Absolute Honor

Chapter 640: accidents

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Stepping aside, Chen Yong said to Qin Fei eagerly: "Boss, I need help!"

"I can see that you must be in a hurry, otherwise you won't be so anxious." Qin Fei comforted: "Don't worry, you are all your own, and you will definitely help."

A few concise and concise words immediately gave Chen Yong a reassurance.

Chen Yong said: "My third uncle and some relatives were involved in the civil war in the Yemen Republic. They are now trapped in the capital Sana'a. I want you to help. Can you find a way to get them out?"

Qin Fei was a little surprised. According to the usual practice, the embassy will send people to organize the evacuation of the nationals of Z country when they encounter such things outside. The work in this area has been particularly good in recent years.

"Has your third uncle not received a warning from the embassy before? Why didn't you leave?" Qin Fei asked.

Chen Yong stomped his feet and said dejectedly: "Oh, people die for money, and birds die for food! He called and told me that he had already received notice of evacuation of overseas Chinese. As long as he arrived in the capital, he could get on the embassy car and go to the port. District left in a warship, but..."

He couldn't help but cursed: "It's all greedy! He has a batch of goods left in Amran City that has not been recovered, and the amount is not small. Amran is not far from the capital Sana'a. He wanted to go there. After receiving the money, there was enough time to leave. However, I did not expect to encounter the rebels and government forces in Amran. It took two days to escape. As a result, I returned to the capital and found that the embassy and other nationals had evacuated. Now he doesn't know what to do, so he can only hide in Sana's and become an acquaintance's house. Now there is firefighting everywhere, he is terrified...I don't know how to leave the wild gate."

Qin Fei touched his chin and thought for a while and said, "Yemen is not far from here. Since it is your family, that is, our family, I will definitely help you. I will organize this matter immediately. You follow me and you Uncle San keep in touch."

After all, Qin Fei immediately called Lao Yu and the others, and everyone gathered around the table under the shade of the tree, and talked about the trouble that Uncle Chen Yong had encountered in Yemen.

"Brothers, since we are all our own people, we have to help anyway in this favor." Lao Yu said: "We are a team, and no one is better at doing this than us, isn't it just to bring a few people out. Is it? Simple!"

"Old fish, you take things too lightly." The sight said: "It is usually easy to go to Yemen from the side of the appointment. Don't the fishermen here often transport the fish to sell? But the war started, Things are not simple. No one knows what the situation is like in Yemen."

"You plan to go to the Yemen?" Victor saw everyone discussing about going to the Yemen, and couldn't help but interrupt: "I advise you not to go there."

He glanced at Qin Fei and asked, "Didn’t I tell you before? I originally bought three second-hand uh-1s from their government and military over there, but after the fight there was a mess, Sana’s The airport was bombed, and my Uh-1s were also bombed into scrap iron."

After a pause, he said: "By the way, Qin, your motherland’s navy sent a warship over two days ago. A large number of people were not able to evacuate from the airport. They were forced to directly take the car to the port of Aden and transfer from there after boarding. Jebuti overseas base, don’t you know about this?"

Qin Fei shook his head: "I said that I didn't see the news when I was on the way back."

Lao Yu nodded and said: "There is something like that. I came back earlier than him and read the news, but it seems that the warship has been withdrawn."

Looking back at Chen Yong: "Your third uncle is really wanting money for life!"

"Oh, the older generation is like this. It is not easy to come out to make money, and the amount of money is not small. If you don't get it back, it means two years of work for nothing. No one can bear it." Chen Yong said, "I didn't know beforehand. Knowing that I must prevent him from doing that."

"It's useless to say anything now." Qin Fei said: "We still think about how to sneak into the wild gate, and immediately make a plan to see which route to enter and which route is safer to come out."

"Qin, there is chaos over there now. If you guys go in and encounter government forces, anti-government youth troops and Houthi armed forces, it is estimated that they will cause big trouble, not to mention that if you bring civilians, it will be difficult to get out. "Viktor said, his eyes rolled: "But maybe I can help."

Qin Fei patted his forehead and cursed: "Fuck! Why did I forget that you are a big arms dealer!"

The so-called big arms dealer, especially the black and white guy like Victor, has his footprints almost wherever there is war in the world. Moreover, his own sales focus is on Africa and the Middle East. The pathways and relationships are all very familiar, weapons can be transported, and people can of course be transported.

"Let's talk about it, how much do you want?" Qin Fei pointed to himself and the team members: "Get a few of us in, and then be responsible for picking them up."

"I'm very fair in doing things. I will give you a 20% discount, 300,000 U.S. dollars!" Victor shook three fingers, quite proud.

"300,000 U.S. dollars!" Chen Yong burst out immediately, "Fuck, you might as well grab it!?"

It is equivalent to more than two million yuan in RMB, which is not a small sum for Chen Yong.

Qin Fei couldn't help but despise Victor: "I also said that we are friends and charge me 300,000 dollars without talking about money? Victor, your charge is too high, right?"

"It's worth the money!" Victor said, "You haven't heard what I said, how do you know that 300,000 dollars is not worth it?"

Qin Fei exchanged glances with Lao Yu, wondering what other players Victor had hidden.

Lao Yu asked: "Victor, tell me what service you will provide us. It is worth 300,000 US dollars."

Victor held the teacup and said in a proud tone: "My ability can help you avoid risks and bloodshed. On this point, do you think it is worth it? Human life is more important than money, right?"

"What you said is true?" Qin Fei was a little surprised. He didn't expect Victor to be so powerful.

"Boy!" Victor pointed to Yuri, who was looking at the map of the Republic of Nomen with his laptop, and said, "Tell me Google Maps and let me tell you why the great Victor dares to take you 300,000. U.S. dollars."

Yuri quickly called up the map and placed the laptop in front of Victor.

Victor pointed to the location of the capital Sana'a: "The capital Sana'a is almost a place where it is not reliable. Going east is the route chosen by idiots. Going north is also very troublesome, because the Houthi and the youth army They are all Shiites, with Saudi Arabia to the north and Sunni sects. So when the civil war broke out, the border was very tense. The two sides were facing each other and it was not safe to go there."

He clicked on the port of Aden to the south: "Go south~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The only thing you can leave is the port of Aden, one of the two major ports."

Speaking of this, he glanced at Qin Fei and Lao Yu: "The warships of the Z navy were docked there to complete the evacuation mission. It was originally a good place. Unfortunately, the Z navy just left, and the capital Sana’a began to fall. President Hardy has already led the people to start the south retreat, and the destination is Aden, while the rebels are pursuing them all the way. It can be said that the south is the most intense place of war, and it is not suitable for your evacuation."

Qin Fei clicked on the screen: "So, is the west side the most suitable?"

"Yes, there is an industrial port in Hodeidah to the west. It is very convenient for ships to enter. Moreover, it is the training camp to start from the port and across the Red Sea. , It almost doesn't take much time."

"There was no war there?" Qin Fei asked.

"Fight, but it has been beaten by the Houthi, and it is now under the control of the rebels." Victor said.

Qin Fei said strangely: "In the area controlled by the rebels, wouldn't it be death to land from there?"

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