Absolute Honor

Chapter 627: Buy a plane

"It's like this..." Minister Lawrence wiped his two sausage mouths and looked at Qin Fei and said, "I want to buy some weapons."

Buy weapons?

Qin Fei was a little confused.

Buy a weapon and just buy it, ask yourself why? A majestic minister, who is in charge of the entire country's army, has to ask himself if he purchases weapons?

Too much worthy of myself.

Could it be that this old fox put another trap in his heart?

"Minister, are you kidding me?" Qin Fei smiled and said, "What else do you have to discuss with me as a mercenary when you buy weapons?"

Lawrence frowned and thought for a while and said, "I want to buy a SU-27 fighter jet."

Qin Fei was shocked suddenly.

SU-27? That's a very good third-generation machine, at least now among the third-generation machines in many countries, it is considered the best in terms of performance.

He suddenly felt something wrong.

Because the price of the SU-27 is at least 30 million US dollars or more, and the GDP of the entire Eritrea is just over 2.5 billion US dollars, and it owes more than one billion US dollars in foreign debt.

Want to buy SU-27?

This old guy, doesn't he want to knock himself off?

But even if he knocked, he couldn't spit out so much money to this guy.

"Minister, you don't want me to buy SU-27 for you. I just have some belongings. I can't afford it." Qin Fei sat down on the opposite sofa and looked at Lawrence opposite. Said: "If you want to buy this kind of thing, wouldn't it be better than me to find Victor to match the line?"

"The reason should be like this, but we have no money, even if we have money, I am afraid we can't buy it." Lawrence said.

In Qin Fei's heart, a group of grass-and-mud horses ran past. I'm fucking. If you don't have the money, what do you learn from a big-tailed wolf?

What kind of SU-27 can you buy if you don’t have money?

"Minister, since you can't buy it, let me say nothing more." Qin Fei said, "Isn't your relationship with Victor always very good? He used to be an officer in the former Soviet Union, don't ask if he can do anything. ?"

"Yes, I have a good relationship with Victor, but I still owe him some money. The two MB339 attack trainers I bought from him last time still have not paid the balance, so..."

Having said this, Lawrence moved his gaze to Qin Fei's face, with an expression of "I think you are so understanding, you must understand what I said".

The straw horse in Qin Fei's heart galloped again and said calmly on the surface: "Minister, what can I do to help you tell me straight, don't go around, I absolutely can't afford SU-27."

"No, no, no." Lawrence shook his head and said, "Qin, I think you have some misunderstandings. This base is doing well in your hands. Don't forget that I also have shares in it. I don't worry about giving it to others. Why? Will you ruin your own money?"

"It's just..." His expression looked a little lonely, and he sighed: "My pressure is also great..."

Qin Fei keeps MMP in his heart. You are under a lot of pressure, but I don’t have much pressure. A large team of people need to be equipped and raised. Fak, your old boy is regarded as a cash cow!

He had already made up his mind that if the old fox wanted to pay the money, he couldn't agree to kill him, otherwise he would have to work for Ya Bai in the future.

It's not easy to think about being a mercenary group. It seems that this training camp is a sweet pastry, but in fact everyone wants to eat here.

It's not enough just to be able to fight, and you have to learn how to deal with these wolves like tigers.

"Minister, what pressure do you have?" Qin Fei asked in a calm tone.

Lawrence said with a look of bitterness on Yang Bailao: "If you know the history of our country, you should be clear. In the past few years, we fought a border war with our neighboring Ethiopia, but we lost. I was only after that. Those who came to power, the previous ministers stepped down because of poor command in this matter."

"Later I did a lot of investigations and found that we lost because we had less soldiers than them. The other side deliberately lengthened the front to dilute our strength on the 1,000-kilometer front. The second is the Air Force. Really suffer."

"Why did you suffer?" Qin Fei asked.

"Our country bought the MiG-29 fighter jets that year, and was fooled! In air combat, the mobility of the SU-27 has the upper hand, and it is equipped with R-73 missiles, while our MiG- The 29 is only equipped with R-27 missiles, and the SU-27 is a heavy-duty aircraft. It has an absolute advantage in terms of ammunition capacity and endurance, which has caused us a big loss."

"After that, although our two sides have signed a peace treaty, there is no guarantee that the war will recur someday. Recently, the president ordered me to strengthen the construction of the air force. My idea is to introduce the SU-27."

"But, Lord Minister, you buy fighter jets and what do you find me a mercenary leader?" Qin Fei couldn't laugh or cry. "I'm not an arms dealer."

"Yeah, you are not an arms dealer. Didn't I just say that? Victor refused to buy SU-27 for me because he was owed last time. I think you saved him last time in Nigeria. For your life, maybe you go to be a lobbyist and you will get a better chance." Lawrence said.

Qin Fei was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Minister, you are too dear to me, yes, I saved Victor's life~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But you know, this guy is not only sending In addition to giving me a batch of light weapons, I have to charge me money for falling UH-1 second-hand helicopters, which is a lot of money, and even the weapons and equipment from my last operation in Nigeria asked him to help me find a channel to send back the contract. Base, this guy will charge me for shipping."

After speaking, Qin Fei moved his body forward: "Minister, do you think he would promise me to buy SU-27 for you for free?"

Lawrence pursed his mouth and thought for a while, then looked at Qin Fei and said, "In this way, I don't want to pay for it, but our country's military expenditure is really limited. Can you..."

He raised **** and shook Qin Fei.

"This number, you can buy two for me."

"Two billion?" Qin Fei asked.

Lawrence's face is green, thinking that the **** is really pretending to be confused with me, two hundred million I want you to help me as a lobbyist? Damn, I'll go to Da Maozi to buy it myself.

"Qin, we are friends, so don't make such international jokes!"

"Then what do you mean?" Qin Fei asked.

Lawrence laughed and said: "Twenty million dollars, of course, it's better to configure several R-73s."

This time, Qin Fei's heart was more than a horse running past, and a bunch of crows croaked and flew over the sky.

The SU-27 with more than 30 million US dollars is still bare metal. Lawrence actually needs 20 million to buy two, and it also needs to be equipped with R-73. Nima is better than grabbing it!

"Minister, a bare-metal low-profile version of SU-27 costs 30 million U.S. dollars, and 20 million to buy two. Are you sure it's not a model?" Qin Fei said unhappy.

"We are poor. We are doing our best to squeeze out this little money." Lawrence looked at Qin Fei with a wicked smile, like a wolf staring at a piece of fat.

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