Absolute Honor

Chapter 643: Silently sneak in

After 90 minutes, Jin Donghai and all the team members felt that their hands and feet felt frozen.

Low temperature sea water is most likely to cause the body to lose temperature quickly, especially when traveling in the deep sea at night, the temperature is much lower than that in daytime, even close to zero.

Different from the helmsman and the navigator, the first two individuals do not need to participate in combat, so they put on thick thermal underwear under the diving suits, while the dragon team members put on combat uniforms and After the bulletproof vest, it is difficult to put on other things.

All the cold can only be countered by the excellent physical fitness of the players.

Of course, after the Jiaolong team members go ashore, the helmsman and navigator will have to stay in the boat for a long time. They must return to the so-called position of the submarine and wait for the team members to return here after performing their tasks and continue to pick them up.

Fortunately, this suffering soon came to an end.

The naval sergeant in charge of navigation suddenly turned his head and gestured towards the dragon team behind. A clear and deep voice came from the headset: "We are already close to the designated sea area and will soon rise to sea level, ready to leave. Carrier, before leaving, put all the seats away and lock them, and don’t make too much noise. Help your teammates check the equipment and weapons to see if there are any omissions. This is not a taxi. If you miss it, you can turn back. According to the weather It is predicted that the weather in Yemen will be good these two days, and I wish you success in your mission!"

Jin Donghai bent down and took the equipment bag that was fixed under his seat. There were not only various tactical accessories and ammunition in it, but even weapons were tied to it to prevent shaking.

In the process of checking the equipment of all the dragons, they could feel that the carrier started to slow down and finally slowly rose towards the surface of the water.

Thirty meters below is already a deep dive. In addition to oxygen, the gas storage tanks of the dragon team members will also contain some inert gases. These inert gases will generate small bubbles in the blood vessels of the human body.

Therefore, you must be slow when you float up. Small bubbles are expelled out of the body with breathing a little bit. However, if they suddenly rise to the sea surface, the bubbles will not only not be discharged, but will also become larger. The enlarged bubbles may block the blood vessels in any part of the body. , Life is in danger at any time.

"Almost there! We have reached the designated location in a few tens of meters, and we are ready to leave the cabin!"

The navigator’s voice came from the earphones again. Then, the vehicle sailed at a low speed close to the sea level one meter below the sea surface. At the end, the helmsman turned off the electric motor and the propeller stopped, and the surrounding was completely silent.

Silent, sneak in.

This is the quintessence of special operations, and every rigorously trained Flood Dragon member knows this well.

After stopping, the vehicle did not rush to the surface immediately, but extended a small periscope to observe the situation on the surrounding coastline.

This is a deserted beach near Hudeida Port. At this time, except for the slightly white sand under the dim moonlight, a row of windbreaks and low shrubs with swaying shadows of trees, no living people were found around. trace.

"Go up." The navigator patted the helmsman on the shoulder.

The helmsman slowly raised the carrier to the surface of the water. After it stopped, the front and rear cabins slowly exposed to the surface of the water. Through the glass, Jin Donghai and the team members could see the surrounding situation through the diving goggles on their heads.

The white sandy beach is embedded on the edge of the coastline like a long jade belt, and surrounds the place where the landing site and the sea meet. If it were not for war, it would be a paradise for individuals.

They are about less than one nautical mile away from the sea, and the vehicle cannot go any further, because if the seawater is too shallow, the underwater vehicle will easily expose its traces. Although the vicinity is very remote, no one can guarantee that there will be any. The fishermen who came out to fish at night passed by.

Everything must be done strictly in accordance with the special operations rules.

"There is still almost one nautical mile. Swim over by yourself. We will return to the submarine and wait for your signal. We will send out the signal early and we will come and pick you up!"

"Okay!" Jin Donghai crawled out of the cabin, "You all be careful!"

After speaking, everyone took the equipment out of the cabin, and then dragged their backpacks to swim towards the shore in the sea.

For a member of the Jiaolong Commando, the sea is the place they are most familiar with. One nautical mile is actually only over 1.8 kilometers, which does not pose any difficulty for these special forces who have been training for ten kilometers armed swimming all the year round.

Behind him, the underwater vehicle closed the cabin, slowly sank into the water, and quickly disappeared into the dark sea.

In less than an hour, the six team members had arrived in the waist-deep water, but they were not in a hurry to go ashore.

In the infiltration training of special forces soldiers of the Navy, you must always be cautious and cautious when performing tasks in unknown areas, and you will never charge all the way as if God's vision in a blockbuster movie.

No one knows whether anyone will emerge from the dark tree shadow, and no one knows whether there will be a sniper ambushing opponent behind the short bush.

Jin Donghai took out the night vision goggles. He stood in the water and bent his waist as much as possible so that only the position above his neck was exposed to the surface of the water.

After carefully observing the surroundings and confirming that there was no life heat source, he made a forward tactical award to the dragon players around him.

Everyone unloaded the guns and ammunition from their backpacks, loaded the bullets and opened the insurance, and then began to walk towards the beach by the faint moonlight in the sky.

According to the meteorological data obtained from the submarine before, the sky in the area of ​​Yemen will be dry and hot and sunny in the next few days, and the visibility is very good, but this is not a good thing for special infiltration operations.

With a good line of sight, you can easily spot the enemy. Similarly, the enemy can easily spot your presence~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In special operations, everything is two-sided.

On the beach, everyone suddenly speeded up their pace, bent over and ran, ran all the way to the bushes on the edge of the woods, hiding their bodies.

"Hurry up and change the equipment. It's ten o'clock in the night. We must reach the designated place before dawn to find the target. Before dawn, we must find people, and then evacuate here at night. The situation here is getting more and more chaotic. We must avoid getting involved in their wars and remember that we are only here to send people out, not to fight."

"Understood, Captain!" Third-rank Sergeant Wang Dongcheng nodded.

The rest of the teammates made an OK gesture to show that they understand.

"Ge Qiming! Position it now!" Jin Donghai issued an order to He Liang, a medical soldier and technical correspondent.

Ge Qiming took out the handheld PAD from his backpack, blocked the light with a camouflage bag, and lit the screen. After opening the GPS positioning software, a red dot flashes on the screen.

"The signal is very good, captain, the target is still alive, waiting for us in place."

Everything seemed to be going well. Jin Donghai took a deep breath of the slightly fishy air and couldn't help but widen his heart.

This is the first time he has led a team to perform an overseas mission, and it is also the best time for him to obtain honor. As long as the mission is successfully completed, at least he will speak a little more in front of his outstanding father.


After everyone took off their diving suits and found a place to bury them nearby, Jin Donghai waved his hand, and all the Flood Dragon members quickly disappeared in the dark shadows of the woods.

Reader Q group number: 195485375, welcome book friends to come in to remind and exchange plots. Another: Today, two book friends have been arranged to take up positions in the Jiaolong team, please pay attention.

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