Absolute Honor

Chapter 639: You pit me, I pit you

"Victor, you can buy second-hand helicopters, isn't it possible for the Su-27?" Qin Fei said, "You get what you pay for, and Lawrence didn't tell you to buy a brand new one, even if it's not brand new, you 'S team, can you refurbish the shell?"

"But if it's second-hand, even if the appearance can cover Lawrence, the life of the parts inside can't be replaced!" Victor said: "Do you think I never thought about selling him a second-hand plane? It's just a bit risky. "

"It depends on your ability, isn't your person very good? Can't it be assembled?" Qin Fei smiled.

Victor snorted: "Qin, you may not know my style or my details. I am also an officer of the former Soviet army. Technical engineers don’t even have the money to buy bread. I took them out of the most difficult period. Among these people..."

He pointed to the busy subordinates: "From the engineers in the aircraft factory to the sergeants and even officers in the logistics maintenance and repairs, many of them were experts in the Soviet army back then. Many people have been with me for 20 years, and now they have become I'm an expert, what is it to assemble a su-27?"

Qin Fei said, "That's easy. Do you think the Su-27 is sold here. Will their pilots fly this model?"

"I'm kidding! How could they fly?" Victor snorted: "They even bought the MiG-29 for so many years, and only last year they realized their own pilots took over. They fought with Ethiopia in the past. The fighters were hired by retired pilots from the Russian and Uzbek forces to fight, and they couldn't fly at all."

Qin Fei said again: "If this is the case, then it will be done. The plane is yours, the person is yours, and the maintenance is also yours. I guess you need to buy the ammunition. Besides, didn’t you just say that the Ukrainian-born su-27 is cheaper? Go over there to see if there is a second-hand one, or look around. You can buy the parts even if it’s not a whole one. "

Victor's eyes rounded, and he looked at Qin Fei blankly.

Although Qin Fei's words are somewhat fanciful, if you think about it carefully, it seems that it is really the same thing.

Refurbish the exterior of the aircraft, use new ones where you can see the tires, and clean the rest of the interior, even if it’s a second-hand product, no one can see it.

When it is assembled here, the person who flies is his own, the after-sales maintenance team is also his own, and the ammunition has to be bought from himself.

No matter how it sounds, it’s a good deal. Even if the price is a little bit off, it’s okay. Anyway, the wool grows on the sheep, so I don’t believe that the Eritrean military will buy it back without having to teach it.

I only buy two at a time. It seems that I bought it as a trainer to train pilots first. It is estimated that there will be orders afterwards. With the national strength here, it is impossible to place a big order like other rich countries. I will buy another five in the future. There is hope for six.

After calculating the account, Victor thought it was okay.

"I said..." He rolled his eyes and looked at Qin Fei, "How much would he pay for two su-27s?"

Qin Fei said: "At least 35 million U.S. dollars for me. You can contact Lawrence directly. I'm just a lobbyist. It's a good thing to persuade you. I can't help it. After all, Lawrence just thinks I saved your life. , Maybe you will sell me personal affection."

Qin Fei deliberately spoke lightly, as if it had nothing to do with himself.

In fact, he didn't tell Victor that Lawrence used the base's permissions to threaten and seduce himself.

Of course, Victor must never know about this, otherwise the iron **** might have to take the opportunity to knock himself.

Defenses can not do without.

Victor stared at Qin Fei for a while, but did not find any clues on Qin Fei's face.

After all, he didn't even know that Qin Fei had been trained in torture, and he was able to keep his emotions calm and show off in many cases.

Sure enough, Victor sat in the chair and thought about it. After drinking a cup of tea, he suddenly patted his thigh.

"Okay, I'll sell you this love! I took this business, and I'll call Lawrence when I turn back."

Turning his head, Victor said to Qin Fei: "Qin, since I have sold you a love point, then the matter of establishing a warehouse here..."

Looking at Victor who was smiling and groaning, Qin Fei immediately understood Ah's careful thoughts.

The old rivers and lakes are the old rivers and lakes. Obviously, I have calculated an account in my heart, and I feel that I can make a lot of money, so I agreed to take the transaction, but when I turned around, I told myself that it was a favor to myself, as if it was not because of Qin Fei’s face. In the end, his iron **** Victor would not touch the deal.

If you make money yourself, you have to let others appreciate it.


Sure enough!

Qin Fei suddenly remembered that in the past in China, many people said that foreigners were innocent. Now that if someone says this in front of him, he must be slobbering.


It's so simple!

After all, Westerners do business based on interests. The essence of transactions lies in the calculation of interests.

Since Victor is acting, Qin Fei will follow the script.

"Okay!" He pretended to be determined and gritted his teeth: "You can establish your transfer station here, but I have three requirements."

"What's the requirement?" Victor didn't seem to expect that Qin Fei would talk to himself about the requirements.

Qin Fei said: "First, only you and I know the details about building a transit warehouse here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I would say that it is my arsenal to prevent Lawrence from coming over and ripping off. Second, I will decide the location. If you produce the drawings, I will find someone to construct and take care of the security; thirdly, I will account for 5% of the profits of the items in your warehouse."

"Your people construct?" Victor asked with some worry: "Can they do it?"

Qin Fei pointed to the camp in the distance: "Now there is a group of workers who are building the camp for me. To be honest, this planet can be compared to the people of our country Z. Who is there? You Russians? Or is it from Yingjiang? Or those British gentlemen or the black buddies here?"

Victor's eyes rounded, and he waved his hand quickly: "Don't! Just let you do it, I can trust the people of Z country!"

Qin Fei smiled secretly, of course you can believe it.

Inviting Europeans to work is too expensive, but African black buddies are invited to do it. I am afraid that Victor's transit warehouse in the coffin has not been completed.

Let Chen Yong's relatives and friends do it by myself, at least it is called the fat water does not flow into the outsider's field. Is it a fellow villager anyway?

However, Qin Fei quickly understood what is meant by not talking about people during the day and not talking about ghosts at night.

After the deal was negotiated, he picked up his teacup and wanted to touch Victor with tea instead of wine, but saw Chen Yong sweating over here.

"Qin Fei, can you borrow a place to talk about it?"

Seeing Chen Yong sweating profusely and his face pale, Qin Fei guessed that something must have happened.

But what can happen? .


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