Absolute Honor

Chapter 635: Thoughts of returning home

After dinner, in Liang Shaoqin's room. . .

"Son, you were busy the last two days. Mom didn't have time to sit down and talk with you." Liang Shaoqin pointed to Qin Fei's waist: "Take off your T-shirt, and I will look at your wound."

Qin Fei lifted his T-shirt, Liang Shaoqin gently tore off the wrapped gauze, looked at the wound, and then took out the ‘medicine’ and disinfectant to slowly clean the wound for Qin Fei.

After a while, the eyes were red.

"Mom, what's the matter with you?" Qin Fei was a little flustered.

Liang Shaoqin shook his head: "It's nothing, I think of your father. There were a lot of scars on your father back then. Now I see you too... Mom feels distressed..."

Qin Fei wanted to comfort his mother, saying that all soldiers are like this?

But when the words reached his lips, he swallowed it back.

"How much has your memory recovered now?" Liang Shaoqin asked again.

Qin Fei said: "Basically recovered."

He suddenly remembered about meeting Jin Donghai in Jebuti. The things Jin Donghai told himself at the time that seemed to be a little bit wrong, he couldn't help asking Liang Shaoqin: "Mom, Donghai has been fighting with me since I was a child. Is there any grudge between our family and his family?"

In Qin Fei's view, Jin Donghai deliberately lied at the time, hinted at himself, misled himself, and prevented him from returning to China as soon as possible. From the perspective of normal people, there must be a deep grievance.

"Donghai? Are you talking about Jin Donghai?" Liang Shaoqin re-sterilized Qin Fei's wound, checked the suture opening, discarded the old gauze, and re-sterilized it.

Qin Fei nodded, "Well, it's Jin Donghai who lived with us in a compound since childhood."

Liang Shaoqin smeared Qin Fei's wound with disinfectant as he said: "There is no grudge, their family and our family's friendship is OK. Your dad and his dad used to work in the same unit before, and there is no conflict between them."

After a pause, he asked: "Why do you suddenly ask about this?"

Qin Fei shook his head and said, "It's okay, I'm just asking, thinking of something..."

"I remember, didn't this kid from Donghai go to the training with you?" Liang Shaoqin said: "After your accident, he called to comfort me, but I didn't see him when I went to your funeral. eliminated?"

Qin Fei said: "I don't know. Before I went to perform the task, he was still selecting the tour team, but..."

He found that he almost leaked his mouth. If he had encountered Jin Donghai in Jebuti who is now serving in the Navy's Special Forces, he should explain why he was not sent back to the country at that time, but stayed there. In the offer.

Qin Fei felt that if he still wanted Jin Donghai to ‘figure’ the truth of the matter, it’s best to talk face to face and talk alone.

He knows that although Jin Donghai did not lead to death, it was absolutely a violation of discipline. If he said it out, his mother would mention it to a superior like Wei Tiansheng out of anger, which would make it difficult for Jin Donghai to end.

In Qin Fei's memory, although Jin Donghai was at odds with himself, he was not to the point where he was dead or alive, so Qin Fei did not want to do any harm to Jin Donghai.

Even if Jin Donghai really did something wrong, Qin Fei only wanted to ‘figure’ the whole story, why he did it, and if he could sincerely apologize to himself, this matter would be considered a turn of the story.

Liang Shaoqin was engrossed in changing the'medicine' for her son, as if not paying attention to the'hole' in Qin Fei's words.

She suddenly asked: "When do you plan to go back to China?"

Qin Fei was taken aback, and immediately said: "I told Lei Team, Charlotte's brother, who is the client of this protection mission, will inherit the throne of their kingdom in a month. Once the enthronement ceremony is over, I will Go home."

Liang Shaoqin put on a new sterile gauze on the wound and sighed: "After you go back, do you plan to stay in the army?"

This sentence directly made Qin Fei dumb.

"Mom, do you want me to stay in the army?" Qin Fei threw the ball back to Liang Shaoqin.

Liang Shaoqin shook his head and said, "I opposed you joining the army. Did you forget? For this, I was really angry at first, really angry, and a few times, I thought I had never given birth to your son. ."

"What about you now? Are you still against it?" Qin Fei asked.

Liang Shaoqin froze for a moment, staring a little lost, and then said: "To be honest, although I am also a soldier, but since your father's affairs came out, I really just want to leave the army. I have had enough. I don't object to myself. My husband dedicated his life to the country. I can be a quietly dedicated military wife, but I can’t tolerate that he will end up with such a reputation. I don’t believe my husband would do that kind of thing!"

After a pause, he looked at Qin Fei and asked, "Do you believe it?"

"Of course I don't believe it!" Qin Fei said, "If I believe it, I will not beg Uncle Wei to "spent" so much to enter the army, nor will I try to train myself and get the qualification to participate in the training of Unit 203. When I joined the army, I didn’t dare to say how selfless and great I was, but figuring out the ins and outs of Dad’s matter is my most important goal."

Liang Shaoqin sighed slightly: "Your'sex' is really similar to your dad..."

"But..." Qin Fei's eyes dimmed.

"But what?" Liang Shaoqin asked.

After hesitating, Qin Fei still spoke: "I saw an old-style video tape in Mr. An's house..."

The work in Liang Shaoqin's hands is ‘good’. Qin Fei is her son, and of course she can hear anything unusual in his son’s tone.

This videotape is definitely not a good thing, otherwise Qin Fei's face would not be so ugly.

"What did you see?" she asked.

Of course Liang Shaoqin would not let go of everything about Qin Anguo.

"That videotape...was sent not long after Dad went abroad to perform the mission, and it was sent directly to Unit 203." Qin Fei's eyes became a little hollow, "The shooting time is evening, but it can still be seen clearly. , It seems to be Dad..."

"Your father?" Liang Shaoqin's heart hung up, "What happened to him!? Is he captured?"

"No, no, dad is okay, but..." Qin Fei looked at his mother and said with great difficulty: "Dad shot and killed his teammate in the shot of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, which is thunder. The captain's brother, Thunder Dragon..."

"Thunder Dragon!?" Liang Shaoqin shook his head and said: "Impossible! Thunder Dragon is one of the most proud soldiers your father brought out. He is full of praise for Thunder Dragon, how could kill him!? It must be a fake!"

Qin Fei couldn't bear to tell Liang Shaoqin that this videotape had been appraised by the technical department's ‘door’ for a long time, and there was no trace of technical fraud at all.

Just saying that, it must be cruel to your mother, right?

"Yes, I also think it's a forgery. Mom, the reason why I have to go to Unit 203 is to find out the truth. I don't believe my dad is that kind of person."

Qin Fei said: "But now I feel that if I continue to stay in the army, if I just want to find my father, then my motivation is not pure. If you asked me if I could go back in the past, I would definitely tell. You, I will return to the army. Now I think the strength of this mercenary group is gradually increasing. Besides, Kunguess has always been the key target of the leader of the organization that framed his father. I want to stay by Kungues's side and look for opportunities to dig. After leaving the entire Black Sun organization to figure out what happened to my dad, I have a feeling that not only is my dad not dead, but Fan Tianlong of Black Sun must know where he is!"

"Well, no matter what you think, my mom will support you, and my mom has figured it out. When you grow up, I can't force you to do some things as a mother. If that happens, you will be depressed for the rest of your life. "Liang Shaoqin groaned for a moment, sealed the gauze on the wound, and said, "Son, there is still one month before your next protection mission, or let's go home first? Your current identity is too complicated. I think I still have to go back and sort out everything."

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