Absolute Honor

Chapter 633: Big concession

"No, no, no, Johnny, you made a mistake." The polar bear immediately corrected her: "Sophia is a pure Russian woman. She was not born and raised in London."

"What's the matter with the Russians?" Zunni was still angrily: "You guys, don't you only eat big leba and pickled herring!?"

Seeing that Jenny was like a porcupine with a thorn, no one dared to chat with her anymore.

Lao Yu said to Qin Fei: "Qin Fei, come here for a while. Just now I was discussing the firepower configuration of his platoon with Monday, and I think some places need to be changed."

"I also think it needs to be changed." Qin Fei said as he sat down next to Monday, took out the equipment list, and handed it to Monday, "Look at the equipment configuration I wrote."

I sent the list on Monday, and the first glance fell on the model of the sniper rifle.

According to the requirements issued on Monday, he needed two MK11MAD0 sniper rifles. Now Qin Fei has changed to Dragunov sniper rifle, which is the famous Soviet-made SVD sniper rifle.

"No, no! No!" Monday shook his head loudly: "The accuracy of the SVD is really terrible! It is a spray, not a sniper rifle, just like the 85 sniper I used when I was in the army. The accuracy is really worrying. "

"Lao Zhou, don't get excited, listen to me and tell me the reason." Qin Fei said: "You used to be in the field troops. Maybe you used a copy of the Dragunov sniper rifle, which is our 85 sniper. That's right. , Indeed, the accuracy is not very good. But when I was in Unit 203, I used an authentic Dragunov sniper rifle. It turns out that the SVD sniper rifle is not as bad as I imagined."

"Not bad?" Looking at Qin Fei on Monday, he asked incredulously: "Are you making an international joke with me?"

"It's not a joke, we did an experiment." Qin Fei said, "At the time we thought this gun was not good, until our management staff in charge of the firearms got a set of authentic SVD sniper rifle ammunition, which let us Understand that this gun is not as wasteful as it is said."

"This ammunition has a special code name called 7N1. It has a steel core structure and a steel shell. The warhead has a hollow design and weighs 9.8g. The loaded propellant weighs 3.1g. With this ammunition, a few of us have tested it. Within 600 meters, the spread of our impact points does not exceed 300 mm, which means that it is far below the NATO requirement for sniper rifles within 15 inches."

"So, it's not the gun problem?" asked Monday.

Qin Fei shook his head: "Of course not. Later, we even used this bullet on the 85 sniper. The accuracy obtained after the live ammunition was greatly improved compared to the previous one. Therefore, a good gun needs good ammunition to achieve its true level. , So I personally think there is nothing wrong with SVD, only need to purchase such special ammunition."

"Even so, I still hate this **** gun, its scope is only 4 times!" said Monday.

Qin Fei said: "You can modify it yourself, install other high-magnification scopes, and then calibrate it. This is not difficult for you. I chose the SVD sniper rifle for another reason. In places like Africa, SVD is even better. The skin is solid, easier to maintain, and the parts are easier to obtain, and even when the ammunition is out, you can also use the 7.62×54mmR bullets of the PKM machine gun. They are common."

The machine gun chosen on Monday was the PKM machine gun. According to Qin Fei, this is correct. In case the ammunition runs out during the mission, the 7.62×54mmR ammunition can be used temporarily, even if the accuracy is reduced. Much better than no ammunition.

Of course, on the battlefield, we can’t just emphasize the advanced nature of the equipment without considering the logistical supply and waste efficiency, as well as the maintenance cost, which is why the AK gun family is so popular in the Middle East and Africa.

"Qin Fei, why do I feel that your kid is distressed about money?" On Monday, he slanted Qin Fei and said, "The purchase funds for these equipment are deducted from my share, so don't worry."

Qin Fei said: "I love the money, and I love the money for you. You can't build a dream team based on your own ideals. You have to consider the reality. An SVD can be bought for $500 in the hands of an arms dealer, even if you Buying a good optical sight modification may increase the cost by about one thousand dollars, but do you know the price of MK11-0? 7500 dollars! This is only the public purchase price of the US military, not including the silencer. If you buy accessories such as guns in the hands of an arms dealer, the price of tens of thousands of dollars is not a problem."

