Absolute Honor

Chapter 621: Has a tail

Crown Prince Hassan really had a lot of friends, and it was not half an hour before he hung up the call with Qin Fei, and soon he called back again.

In the words of Crown Prince Hassan, he asked his personal secretary to call all his friends who might be going to Switzerland to ski in his address book.

It turned out to be lucky. A Saudi prince was planning to go skiing on the Swiss Girls' Front, so he could take Qin Fei on.

Ever since, Qin Fei boarded the local tyrant's private Gulfstream plane an hour later.

Before departure, Qin Fei deliberately called Liang Shaoqin, saying that his flight departed early and asked his mother to pick him up at the airport 3 hours later.

Fearing that his mother's phone would be monitored, Qin Fei deliberately relaxed, acting as a son who is eager to see his mother and changed to Fei.

After deliberately releasing the smoke bomb, Qin Fei had already had an idea in his mind.

Switzerland can't stay for a long time. No matter who the opponent is, it is hard to say that people who can keep an eye on themselves are definitely not the general ones.

Since it wasn't for Charlotte, then the biggest suspicion was the Black Sun organization.

The information obtained from Lei Ming's mouth was that he caused amnesia due to undercover, and his purpose was to protect Kunchai, and Kunchai had already been an important pursuit target of Hei Ri. This was clear to Qin Fei.

The problem is not the huge sum of money, but the mysterious black notebook.

He and Kunchai hid in Africa before, because the training camp has been targeted by Black Sun. Tonight, the whole world knows that they are in Stockholm. How can Black Sun miss this opportunity?

He went around in the airport deliberately or unintentionally, but he still didn't find anyone stalking him.

Qin Fei knew that there must be someone in the airport crowd watching him secretly, but this person was well hidden and he couldn't find it.

The owner of this plane, the young wealthy prince, had studied at King Saudi University of Science and Technology. With a standard British accent, there were no obstacles in communicating with Qin Fei.

He had already heard of Qin Fei, and he also knew that Qin Fei was currently a very popular figure in the African mercenary circle.

What Qin Fei did in Stockholm tonight had already caused a sensation. Therefore, the prince was very enthusiastic and directly asked the flight attendant on the plane to open several bottles of expensive Don Perignon Champagne to chat with Qin Fei.

It's just that Qin Fei's heart has been hanging on his throat, worrying about his mother's safety, but he has to entertain this enthusiastic rich man.

Fortunately, it does not take much time to fly from Stockholm to Geneva, and it has landed on the runway of Geneva's international airport in less than 3 hours.

After getting off the plane, thanked the prince, and declined the invitation of the prince who was as passionate as the desert to ask Qin Fei to go skiing with a group of models on his plane to the Jungfrau, Qin Fei hurriedly left the VIP channel. Almost trot all the way to the hall.

It was already five o'clock in the morning. Qin Fei looked at his watch and looked around in the hall, but didn't see Liang Shaoqin.

After thinking about it, Qin Fei bought a certain peaked cap in the duty-free shop, bought a scarf and a new jacket, and a bottle of VSOP in the form of a small wine version. He repackaged himself, looked in the mirror, and was absolutely sure. He couldn't see his true colors, and then ran outside the airport lobby, hiding in a corner and staring at the door.

Not long after, Qin Fei saw Sophia and a middle-aged woman appear at the gate and hurried to the hall.

Without any guesses, Qin Fei had already recognized that the middle-aged father and daughter were his mother Liang Shaoqin.

Liang Shaoqin was obviously very anxious and kept looking at his watch, pulling Sophia towards the exit of the passenger passage.

Qin Fei did not show up, but patiently hid in the dark.

Sure enough, Qin Fei soon saw two strong men following them into the hall, and then followed Liang Shaoqin unhurriedly.

The stalker appeared!

The phone vibrated quickly in his trouser pocket. Qin Fei took it out and pressed the on button. Liang Shaoqin's voice came from there, "Son, how about you!?"

"Mom, now I want you to do something, you must promise me, don't ask me why, I don't have time to explain." Qin Fei said, "You go to the women's bathroom right now, and I will call you and come out again. , Or don’t come out if you hear any movement."

Liang Shaoqin was silent for a while, and the trust between mother and son was of course indestructible. She immediately replied, "Okay."

Soon, Qin Fei saw Sophia and Liang Shaoqin hurriedly turning out from the exit of the passage, and then walked towards the ladies' toilet in the corner of the airport hall.

Since it was five o'clock in the morning, there were no people in the airport lobby, only an old man pushing a mopping machine to wipe the floor everywhere, not even the police saw one.

The two stalkers quickly reappeared in Qin Fei's line of sight, following Liang Shaoqin and Sophia all the way to the lady's bathroom.

Since the women’s bathroom was separated from the men’s by more than ten meters, the two of them saw Sophia and Liang Shaoqin entering the women’s bathroom, and they had trouble standing at the door and waiting. That was very conspicuous.

Fortunately, there is a back staircase leading to the second-floor terminal next door. It was originally closed, but there was a recessed place more than three meters away at the entrance with three trash cans side by side inside.

So the two had no choice but to run to the trash can, pretending to chat, and peeking in the direction of the women's toilet from time to time.

Qin Fei saw that the time was ripe and he had to act immediately.

He put the hood of the jacket on the hat, then unscrewed the bottle of about 350ML of VSOP wine, sprinkled some perfume on himself, and then took the wine bottle and pretended to walk along the wall towards the back stairs. Go.

The two stalking men found Qin Fei~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and were surprised at first, because Qin Fei was silently less than two meters behind him, and they reached out to their arms almost at the same time.

One of them stopped abruptly, his nose sniffed in the air, and a strong smell of alcohol came out.

He cast a wink at his companion, his expression relaxed.

"I'm an alcoholic!"

The companion also grinned and looked at Qin Fei who was shaking with interest.

Qin Fei took out a cigarette while walking, and walked in front of the two men, making gestures in English, indicating to borrow a fire.

The two men glanced at Qin Fei in disgust. One of them pointed to the no-smoking sign behind him and said in non-standard English: "Hey! Alcoholic, smoking is prohibited here, I have to smoke it outside!"

Qin Fei pretended to be entangled, reluctant to make fire.

The two men were afraid that Qin Fei would make such a fuss, and the target who happened to be stalked would find himself out of the women's bathroom, so one of them began to lower his head and dig out his pockets, looking for a lighter and planning to dismiss it.

Qin Fei immediately realized that the opportunity was here!

He grabbed the wine bottle with his right hand and slammed it towards the guy who didn't look for a lighter but was standing aside, pinching his nose and looking at him with an impatient expression.

The bottom of the VSOP bottle is extremely thick, and the 350ML bottle is originally small and very hard, and it has the same effect as a hammer.


The sharp edge at the bottom of the bottle hit the temple of the guy who pinched his nose and looked disgusted. He fell straight to the ground like a cow smashed through the sky, his hands and feet twitched, his eyes turned white instantly.

The other man who looked down for the lighter seemed to have discovered that his accomplice was in an accident. He gave up taking out his pockets and reached out and turned to his arms. There was a pistol there, which was his life-saving tool.

Recommend the new book of the city **** old Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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