Absolute Honor

Chapter 634: Imagine (book friends, book friends 1,511,119...

"The ak-12 is good, but people's own special forces have not been fully popularized yet. Where do you go to place an order?" Qin Fei said, "I called Victor before, and he said there was no way to get it. ak-12, even if it can be obtained for you, it will not only take a long time, but it will also be extremely expensive and not cost-effective."

"Ak-103 is actually pretty good too!" Lao Yu said, "A lot of people in Africa are still using ak47, Lao Zhou, don't insist on your own opinion."

Qin Fei said again: "The ak-103 is highly recommended by Victor. He has a batch of goods on hand, which happened to be an order from a certain country in South America. However, due to the recent oil crisis, that country’s military expenditure was tight and the balance was not paid in full. After the stock was in stock, he received the goods at a very low price. Originally, the quantity we wanted was so small that Victor didn't like it, but we bought two lci-l second-hand landing ships from him. With three second-hand uh-1 helicopters, he agreed to send them to us by the way."

After thinking about it for a long time on Monday, I think that Qin Fei and Lao Yu are right. They are completely idealized. In fact, where is so much idealized in reality? It's not rich and powerful, it's just a mercenary group.

Moreover, the reputation and performance of the ak-103 are very good.

Although it does not belong to the ak gun family in a strict sense, and has nothing to do with the ak47, it is a new gun that only came into service in 2006. It has also absorbed the advantages of the ak gun family. It can be installed with rails and has a very good ability to expand accessories. .

So far, the ak-103 assault rifle is still one of the active firearms of the Russian army, and many elite troops are using it, which proves that it is also a good assault rifle in itself.

"Well, I listen to you." The firepower syndrome patient finally made a final concession on Monday.

After finishing the Monday posting, Qin Fei called Zunni and asked her how much balance there is in the account of the x mercenary group.

Zunni returned to the bar's office to get the account book, and after searching through it, she began to settle an account for Qin Fei.

"In the past few days, I have received 6.2 million US dollars in training expenses. According to the proportion, 60% will be withheld as an account, 20% of which will be used by the military, 40% will be used for ammunition and training equipment consumption, and 20% will be issued on Monday and under his staff. Salary and equipment costs, that is, there is a balance of 1.24 million U.S. dollars, plus Hassan’s 2.5 million U.S. dollars paid in advance, and now the X mercenary group has a balance of 3.74 million U.S. dollars, plus the previous reconstruction of the camp. After the remaining 160,000 U.S. dollars, exactly 4 million U.S. dollars in profit."

Qin Fei secretly calculated an account. In addition to buying back a batch of arms from Lawrence, he also wanted Victor to purchase some weapons such as ak47 and rpg for training purposes. In addition to ordering from Victor There are 3 uh-1 helicopters, lci-l landing craft, and 10 bmp-1 infantry fighting vehicles. These are second-hand goods and are used for training purposes. For example, bmp-1 can be used to train infantry armor coordination professional, uh -1 can be used to train parachuting, and lci-l can be used to train marine subjects.

Therefore, as long as it can be used normally, it is not required to be advanced or not.

These gadgets are backward obsolete equipment, and the price is not expensive. Although Victor is a profiteer, he is grateful for Qin Fei's life-saving grace, but he did not slaughter Qin Fei severely.

These second-hand shelves received a total of 1.5 million US dollars from Qin Fei, which is about 10 million yuan equivalent, which is considered cheap, much cheaper than rebuilding the training ground.

"Well, Johnny, after the final registration is over, you can settle all the income. According to the proportion, 20% will be transferred to the military, 40% will be used as training and mission funds, and 20% will be transferred to the account sent on Monday. , The remaining 4 million U.S. dollars balance proposed that 3.6 million of which was divided equally among these six founder shareholders, and then 100,000 U.S. dollars from the remaining 400,000 li to Yuri, he did a lot in Stockholm this time."

The earliest founders of the x mercenary group include Qin Fei, Lao Yu, Eric, Polar Bear, Crosshair, Johnny and Diago brothers and sisters, among which Diago and Johnny brothers and sisters are a share.

If calculated by six persons, each shareholder can allocate at least $600,000.

That's a lot of money.

The sight picked up the beer bottle and touched the polar bear, and said happily: "It seems that we were still talking to the right person at the beginning. You see, the income is much higher than before, right?"

The polar bear bared his yellow teeth and smiled. Yuri next to him immediately turned on the computer and ran to Amazon to buy gifts for his wife and son.

"How is Zhou Yong's compensation calculated?" Lao Yu looked at Zhou Yong and said.

I patted my chest on Monday: "He is the person who teaches the brigade now, he is the deputy captain. Of course I will pay the wages, so don't worry."

Qin Fei nodded and said: "Lao Zhou, if you have a mission in the future, if you use your teaching team personnel, we will also allocate the compensation. If it is calculated according to the head, it will be easy to handle, if it is paid in a lump sum, it will be divided according to the share. It is agreed that 70% of it will be allocated to task personnel, and the remaining 30% will go to the public account of the x mercenary group, which will be treated as a profit, what do you think."

On Monday, I said: “I don’t care. The momentum in these days is very good. Africa is not short of war. I have now contacted the warlord leaders in Somalia, and some mercenary organizations I used to know here in Africa. Interested, even some small countries, I have trained their army before, and I also said that I am very interested in sending people here to participate in training~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lao Yu suddenly felt a heart attack and said to Qin Fei, "Qin Fei, I suddenly had an idea. "

"What do you think?" Qin Fei asked.

Lao Yu said: "I think you can do this. When we have sufficient funds in the future, we can build a special forces training school similar to the Venezuelan'Hunter School' to recruit members of special forces from some countries or some elite mercenary organizations. Members, those are high-end users."

The sight shook his head and said: "Old fish, many pmc companies have their own training bases, don't you need to come over to us?"

Lao Yu smiled and said, "According to you, why did people go to Hunter School before? It's not a problem of fame? After we become famous, why can't we do it? Even if we don't make money, we have to do it. That's advertising!"

Qin Fei agreed with Lao Yu's point of view and nodded: "Yes, sometimes you can do it without making money, as long as you don't lose money. Others have heard that there are a lot of special forces from various countries in training. Who doesn't want to come?"

Monday Fa suddenly interrupted and said: "I think not only can you run this kind of school, you can also be a middleman for arms. Many friends ask me if I can help them get arms."

Qin Fei smiled and said: "Okay, arms trading is not something you can do if you want to do it. The military is behind, just like Victor. Even if something happened, even mi6 sent special agents to protect him. We haven't got there yet. Kind of degree."

The more they talked, the happier they were. Sophia and Liang Shaoqin came out carrying steaks and hot dishes, and the dinner officially began.

Before the meal, Liang Shaoqin pulled Qin Fei aside and whispered: "Son, after dinner, my mother has something to talk to you."

Seeing Liang Shaoqin's somewhat complicated eyes, Qin Fei knew that something was definitely not small, so he nodded, "Okay, let's talk after dinner."

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