Absolute Honor

Chapter 636: Arms dealer Victor is here

   In fact, Qin Fei is not unwilling to return to China as soon as possible, nor is he worried about facing various censorships after returning. What he is most worried about is if he delays too much time in the country, will it affect Crown Prince Vito’s mission.

Is one month enough?

Qin Fei himself was not sure.

But he is a filial son. Since his mother wants to let herself go back to the army to explain everything clearly and sort out her bizarre experience and such a complicated identity, then go back!

"Mom, look like this, a friend of mine is going to send equipment to the training camp tomorrow. I have to hand over with him in person, because there are some things that the Minister of Defense here makes me a lobbyist. I have to try. Success or failure is another matter. You have to do your best anyway."

He said: "Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I will take care of everything, I will send someone to book the plane for the night after tomorrow, and we will go home, okay?"

Liang Shaoqin also understands his son. Today’s Qin Fei is no longer the old Qin Fei. He is now the head of a mercenary corps and the behind-the-scenes owner of a PMC company registered in the UK. Speaking of which, these are before Liang Shaoqin. Never thought of it.

In the past, Liang Shaoqin's idea was that Qin Fei graduated from university and then took a public office. Even if he didn't take a public office, he could find a job in any company and live his life in peace, as long as he is healthy, healthy, and safe.

Who ever thought that his son would have become what he is today?

"Okay, Mom will wait for you for two days." Liang Shaoqin nodded and agreed.


After coming out of Liang Shaoqin, Qin Fei thought for a while, took out his cell phone and called Eric.

Eric's number has not changed, it is still the number in Stockholm.

The call was made quickly.

Eric's voice came over there: "Boss, what are you looking for?"

"I thought I couldn't get through your phone." Qin Fei said, "What happened to you and Simon in Berlin?"

Eric's tone seemed very relaxed: "No problem, mi6, bnd, and cia have all come forward. They made guarantees. The elders in the meeting came out. Everyone met. Things went smoother than I thought, Simon It must be no problem to be the new president."

"When will you come back?" Qin Fei said, "I need manpower here."

"What's wrong?" Eric said in a little surprise: "The killing order of the Brotherhood of the Holy Cross has been suspended. Charlotte is safe for the time being."

"It's not just this." Qin Fei said: "The main reason is that I plan to return to China. I have to tell you one thing. I have recovered my memory. I am a former special forces member. I was injured and amnesia due to a mission error. I found my mother. The three members of our family are all soldiers. She meant that I should go back to China as soon as possible to accept organizational investigations and screenings. I was worried that I might not be able to come back for a while. If I really can’t come back in time, yes. You are more sure about protecting Charlotte at least in terms of safety."

Eric suddenly understood that he was an assassin. If someone wanted to kill Charlotte, who knew those routines better than himself?

This is why Qin Fei asked himself to go back earlier.

So Eric said, "Okay, give me one day. I will come over tomorrow morning. Things are almost done here. Simon has already got the blood blade, plus the support of me and several intelligence agencies, elders. We didn’t embarrass Simon. Besides, Anthony had stolen the position of chairman from my adoptive father through improper means. Some people were dissatisfied with him, but they were a little concerned about the relationship between him and the intelligence agency. In this situation, No one will speak for him."

"Okay, come back as soon as possible. For my flight the night after tomorrow, you'd better be able to arrive before I leave." Qin Fei said, the two exchanged a few words and quickly hung up the phone.

After that, Qin Fei found the old fish again.

The two talked for a while at the beach.

Qin Fei told Lao Yu of his decision to return to China early.

Lao Yu was a little surprised: "Leaving so early?"

He was a little worried about Qin Fei, because he had also been in the army. He knew that Qin Fei's things were quite complicated. If he went back, he would be subject to various inquiries and examinations, and ultimately would have to be discussed and decided.

In Lao Yu's view, Qin Fei's future is at least uncertain, and no one knows what will happen.

"Would you like to...I will follow you back too?" said the old fish.

Qin Fei said, "Why are you going back?"

Lao Yu smiled and said: "I still know some people in 203, Wei Tiansheng and Lin Zhonghu, they are the same group who entered 203 with me. Everyone is still friendly."

Qin Fei shook his head and said: "You still don't want to get involved with this matter. If I really can't return to the appointment on time, or participate in Hassan's enthronement ceremony, your first task is to protect Charlotte and not let her be punished. Mistake, Hassan has already settled the remuneration early. We must be credible. If this is not done well, the sign of our x mercenary group will be smashed."

The old fish nodded heavily, naturally knowing the importance of protecting Charlotte.

Reaching out his hand and patted Qin Fei’s shoulder, the old fish said, "Little brother, although I am actually a soldier brought by your father, I also count as your uncle. From the little brother, you are the best soldier I have ever seen. Remember, no matter how difficult it is, I will support you."


Early in the morning of the next day, Qin Fei got up and exercised and went to the shooting range to practice rapid firing. After just one hour of shooting, Kunchai rushed into the shooting range excitedly.

"Boss! Coming! Coming!"

Qin Fei took off his earmuffs and put them aside, while pulling out of the magazine to test the gun, he looked at Kun and guessed: "What are you in a hurry? What is coming?"

"That fellow Victor is here!" Kunchai said loudly, pointing outside.

Qin Fei raised his wrist and looked at his watch. When he was talking on the phone with Victor, the arms dealer clearly said that he would only speak at noon tomorrow. It was only in the morning, why did he come?

"Go, go out and have a look." Qin Fei took Kun Guai, and the two of them left the shooting range and walked towards the gate.

After not getting far, I saw a long-row heavy transport convoy slowly opening into the gate under the guidance of two jeeps from the Eritrean military.

Victor jumped out of the leading jeep.

"Qin!" He waved at Qin Fei, and Qin Fei ran over to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Victor, you arrived earlier than I thought. "Qin Fei pointed to the watch.

Victor said: "I miss my daughter. She actually knew your mother and followed you back to the offer. To be honest, Qin, I only have such a daughter. I love her very much. I am worried that she is here. You suffer!"

"Suffer?" Qin Fei thought of Sophia's stubborn and stubborn temperament. Who can make this hairy girl suffer? She would already be Amitabha without letting others suffer.

"No, Victor, she is a guest and a friend of my mother. I will not let her be wronged."

"Isn't it your friend?" Victor's eyes lit up and a smile flashed. "I remember, she left you a phone number when she was in Nigeria. To be honest, she has gone everywhere for so many years. She didn’t leave me a phone number, only her email address, and a phone number for you. I think she is definitely not as simple as your'mother’s friend'."

While talking, Sophia suddenly appeared behind Victor.

"Dad, what are you talking about me again in front of Qin Fei!?"

Victor did not dare to provoke his daughter, went up and hugged her, then looked at Qin Fei, and changed the subject: "All the things you want are here."

While speaking, he pointed to more than twenty large trucks behind him.

Qin Fei glanced around and asked Victor in surprise: "Where is my lci-l landing craft? And my uh-1 helicopter?!" 8)

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