Absolute Honor

Chapter 637: Bargain

   "Don't worry, my friend!"

Victor pointed to the long series of trucks behind him, and said proudly, "Let the magician Victor show you my true strength!"

After that, Victor raised his right hand to the person in the car and drew a circle in the air.

"Unload everything!"

Workers in blue overalls jumped out of the cab and skillfully directed all trucks to the open space in the center of the camp, then opened the truck’s wide container rear door, built an iron sloping bridge, and got into the carriage. Go inside.

After a while, black smoke emerged from the cabins of ten of the trucks, and then, bpm-1 cars slowly drove out of the skew bridge.

Qin Fei noticed that all the turrets and machine guns on the bpm-1 armored personnel carriers were gone.

"Why no weapons?" He frowned.

Without weapons, there is no way to train. This thing is just an iron tortoise shell.

Victor said with a "you have never seen the face in the world": "This is 10 containers, a bpm-1 infantry fighting vehicle. Although the model is very old, all the accessories are complete. It has a turret and a machine gun. It has been unloaded to facilitate the handling of related documents and evasion of review. The car and weapons have been disassembled, making it easier for me to transport."

Qin Fei had never been in the arms business, and of course he didn't know the twists and turns in the arms dealer, but since there is, there is nothing to say.

Victor pointed to the other five container trucks behind him and said: "This is the weapon and ammunition I promised to give you. They are all Soviet-made products. Of course, these odds and ends are not worth much. For you, thank you for saving me and my daughter last time. It's a reward."

Qin Fei asked: "Bmp-1 was also given to me?"

"Of course not!" Victor's head immediately shook into a rattle. "It's enough for guns and ammunition, and that's not a small amount. Armored vehicles, airplanes and LCI-L landing crafts all have to be paid. of."

Qin Fei smiled. He had anticipated that Victor would never give it away for nothing. It would cost millions of dollars to set it up. Doesn't this mean that he would kill an iron cock?

"Where is my helicopter?" Qin Fei asked.

Victor took Qin Fei, walked to the last 10 container trucks, and ordered the workers to open all the side panels.

Qin Fei noticed that these container trucks were all modified, and the carriages were much wider than normal.

When the side panels and back panels were all removed, Qin Fei was taken aback.

Because what is in the container is a mess of parts and accessories, but if you look closely, it seems that you can see that they are helicopter parts.

Victor said: "Qin, I have to tell you something. You want me to help you get the uh-1 helicopter. It's just that I'm out of stock temporarily. Mi-8mps, this thing is much easier to use than uh-1. As for me, I only add 50,000 US dollars apiece, which is only 50,000 US dollars, and I will help you modify the pendant and launcher so that you can hang the ataka anti Tank missiles."

Qin Fei glanced at Victor and looked at this old and cunning arms dealer.

"I don't want it." He said, "I only want uh-1, we said before."

In fact, in terms of performance and function, the Mi-8mps is better than the Uh-1. The maximum take-off weight of the Uh-1 is only 4.3 tons, and the maximum number of passengers can be 13 people. The old general model cannot be equipped with external suspension weapons. The active uh-1n model does not mean that you can buy it. The price is still very expensive.

Mi-8mps is different. Not only can weapons be hung outside, the maximum take-off weight can reach 11 tons, which is almost three times that of uh-1! What’s more amazing is that if some unnecessary in-cabin equipment is removed, it can still carry 34 passengers, which is the best choice for the training camp. After all, the more people are planted, the more convenient it is to conduct aerial training. .

In any respect, the Mi-8mps is much easier to use than the old uh-1 general-purpose helicopter.

When Qin Fei said no, Victor's expression suddenly changed.

"Qin! This is a good thing! Mi-8mps! The ak47 in the helicopter world! The classic model, why don't you want it!? It is more than a grade that is better than uh-1!"

Qin Fei could hear that the iron **** was a little anxious.

Of course it was anxious, and now Qin Fei felt that this was a good opportunity to bargain. If the model you want is not the right version, you can certainly refuse to accept it.

He just didn't understand at once that Victor is also a veteran in the arms industry, how could he make such a low-level mistake?

Yesterday I called him. If I want to change the model, just tell myself yesterday. Why come here so that you can't get off the stage?

"That's right, the Mi-8 has a good manning capacity. I don't deny that it is better than uh-1, but Victor, like I go to the market to buy a broiler, you give me a turkey, you say Anyway, it’s all chickens. The turkeys are bigger. Then they told me to charge me a little bit more. The truth seems to be correct, but I only have money for a broiler, and I can’t get any more money. ."

After finishing speaking, I immediately pointed to the surrounding area and said: "Look, my camp was all beaten up because of the rebellion. I paid for it to rebuild it. In order to rebuild this venue, I have exhausted myself and my teammates. All the savings can't be bought."

He waved his hand deliberately and sighed: "It's not that I don't want to buy it. I really can't do anything. I agree~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but my pocket doesn't agree, isn't it?"

Victor was caught in the mist by Qin Fei.

But he also knew that there had been riots in the training camp, and many of the buildings within his sight were indeed newly built. It seems that Qin Fei didn't talk nonsense.

"In this way, I only add 40,000! Each one is less than 10,000, a total of 30,000 US dollars!" Victor raised three fingers and dangling in front of Qin Fei.

Qin Fei still shook his head: "No, I can't afford it."

When Victor thought of transporting these big guys back again, the freight in the middle didn't say how much money. If he was checked on the road, he would not only be involved in various risks, but would also have to constantly explain.

The cost of transporting weapons is not generally high. In fact, the so-called weapons themselves are sometimes not very expensive, but the freight is expensive. This is why the US military often throws away the remaining common equipment after fighting in one place rather than transporting it back to the country.

"Just add thirty thousand one!!" Victor caught up with Qin Fei who had already gone back, gritting his teeth and reducing the price again.

"No, I can't afford it." Qin Fei still said the old saying, without saying a word.

Anyway, it’s not the model I want, so I don’t want it.

Victor froze in place, his heart dripping with blood as he watched Qin Fei's figure continuing to walk away.

"Twenty thousand! Just add 20,000!" He shouted: "I have no money to make, and this price is already the lowest and lowest! Qin, because we are old friends, buy it!" 8)

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