Absolute Honor

Chapter 644: Port of Hodeida

At night in the Red Sea, the sea breeze is blowing, and the air is slightly moist, and it has a slimy feeling on the skin.

The salt in the Red Sea is much higher than the average sea, so the humidity and salinity in the air are very high.

On the bow deck, Qin Fei, wearing a full set of combat uniforms, felt as uncomfortable as if he had been painted with a layer of tung oil. His neck and back were all wet, greasy, and sticky.

"Boss, what are you thinking about?" Eric suddenly appeared behind Qin Fei, "Worried about this mission?"

Qin Fei turned his head, glanced at Eric, and smiled: "Well, I'm a little worried, I don't know if it's as easy as Victor said."

"Victor is a powerful character." Eric said: "Either you can't get into the eyes of so many national intelligence agencies."

He lowered his voice and leaned into Qin Fei's ear: "I went to the cargo hold to take a look. It was full of light and heavy weapons, including air-to-air missiles such as R-27."

"Air-to-air missiles?" Qin Fei was stunned for a moment. "This is a MiG-29 fighting bomb, why? Do the Youth Army and the Houthi guys have planes?"

"I don't know, I just saw it." Eric spread his hands: "This old guy sells everything, and everyone does business. I guess he not only provides weapons to the rebels, but also to the government. The army provides weapons, believe it or not?"

Qin Fei laughed blankly.

They took a cargo ship registered in Panama. The ship was not big, only 70 meters long. After boarding the ship, Qin Fei talked a few words with the ship’s boss Roy and knew that they were all Victor’s loyal men. They were here all year round. For activities in the sea area, when there is no business, the ship will stop at a port of a certain country in the Middle East. When Victor gives an order, they will drive to the designated dock, load the designated cargo and send it to another designated place. .

The boss of the ship is the Indian Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean along the African coast. In his words, turning the rudder wheel with your feet with your eyes closed will not cause any problems, and the maritime military forces of all countries in this area He knew all the officers and the like inside, and he would never embarrass them, let alone inspect their ships.

He said this to make Qin Fei feel at ease.

Qin Fei felt that this was black and thin, and the guy with a white beard on his mouth might have some blowing water in it.

After all, not only the naval forces of various countries exist in this area, but the pirates are also rampant. Merchant ships passing through the Red Sea and passing through the Gulf of Aden in the Indian Ocean are often robbed. This is not news.

But Roy quickly showed the strong background and network of Victor, an international arms dealer.

This cargo ship called the "Dolphin" was intercepted by the military once and once by the pirates.

On the military side, Roy directly handed them the documents in his hand. After checking and verifying, the officer waved to let them go.

The pirates were even more direct. The boat leaned up to see the "Dolphin" and fired a few shots directly into the sky as a greeting. The bow turned and disappeared into the darkness.

"It seems that Victor, your boss, is doing pretty well in this area." Qin Fei was quite knowledgeable this time.

Roy smiled and said: "The more chaotic the place, the better the arms business is. Here, the gun means power. No one wants to offend a person who can provide himself with arms."

Qin Fei thinks about it. The African continent and the Middle East are full of wars. Of course, merchants like Victor who sell arms everywhere are like a fish in water. Many times, affected by various factors, the emerging forces in many places need arms most. , They will even treat people who can provide them with arms as uncles. The arms dealers who can afford to eat here speak better than the president of a small country, just like Lawrence, a minister who dares not easily offend Victor. This iron rooster.

Standing on the deck for a while, Qin Fei returned to the cabin to find Yuli.

Yuri is responsible for this communication and technical support work. Considering that Yuri is not good at combat, Qin Fei and Lao Yu decided to keep him on the ship. After the X Corps squad landed, he could stay. In the cabin room, he used his technical equipment to build a communication platform and provide various technical support.

"Yuri, how are you preparing?" Qin Fei walked into the room, Yuri was busy in front of a few laptop computers and a small radio station.

Qin Fei glanced at the computer screen, three laptops, one with a dark web intelligence trading chat room, one with a GPS positioning system interface, and the other with software that Qin Fei could not understand.

"It's almost done, it's still a little bit finished." Yuri didn't lift his head, he was absolutely engrossed while working.

Qin Fei pointed to the third laptop and asked, "What software is this?"

"Eavesdropping." Yuri still bent his head and replied while doing something: "I was intercepting the call records between government forces and various rebels by monitoring nearby communication channels. I made a sensitive vocabulary. , It can distinguish between English and local Arabic. When sensitive words appear, the system will automatically screen and intercept them."

"Awesome!" Qin Fei had to marvel at Yuri's hacking skills. He really couldn't figure out that it was a miracle that a man with a complete martial arts style like a polar bear could actually give birth to a computer genius.

"In less than an hour, we will land ashore. After we leave, Roy will leave the pier and park in the nearby waters. When we find someone, we will meet Hodeida, and you will dock to pick us up. ."

"Don't worry, I will stay here to keep in touch with you and provide you with the latest battlefield consultation." Yuri said: "Since it was opened, the dark web's intelligence information about Yemen has skyrocketed. If you have any information you need to know. , You can contact me through the communication channel, and I will provide you with it as soon as possible."

Sure enough, there is a way to do things~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In addition, the proposal was originally not far from the port of Hodeida in Yemen, and it took less than three hours for the ship to enter the port of Hodeida in the dark.

When Qin Fei was more than a hundred meters away from the seashore, Qin Fei looked towards the shore. There was a black light on the dock, and it seemed that no one could be seen.

Roy took a laser pointer, walked to the bow, opened it three times in the direction of the dock, and closed it three times.

That thing was originally something installed on the Picatinny rail of the gun, which is commonly known as a laser sight, which can only be seen under the field of night vision.

Soon, Qin Fei saw a shadowy shadow appearing on the dock.

He pulled down the night vision goggles above his head, and he was in sight. There were nearly two hundred people around the pier. There were people everywhere. These guys must have been hiding in the messy warehouses and piles of goods on the pier. Observing the movement of the sea, it didn't appear until I saw Roy's signal.

The boat slowly approached the dock, and the sailor threw the rope. The soldier carrying the AK-47 on the dock grabbed the rope of his arm and hung it on the fixed pole. Several wooden boards with a width of more than one meter were skillfully laid on the ship's gunwale.

A guy with the appearance of an officer began to command the soldiers of two companies, yelling for them to quickly unload the goods.

Roy and the leader of the rebel army began to handover, and before leaving, said to Qin Fei: "I am only responsible for sending you here. For the rest, you go to Ibrahim!"

"Where is he?" Qin Fei looked around and saw no idlers.

Roy pointed to the warehouse in the distance: "He is usually in that warehouse. You can go up to the second floor to find him."

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