diamond mine, "branch energy" obtained 60% of the mining rights, which immediately made EO a lot of money.

But all this good luck ended in 1999, because the South African government signed an international agreement against mercenaries in 1998, and the EO happened to be registered in South Africa. In order to show its sincerity, the government ordered the EO to close.

After that, the former leaders of EO established various small PMC companies in other small countries, but they were unable to reproduce the glory of the past. Only Robert’s company thrived. It was just that Robert’s luck was too bad. The subordinates rebelled and killed, and even the newly-built contract mercenary training camp was handed over to Qin Fei's X mercenary group.

"That's right! Africa is basically a straggler now, and there is no really large PMC company to establish a foothold here." Qin Fei said, "I thought about it later, in fact, Robert is indeed an old man in the mercenary world. It works well, but it's not very lucky. Why did he set up an offer training camp?"

The car was quiet, no one answered.

"I think..." The old fish was the first to speak, "Is this guy just to make money?"

"Old fish, I think Robert is not just for making money as simple. He set up a contract training camp and started his signature, so that most of the mercenary organizations in Africa sent people to train there, and even the Eritrean military asked them to train special forces~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ I think it's not just for money."

Qin Fei said: "Remember the War of Resistance against Japan before the liberation of our motherland and the subsequent Three-year Liberation War? Where did most of the famous generals who stood on the stage of history come out? Also, during the Northern Expedition, Lao Jiang relied on What is the backbone of the army?"

"Whampoa Military Academy!" Lao Yu took a breath, "You kid want to build an African Whampoa Military Academy?"

"Yes, I think Robert himself had this idea before." Qin Fei said: "You can imagine, if the X mercenary group became famous, would the training camp's business flourish? Then many countries' military With your students and holding important positions, think about whether this is your resource? Whoever wants to mediate the war in Africa, maybe the first thing that comes to mind is the gray rabbit defense, and the X mercenary group is the first thing that comes to mind, right? "

"Boss!" The sight was full of enthusiasm, and he patted the steering wheel like chicken blood: "Fak, I'm so excited to hear it! You count me, I'll follow you, just do it! What about that... What Po...Military Academy."

Although he has learned a few sentences in Chinese, his pronunciation is still not accurate.

Qin Fei corrected him and said: "It's the Whampoa Military Academy! Once this is done, Africa will be our turf, and then we will have a bargaining chip in our hands. Even the big intelligence agencies also need us to act as a bridge to settle some of these things. Some people say that Africa is a corner forgotten by God, but I think this is a big piece of fat. It is so rich in resources, and it will definitely be an important place for contention in the future. Deploy as soon as possible!"

Lao Yu was stupefied when he heard this. The Qin Fei in front of him couldn't be measured by conventional thinking. He had thought so long-term.

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