Absolute Honor

Chapter 628: Pressure (Thanks to Xiaoben his father for the great reward!)

Qin Fei instantly understood that it was not that Lawrence didn't have the funds to buy the plane, but he wanted to save some.

As a defense minister, if placed in other countries, Qin Fei would think that this guy is for the country and the people, but Lawrence knows very well that he will definitely not be so unselfish.

I was afraid that there was a sum of funds, but he didn't want to make more money. He could only think of this way if he wanted to profit from it.

And Victor is an international arms dealer, and Lawrence may not be on the top of his client list. He will not be able to kill Lawrence when his debts are not cleared.

Lawrence realized that he had just saved Victor's life. He couldn't deal with Victor, so he wanted to do something on himself.

However, he is indeed under the control of Lawrence. There is an old saying that people are under the eaves and have to bow their heads.

The training camp is within Lawrence's control. If you turn your face with him, it will definitely be a two-shot, and it will be no good for everyone.

Qin Fei wanted to have an attack, and after thinking about it, he suppressed the anger in his heart. Before the end, it was not a good choice to tear his face with Lawrence.

Seeing that the training camp is already booming, you can't watch this old hen who lay the golden egg slip away from her own hands. Even if you want to find other bases, you need time and opportunities, not that you can find it.

Just buying two SU-27s for US$20 million can't be done by any arms dealer or country in the world. Even if you and Mao Zi's president are friends, I'm afraid it will be difficult to do.

"Minister Lawrence, I really can't do 20 million. You ask me to talk to Victor at this price. I'm afraid I will save people and drive away when I open my mouth." Qin Fei refused without hesitation.

Concession must also have a bottom line. What can't be done is that it can't be done, and even the gods can't do it.

To buy two SU-27s at this price, Lawrence takes a gun to intercept/bank? There is essentially no difference.

"Qin, my old friend, I think about you." Lawrence said: "If you think about it carefully, if I don't do this thing properly, my political opponents will use this to attack me, and I will do it in front of the president. It’s hard to step down. You helped me just to help yourself. I am good at it. You have a lot of money. Am I right?"

"Huh!" Qin Fei couldn't help but sneer: "Minister Lawrence, you are also an old soldier. I don't think you are naive enough to think I can use 20 million dollars to impress Victor, right? You have been with him for many years. Friends, don’t you know who he is?"

"Well, I also know that he is an iron cock." Lawrence pondered for a moment and said, "Well, I'll add up to 30 million dollars. It can only be so much. You should help me. As long as this is done, I You can suggest to Mr. President to sign a contract with you. This training camp site will give you a 99-year period of use."

99 years? !

Qin Fei couldn't help but move in his heart.

This is a long-term lease. Before this piece of land, Robert only got a ten-year period of use. Compared with 99 years, it is a difference between heaven and earth.

Seeing Qin Fei's fascination, Lawrence got up from the sofa, walked to his side, and patted Qin Fei on the shoulder like an old friend.

"Qin, I think you are an individual, the smartest, most capable, and luckiest person I have ever seen. I think it must be right to bet on you, and you will not disappoint me, right? You and I are now two goats on the same rope, fate is connected, you are just fine if you are good."

If it weren't in Eritrea, if it wasn't that his training camp was someone else's territory, Qin Fei would now draw a pistol and shoot this old guy to let him know what an "old friend" is.

Reason still let him suppress his anger.

"No, 30 million US dollars still can't be done." Qin Fei shook his head.

"In this way, the price increase for the last time." Lawrence stretched out his dark palm and shook it in front of Qin Fei: "I can add five million more, no more."

Qin Fei couldn't laugh. He looked at Lawrence, who was bargaining like a market aunt in the market. He suddenly felt that it is not unreasonable for these ghosts to be poor. Managing a country, without credit, without bottom line, always cancels speculation, always thinking. How can it be strong if you take advantage of it?

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the black buddies in Africa are so backward.

Poor people must be hateful.

"Think about it yourself." Lawrence patted Qin Fei on the shoulder again: "I have work to do, so I'll go back to Asmara first. If you figure it out, just give me a call."

He made a call gesture.

"You have my number, I'll be waiting anytime."

After that, he turned and left, pushed the door and disappeared outside.

Qin Feiyue wanted to get more angry. When Lawrence was gone, he had nowhere to vent the fire, and he reached out and swept the water cup on the table to the ground.

"Qin Fei, what are you doing?"

The old fish who just came in was taken aback. Seeing Qin Fei's appearance, he quickly asked: "What did you talk to Lawrence? This guy, I greeted him just now, and ignored me, his face didn't look very good. "

"I'm fucking!" Qin Fei was angry, "Is he in a bad mood? I'm in a bad mood! Damn, I encountered a ripped off right after coming back!"

"what happened?"

"The old guy wanted to buy a SU-27 from Victor, but he didn't want to spend more money. He wanted me to be a lobbyist. He wanted to buy two SU-27s for $35 million, and he had to wear R-73 fighting bombs. He was crazy! "

Lao Yu has been a mercenary outside for many years. Of course, he knows the price of the SU-27. The 35 million US dollars is half the price of two planes, and he also needs to bring fighting bombs. You can’t buy the garbage at this price. .

"It's better than grabbing a bank!" Lao Yu couldn't help but exclaimed~www.wuxiaspot.com~What are you looking for? "Qin Fei asked.

Lao Yu said: "The training and mobilization are ready to begin. On Monday, I asked you to come and have a look. You are the protagonist here."

Qin Fei sighed, "It's all up to the old stuff in a good mood!"

Lao Yu comforted: "It's okay, first go to watch the training and mobilization, don't let your mother see you like this worry, as for buying a plane, Victor will be there in two days, you can talk to him then. Try if there is any solution."

Thinking about it, Lao Yu was right. It's useless to scold his mother here now. Since there is a problem, you have to find a way to solve the problem.

When the Red Army was besieged and suppressed, who had left a small number of people, who would have thought that after the 25,000-mile Long March, they would be able to walk out of a new China? Who doesn't face the difficulties and face the pressure to get the final victory? The sky won't lose the pie in vain. I was lucky enough before and took over the mercenary training camp that Robert had painstakingly managed. Poor Robert is now lying in the coffin, crying to whom?

"Okay, I'm trying to figure out a solution for this matter." Qin Fei said with emotion: "Old fish, let's gather some time tonight, have a meeting, study the future development of the Gray Rabbit Defense and the X Mercenary Corps, and make a decision. The general plan, I just know now, I still think too simple in the Stockholm car, how can it be that simple to make a mercenary group and a defense company bigger and stronger!"

The old fish smiled and said: "Okay, your road is still long, and many things have to be dealt with. When Charlotte’s affairs are over, I suggest you send your mother back to China, a ghost place like Africa. People are waiting."

"Yeah." Qin Fei felt that Lao Yu made a lot of sense. Africa was not suitable for his mother Liang Shaoqin. When he returned to Unit 203, he would send her back by the way.

Recommend the new book of the city **** old Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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