Absolute Honor

Chapter 622: who are you?

How could Qin Fei give him a chance to draw a gun?

One jumped up, his knees directly against this guy's chin.


The crisp sound of dislocation of the mandible immediately sounded.

What Qin Fei received was the military combat training of special forces, and he was good at attacking the most vulnerable and deadly place of the human body.

For example, just smashing the temple of another man with the bottom edge of a wine bottle is just like this. The temple is one of the most vulnerable parts of a person's head. If it is hit hard, it can cause severe concussion and even death.

The triangular area at the junction of the two sides of the mandible is full of nerve bundles. If it is hit hard, it will cause dislocation and fracture. It will also cause the medulla oblongata to temporarily lose the ability to stand after stimulation. If the attacker's strength is sufficient, it may even produce shock and cerebral hemorrhage, leading to eventual death.

The guy who took the gun was hit by Qin Fei's head directly against the wall, and slowly sat down against the wall. He suddenly lost his combat effectiveness and wanted to stand up and couldn't stand up.

Qin Fei was already extremely angry at this time, and when he shot himself, he recognized it. Damn, it was another matter that he dared to do it to his mother.

If he dared to do this, Qin Fei didn't plan to leave a way to survive, and if one came, the other would die, in order to behave like you.

He strangled the guy's neck and twisted it.


There was another crisp sound.

The guy's atlas was directly shattered due to the force, and the central blood vessel ruptured immediately, and the person immediately collapsed to the ground.

Qin Fei dealt with this guy and looked back at the other hapless guy who was first attacked by himself with a wine bottle.

The guy continued to convulse on the ground and started to foam up.

Qin Fei walked over, stepped directly on his cervical spine, directly stomped off his cervical spine, and sent him to the west.

After getting everything done, Qin Fei squatted down and pulled out all the valuable things from the two of them.

He didn't need the weapon, he didn't take it. This is the airport. Taking the weapon is tantamount to making trouble for yourself. If you want to enter the terminal and press the button, it will kill you.

Never let go of paper items such as wallets, and then use a mobile phone to take pictures of the two of them and store the photos.

These were all learned in the 203th unit, and he was familiar with the road when he played.

After completing the intelligence collection, Qin Fei opened the lids of the two trash cans, threw them in like a bag of garbage, and closed the lids.

Since this place is the entrance of the back stairs, it is also a recessed place in the hall, because there is no camera to take pictures here, it is a blind spot.

The reason why Qin Fei chose this place was already estimated.

These two people did not live or die. Perhaps they underestimated Qin Fei too much. They felt that they were too young and would not be too strong even if they were trained.

But I don't know that pride often kills people.

Throwing away the corpse, Qin Fei took out a tissue from his pocket, wiped off the blood on the ground, then quickly walked out of the stairs, took out his mobile phone and called Sophia.

"Sophia, now you listen to me, take my mom out of the bathroom immediately, and then go to the counter to buy two of the fastest flight tickets in Dubai. Go and do it immediately. Don’t find me, I’ll watch you nearby. We will meet again in Dubai, and I will explain all the reasons at that time."

Who is Sophia?

She is a wild girl. For ordinary people, seeing Qin Fei's neurotic appearance will definitely break the casserole and ask to the end. She is not, on the contrary, she feels very exciting and has an inexplicable excitement.

"Okay! I'll take Auntie away right away."

"Also, turn off our mobile phone, throw away the card, don't take it anymore, I am worried that she will be monitored and tracked." Qin Fei said.

Sophia hurriedly asked: "What about me? Then do you want to throw away mine!? Is mine also being monitored and tracked?"

Listening to Sophia's mouth full of joy, Qin Fei was suddenly full of black lines.

What kind of girl is this? No wonder her father sells arms and giving birth to a girl is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Since Sophia had nothing to do with herself before, and no one knew how she would be in contact with herself, so her mobile phone was basically safe.

Besides, she had just returned from Africa. At the time when she was kidnapped by the Nigerian rebels, the mobile phone was gone. Now the mobile phone is definitely newly bought and absolutely safe.

"You don't need it, what can I contact you if you lose it?"

"Qin, who is following us? What's the matter with you?" Sophia joked with a smile.

Qin Fei continued to fill his head with black lines: "I'm hanging up. When I arrive in Dubai, I will naturally explain to you."

As soon as I hung up the phone, the mysterious number rang again.

"Qin Fei, have you found your mother?"

"found it."

"Is anyone following?"


"Is it settled?"

"It's settled." Qin Fei couldn't help asking: "Who are you? Why do you know so many things?"

"I am your friend, an absolute friend. I will not harm you. Remember, leave Geneva immediately and don't leave the airport for one step. The Black Dragon team is waiting for you."

After all, like last time, I hung up without any warning~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Listening to the busy tone, Qin Fei held the phone in his hand and glanced at the phone number again.

Suddenly, he picked up the phone and called back.

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and then a beeping busy tone rang.

That number is no longer available.

Obviously, the other party's number card is a one-time use. It is convenient, quick and safe to use a card for one thing, and it is definitely not easy to be tracked.

Qin Fei thought for a while, and felt that this person was really not malicious to him, but he was definitely not a member of Unit 203, otherwise he wouldn't even be reluctant to reveal his identity.

Now is not the time to consider these things. It seems that Geneva is no longer safe, and I must take my mother Sophia and leave immediately.

Seeing that Sofia and her mother had left the Swissair counter in the airport and started walking towards the terminal, it was obvious that they had already bought the tickets.

Qin Fei pulled his hat and ran to the counter to buy a ticket to Dubai as soon as possible.

Early in the morning, the plane flew to Dubai, and the people on the plane were not full.

Sophia is a real money owner, and he actually bought first class. Qin Fei only bought economy class. Only when he got on the plane, he found that everyone was not sitting together.

He sat down in his seat until the plane flew away and ran straight into the sky before he left his seat and walked towards the first class cabin.

The stewardess stopped Qin Fei at the door, and Qin Fei signaled that he was going in to find someone. After the two said a few words, Sophia suddenly stood up from his seat.

"Qin! Are you here!?"

Liang Shaoqin was startled. He heard that his son was on the plane, and he immediately jumped up.

The two mothers and sons just stood face to face, time stopped, and no one knew what to say.

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