Absolute Honor

Chapter 641: Sneak action

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"Don't worry, I still have a little friendship with the rebels over there. Besides, you are lucky this time. I happen to have a batch of munitions to be transported to the youth army. The ship will pass through the Red Sea tonight. , It’s very close here, you can get on the boat here, after going out to sea, I will send you their coordinates and let them pick you up.” Victor said.

"Just transporting us to the past, will you charge 300,000 US dollars?" Old Yu said dissatisfied: "Victor, your hands are really black."

"It's not black at all." Victor said to Qin Fei: "After arriving at the port of Hodeida, people from the youth army will come and pick up the goods. I will arrange for them to take you to find your friends and family, and then You send back to Hodeida. Although the fighting is fierce now and the fighting around Sana’a is unfettered, but in many places with the help of my friend, you will be able to open it unimpeded. He can eat well in the wild gate. The three hundred thousand dollars is not my own person. If I earn, I have to give him at least half. After all, he is taking a risk."

When Victor said this, everyone immediately felt that the nature was completely different.

This is equivalent to Victor's collection of 300,000 US dollars, not only responsible for the sea transportation, but also for rescuing people from near Sana'a and escorting them all the way back to the port of Hudaydah.

In this way, it was indeed much better than Qin Fei and others who passed by with their own headless flies, and then killed and saved people by themselves.

The x mercenary group is a mercenary. There is no government background or relationship in the Nomen Republic, nor any organization connection, so it is easy to fall into the government when you see you. The rebels, the Houthi armed forces, the youth army and even some YSL armed forces see We have to fight again.

After all, mercenaries are not three-headed and six-armed. Fighting like this is deadly.

Calculated like this, 300,000 US dollars is really worth it.

"Well, if it's like what you said, the three hundred thousand dollars is worth it." Qin Fei said to Zunni: "Tonight, we will go to the Wild Gate Republic to rescue Chen Yong's uncle and them. After returning, you will immediately The money is credited to Victor's account, and we call him along with the money for our equipment."

"Qin, it's really a pleasure to trade with you." Victor said, "I will arrange everything right now. The weapons you brought back on the aircraft carrier last time are also in the car. You can take them back."

After speaking, he walked to the side and took out the satellite phone and started contacting his contact person in the wild gate.

Before Victor finished the phone call, Qin Fei took everyone to the container truck. Last time, the hk416 and the pistol, grenade, tactical vest and all the equipment were there.

Even the svd of the front sight is there.

Everyone began to check the guns and ammunition, Qin Fei suddenly remembered that he had promised his mother to return to China with her tomorrow night.

Now it seems that this matter is going to be slowed down.

"Old Zhou!" Qin Fei called out Monday.

"After we set off, you must arrange the alert here, especially in Charlotte. You must send someone to watch. Although the Brotherhood’s assassination order has been cancelled, no one can guarantee that there will be other killers. Kill Charlotte."

"Okay, now we have more than a thousand people here, I don't think any killer will come here to die." Monday sent a confident voice: "When are you leaving?"

"It should not be too late, the sooner the better, Victor has arranged everything, we set off immediately, it should be night." Qin Fei said.

With guns and ammunition, Qin Fei went to the bar specially.

Because the camp is full of mercenaries who come for training, the female relatives are now settled in the house behind the Johnny Bar, which is relatively clean.

The faces of Liang Shaoqin and Charlotte who were drinking tea and chatting under the shade of Qin Fei came by in full arms immediately changed color.

"Where are you going?" Charlotte looked at Qin Fei and asked in surprise.

Qin Fei glanced at Charlotte, then at his mother, and quickly explained: "That's it. Chen Yong's third uncle and some relatives were doing business at Yemen, and there was a sudden war over there. I didn’t have time to take the embassy’s car to the pier and leave. Now the warship responsible for evacuation of overseas Chinese has gone. Several of them are trapped near the capital. I want to take someone to rescue them."

Liang Shaoqin's face was a little pale, and she knew that she would definitely disagree with her son, not to mention that she was still the family of her team members, who were all from the Z country, let alone not being saved.

"How long are you going? Is it safe?" Liang Shaoqin asked in a low voice without looking at Qin Fei, but looking down at the tea cup.

Sophia also followed Qin Fei back to the bar at this time. Seeing that the atmosphere was a little embarrassing, she quickly comforted Liang Shaoqin: "Liang, he must be fine. My dad has arranged someone to assist them there. At Yemen, my dad still has something to do with him. You have to believe him. Although I don't like my daddy, I have to admit that he is very good at this."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Qin Fei glanced at Sophia gratefully, then turned to Liang Shaoqin: "Mom, don't worry, you can go to the Yemen here in a few hours at most, and there will be someone to pick you up there, we just go in and take them. Just come out, no need to move the gun..."

"What do you wear without using a gun?" Liang Shaoqin raised her slightly red eyes and looked at her son who wanted to comfort her. "Don't think that mom knows nothing. Mom had seen war on the Laoshan front line."

"Mom..." Qin Fei was at a loss for words, he didn't know how to convince Liang Shaoqin.

"Okay, I know I can't stop you." Liang Shaoqin put down the teacup, stood up, tidyed the collar of Qin Fei's clothes, and said while tidying up: "Remember, protect yourself, although your injuries are nothing serious. , But also pay attention, don’t tear the wound. Also, promise mom, come back early, and book a flight ticket and go back to my country as soon as I get back."

"Yes! Mother!" Qin Fei raised his four fingers: "Up to 48 hours! It will not be too long. We bring weapons just in case. You have to trust your son. After all, I am also the best in country Z." A member of the special forces."

Hearing the words "top member of special forces", Liang Shaoqin's eyes reddened even more, and he suddenly thought of her husband Qin Anguo.

This force was founded by Qin Anguo. How could his husband not be among the elite?

But till now...

"Let's go!" She suddenly released her hand and sat back in the chair. "Hurry up and don't let me see you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or you won't be able to leave until I change my mind."

Qin Fei was taken aback, he still wanted to comfort Liang Shaoqin, his mouth opened, but he didn't say anything.

At this time, silence is better than sound, and any words are superfluous.

Gritting his teeth, Qin Fei turned his head and walked all the way to the office area of ​​the camp.

Back where the truck was parked, Victor greeted him, raised his hand and made an ok gesture.

"Everything is done!" He said very proudly: "At half past nine tonight, the ship will wait for you for half an hour after passing through the waters near Tiyo in the Red Sea. You will leave at eight o'clock and wait near the scheduled location. Then you will be contacted by satellite phone. ."

Qin Fei smiled and said: "Yes, the efficiency of work is really high, I hope this money is not spent wrongly."

Victor spread his hands, with a very confident smile on his face: "Young man, Victor's sign is credit. If you don't believe me, go to the mercenary circle to inquire, or you can go to Africa and the Middle East to inquire about it, let alone luck. Personally, if you can afford the money, I can bring you the space shuttle from the former Soviet Union!"

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