Absolute Honor

Chapter 629: Butei Platoon

The opening training mobilization meeting held on Monday was impressive.

Maybe it’s because he is more arrogant in his personality. He is a regular field army officer, and was later reported to the Lu Academy for advanced studies because of his outstanding military qualities. After graduation, he has been teaching the team from the district captain to the deputy captain. I am completely familiar with the method of training soldiers.

Lao Yu recommended him to Qin Fei. He thought that Lao Yu’s face should not be lost, nor could he lose his face as a veteran in front of people like Qin Fei who are qualified as recruits, so this time he started training and mobilized him. After taking over the training camp, it has been ready for sale.

Qin Fei and everyone, including Charlotte, Nina and the like, as well as several so-called Eritrean elite officers such as Diago, plus those who have signed up to pay and are ready to start a three-month military in the camp The trained mercenaries watched the entire mobilization meeting together.

Of course, it was the pirate force that was brought out on Monday to take on the performance project.

Although there are only 39 people, it seems that Zhou Yifa has put a lot of effort into the training of these pirates. Shooting, hard qigong, and capture and combat in performance subjects are all shadows of the troops.

Later, he also directly performed a subject of "engineers forcibly opening up channels", and even Lao Yu and Qin Fei couldn't help applauding.

On one side, Diago even slapped his palms, seeing the Somali pirates smashing their heads with beer bottles, picking up the slabs and slicing them like tofu. They were so shocked that their jaws fell to the ground. NS.

The previous elite battalion under his command was also trained from here, and the military commander was the former South African Special Forces Major Cambert who betrayed Robert.

Cambert’s training method pays more attention to the aspect of firearms. The basic training for the individual only stays in the aspect of physical fitness, let alone training in capture and combat. After all, a little bit of what he has learned is enough to fool these. Black brothers.

"Qin, I have to let my people come over to participate in the training." Diago pulled Qin Fei and cracked his white teeth, "I want my soldiers to be able to fight like them!"

Qin Fei rolled the white smoke at this guy, and the displeasure with Lawrence before vented to him.

"You can come here for training. You can bring your own food and bullets. Your training costs are originally waived. I won't pay you for training ammunition."

Diago's eyes suddenly rounded, and he was surprised: "Isn't it said that free training is good?"

"That's right, your training fee is exempt. If someone pays $5,000 per person, I won't charge you. You bring your own gun and ammunition, and you won't charge a penny." Qin Fei said unceremoniously, "Otherwise. You build me to death on the training ground all day long. How much ammunition do I have for you to waste? Do you think bullets don’t need money?!"

Diago was furious, and he actually felt that Qin Fei made a lot of sense, but he felt that something was wrong.

The logic of black thinking is often not as strong as that of the yellow race, just as simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division for the people of Z, they can’t count it for ten or twenty minutes with their fingers.


"But what?" Qin Fei asked.

"Nothing..." Diago was a little speechless. At this time, the 39 pirates on the field had already opened the formation, holding the AK-47 with bayonet in their hands, and actually began to perform assassination.

Diago finally found the narrative and said with a smile: "Qin, what's the use of your training? Who is doing hand-to-hand combat these years?"

Qin Fei rolled his eyes again. In normal times, his attitude towards Diago is not that bad. After all, this guy is also a brainless person. .

But Qin Fei immediately became angry when he thought of his uncle Lawrence.

"You know a ball!" Qin Fei said: "This is an assassination exercise. The training is not only the basic moves of hand-to-hand combat, but also the spirit and coordination of the soldiers, as well as the courage to face the hand-to-hand. Don't underestimate this. This seemingly performing assassination exercise actually greatly improves the morale and mental outlook of the soldiers."

Diago was once again speechless.

After the training mobilization meeting was over, on Monday, the gang of pirates under him was sent to start to take away the 1,200 mercenaries who had signed up for training.

Qin Fei stood by and watched Monday start to divide personnel in an orderly manner.

On Monday, everyone was divided into six squadrons. Each squadron was about 200 people. Each squadron was divided into six squadrons. A Somali pirate trained by him was the district captain and was responsible for managing their training.

In addition, the extra three people, together with themselves and deputy captain Chen Yong, formed a military steering group, responsible for various professional training guidance and supervision of the entire group.

"Old Zhou, you are really good!"

When Monday was finished, Qin Fei hurriedly walked aside with him.

Qin Fei wants to talk to Monday about something, and also wants to talk to Qin Fei on Monday.

"Do you plan to establish a model teaching brigade here?" Qin Fei asked.

"More than that, my purpose is not only to form this kind of teaching team. I even want to form a teaching team here. Of course, it is too early to say this. You see, I have only 39 manpower, and there are 1,200 mercenary students here. Each person is responsible for the training of 30 people, and there is a serious shortage of manpower."

"Then what are your plans?" Qin Fei asked.

It was posted on Monday: “Everything is difficult at the beginning. Each period will recruit some outstanding talents from the mercenary trainees who have been trained, and use generous remuneration to see if they can be retained. These are mercenaries. If the income here is relatively high, I don’t have to risk my life every day to fight, I think someone is willing to stay."

Qin Fei couldn't help but nodded, saying that he might not be inferior to Monday's performance in military literacy, but when it comes to military management, he is definitely not as good as Monday's performance that has been tempered by academies.

Sometimes, being a boss doesn't need to know everything by yourself, just use the right person.

Qin Fei said: "Lao Zhou, Lao Yu and I mentioned in Stockholm that our mercenary group needs to be bigger and to expand its influence. It is a better practice to build a large training base here. My idea is to establish a high-quality large-scale teaching brigade similar to military academies here. In the future, you can even use your strengths~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to establish military command seminars and the like for senior officers and Some army commanders in need, I believe that if our sign is loud, many people will come here admiringly."

Monday was excited and said: "Qin Fei, you and I have the same ideas. Don't think that I am divided into three squadrons randomly. My name is to teach in accordance with the people, squeeze out weak people, and go to the third squadron. Starting with basic training, those with combat experience and those who already have the military foundation are in the second squadron. The focus of learning is not only on improving military quality, but also on basic command training, such as commanding squads to attack, and the first squadron is The senior team, they are all veterans, and they have certain positions in the mercenary corps. These focus on military command..."

Qin Fei did not expect to be so considerate on Monday, and he kept nodding: "Lao Zhou, listening to you say that, I am relieved. The operation of this base will be left to you and Chen Yong."

It was posted on Monday: "But besides the shortage of manpower, I have one more thing."

"What's the matter, you say."

"I want weapons, I want very good weapons. The 39 people under me are not only the instructors here, but I want them to get better equipment." On Monday, he said, "Qin Fei, you can't just rely on a few of you for any task. To do, in case multiple people are required to perform the task, the black Somali instructors of the teaching brigade are troops that can be brought to fight at any time."

"What specifications do you plan to equip according to?" Qin Fei asked.

"Strongly armed reconnaissance platoon!" said Monday: "I want to equip my subordinates in accordance with an enhanced version of the military reconnaissance platoon specifications."

He took out a piece of paper and handed it to Qin Fei.

"These are the equipment I need. If you can, you can find someone to purchase it."

Qin Fei took the piece of paper, opened it and took a breath of air-conditioning.

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