Absolute Honor

Chapter 619: problem

However, the old fish still suddenly remembered something, and reminded some of Qin Fei who was licking blood: "I said, did you forget one thing?"

Qin Fei asked strangely: "What's the matter?"

"Those who are looking for you tonight are from Troop 203." Old Yu said, "If you are really like what they said, brother, you should be my serious junior. We are in the same troop. Come out, after Charlotte’s mission is completed, don’t you want to go back to China?"

"Yes, I promised to do it." Qin Fei said without hesitation, "Although I can't remember everything for the time being, I can be sure that they were indeed born and died with me."

"Well, Unit 203 is not an ordinary unit..." Lao Yu sighed, looked out the window, as if returning to the glorious years, then laughed at himself after a while.

He always feels that he has become a mercenary today, thinking that he was also one of the most famous figures in the 203 army.

That kind of lost sense of honor made him more or less disappointed.

However, if he chooses again, Lao Yu feels that he will still choose the same path. After all, a hero also has to live, and he also has a wife and several mixed-race children to raise.

"Now I am not worried about whether you will go, but what I am worried about after you go back."

Qin Fei had never thought about the problems he faced after returning to China. At this time, listening to Lao Yu's words, he was a little confused.

"After going back?"

"Yeah." Lao Yu nodded seriously. He didn't know whether he should say that to increase Qin Fei's psychological pressure. After thinking about it for a while, he felt that he still had to say that the problem can never be solved by avoiding it, and he will have to face it sooner or later.

"With my understanding of the troops, your heart is so big outside..."

He looked at the players in a car and couldn't help saying: "You are different from me. According to Lei Ming, you lost your memory accidentally during the mission, and then you were found to have died, although your name is no longer on the active list. , But once you return to China, you will face one of the biggest problems."

"The biggest problem?" Qin Fei asked.

"That's right, think about it, 203 is the top special forces. Everything is classified. To put it bluntly, it's not that the insiders don't know what they do. They only know that there is probably such a unit. The world is showing its face, and I am afraid that the news about Castle Island tonight has already been upset by the media, I am afraid..."

Qin Fei's heart sank suddenly.

Lao Yu continued: "Even if the accident in the mission is not your fault, you should be restored to your identity according to the relevant regulations, but the superiors may have to consider whether you are still suitable to continue to serve in Unit 203. But if you are put in Ordinary field troops or even institutions and academies, let alone I find it wasteful, I'm afraid Qin Fei, you don't want to?"

The old fish was right.

I only thought about how to retrieve the lost memories, but didn't think about how I would stay in the army in the future. As the old fish said, if he is not suitable to stay in Unit 203, then I am afraid that I can only go to the general field troops or go to the office logistics. Is it that I have been so confused in my life sitting in the office waiting for retirement, and then assigning one Work unit or self-employment?

Do not!

This is definitely not the result Qin Fei wants, and it is not the life he wants!

The reality is so cruel. I am afraid that after tonight, no one in the mercenary circle in the world does not recognize this X mercenary group.

To be famous for the ordinary mercenary group and PMC company, of course, it is very desirable, but for the members of the confidential special forces like the sharp edge of a country, it is tantamount to a disaster, a special force that has completely exposed its identity. The soldiers have no secrets at all, and have completely lost the possibility of continuing to serve.

Thinking of this, Qin Fei couldn't help feeling a little frustrated.

Lao Yu also saw that Qin Fei was in a complicated mood at the moment, so he comforted: "You don't need to be too burdened with thoughts. Isn't there an old saying? The car has its own way to the top of the mountain, and the boat goes straight to the bridge. Some things are fate. It’s not something you can control, just take one step at a time."

Qin Fei nodded, took a deep breath, and put his disturbed thoughts aside.

Seeing step by step, the old fish made sense, and there were some things that he didn't have his turn to worry about.

"Lao Yu, I will return to the Counter-Terrorism Bureau later. You will leave Stockholm with Charlotte. I will ask Major General Green to arrange a plane for us. I will go to Geneva by myself."

"Geneva?" The old fish asked, "What are you going to do there?"

Qin Fei said, "I went to see my mother. She thought I had sacrificed, so she went to become Doctors Without Borders. Do you remember Victor's daughter Sophia?"

The old fish patted his head: "I remember, that girl is a Doctor Without Borders!"

"Yes." Qin Fei said, "My mother and her are colleagues..."

Looking at the old fish, Qin Fei couldn't help but smile: "The world is really small, isn't it? My mother saw the photo taken with me on her mobile phone and recognized me at a glance. I got the phone from Sophia and contacted me. Fuck me."

"That's a good thing!" Lao Yu said excitedly: "Speaking of which, I also met your mother. When I went to join the 203 army, she also came to the army. For so many years, if I have a chance, I would also like to see your mother. Sister-in-law!"

Qin Fei said: "Well, I will ask her if she would like to go back to Africa with me temporarily, and then we will make an appointment to meet. Now although Eric and Simon have gone to Berlin to compete for the position of the brotherhood, but the result is Before it comes out, I am afraid that the Brotherhood’s hunt for Charlotte is still not over~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You must be careful."

Lao Yu said: "It's okay, we are not out of the airport, I think they should not have the courage to do it in the VIP hall of the airport? Not to mention the airport special police, we will also be careful."

"Okay, then we will go to the airport together at that time, you will fly to Dubai for a transfer, and I will fly to Geneva."

The two of them talked all the way, and quickly returned to the city, the car drove into the parking lot of the Counter-Terrorism Bureau.

Tonight, for the Counter-Terrorism Bureau, it must have been a sleepless night. The soldiers at the gate stopped the car and did not allow everyone to enter after calling Major General Green.

For Green, Qin Fei is no different than a great savior. Although two team members and eight hostages died, it was a great fortune in misfortune relative to the more terrifying result.

As for diplomacy, it was politicians who went to wrestle with the countries involved, and had nothing to do with the military.

Hearing that Qin Fei and others will leave Stockholm immediately, Green also expressed his understanding. After all, it is not a good thing for Qin Fei and himself to bring an assassination target by his side.

Tonight is troublesome enough. Green has no energy to deal with other emergencies. He said that the heroic behavior of Qin Fei and others has formed a report and sent it to the royal family, and His Highness Gustav originally wanted to think about it personally. Qin Fei and others thanked them, but they were temporarily trained in the Royal Hospital because they were too frightened. After a while, they will definitely invite Qin Fei and others to visit Stockholm again. It is said that the royal family may award them honors to appreciate their presence here. Fearless dedication in the second crisis and so on.

Qin Fei didn't have much interest in these things. Now what she wanted to do most was to go to Geneva to meet her mother Liang Shaoqin. The lost memory seemed to be within reach of her eyes, and he had never tried so longing.

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