The old fish also said to the side: "On Monday, Qin Fei was right. You brought your gang of black guys out to make money, not to help you realize some ghost ideals. You have to take care of others first. Pocket."

"Okay! Just listen to you, don't use MK11-0, use SVD!" Zhou Yan looked at the piece of paper in his hand, and his frown was not untied.

Pointing to the changed place above and asked Qin Fei: "However, I think there are still many changes in it. Are they all necessary?"

"Aren't you going to engage in a reconnaissance platoon? Since it's a reconnaissance platoon, I will give you the configuration of the reconnaissance platoon. You originally did not call it a reconnaissance platoon, it was called a reload platoon." Qin Fei said.

Lao Yu took the piece of paper in Zhou Fa's hand, looked at it and said.

In the equipment and personnel planning that Qin Fei has changed, the original armed reconnaissance platoon issued on Monday has been changed to the following:

The armed reconnaissance platoon has 39 people, divided into 1, 2 and 3 classes, of which class 1 and 2 are armed reconnaissance classes with 10 people per class; class 3 is fire support class with 19 people.

One assault team for each of the 1st and 2nd squads (the leader is concurrently the squad leader), including 6 assaultmen (main weapon AK-103, pistol Glock 17); 1 firepower team, the firepower team leader is the deputy squad leader Part-time, the firepower group includes 2 PKM machine guns (2 pros and deputies, 4 people in total), 1 sniper (equipped with Dragunov SVD sniper rifles), and each shift is equipped with 4 AT4 disposable rockets that do not occupy the system. Launcher

3 classes are fire support classes, with 19 personnel, including 8 QLZ0635MM grenade launchers, which can be assigned to the armed reconnaissance class according to mission needs; 2 drone operators and correspondents (can be supplemented to 1, 2 when performing tasks In the squad), equipped with 2 DJI drones, 2 82 mortars with 8 gunners, and 1 left as a blaster, who will be added to the armed reconnaissance squad according to the needs of the mission.

After reading it, Lao Yu nodded and said: "I think the changes have been quite good. On Monday, Qin Fei and I were both from special operations backgrounds. You were from field operations. I think you are right to listen to our opinions. "

Then, pointing to one of the items on the paper, he said: "Just take this QLB06 grenade launcher~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You have a total of 13 pieces, one for a full class, you want to What are you doing? Fireworks? This thing is not too light. A 20 kilograms, plus ammunition and the like, is too heavy for reconnaissance, and it can only be used in urban warfare. The biggest effect is that the armor-piercing projectiles used are not powerful enough to cope with general light armor."

"It's enough to handle light armored vehicles," said Monday. "Damn it, the most powerful thing in Africa now is an armed pickup with a heavy machine gun. Some neurotic people even have dual-barreled anti-aircraft guns and 25-caliber anti-aircraft guns. Come in the car, with these QLB06 grenade guns, think about it, dozens of them will fire together, and no matter what your pickup truck fleet is, they will be cleaned up for you!"

"What if you encounter a heavy armored vehicle? Or a tank?" Lao Yu said: "Those things still have to be dealt with by AT4, not to mention AT4 is light in weight and does not occupy the system, assaulters can carry it. You can look at your original. Firepower configuration, there is no drone, really reconnaissance? There is no professional blaster, how can we do damage?"

Thinking about it on Monday, Lao Yu's words cannot be refuted, and Qin Fei's revised opinions are correct.

In fact, he was just a brainstorm. Once in Somalia, there was not so much money to toss about. He came here to share training camps. Seeing Wuyang Wuyang more than 1,000 students sign up, the optical fee was several million US dollars. He finally had the opportunity to practice his fanatical adoration of firepower, and when he was really blown up, he wrote such a list of equipment to Qin Fei.

"Well, even if you are right, I originally asked for an AK-12, but now how can I make an AK-103 for me!?" What he said was to save himself some cover, pointing to the assault rifle. The column yelled again.

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