Absolute Honor

Chapter 646: Carpet bombing

The explosion not only made Qin Fei and the others frightened, but all the young soldiers in the warehouse who were still calm became mice running away with their heads in their arms.

Stumbled and rushed downstairs, Qin Fei saw the terrible situation through the window that had no glass.

The entire pier is now like a sea of ​​flames, and the screaming soldiers fled everywhere. Several trucks originally parked on the pier have been bombed into scrap iron. One of them turned upside down and burned in the fire.

The current situation is shuddering like purgatory.

At the gate, the big guy was about to rush out.

Behind Qin Fei, a man in a white Arab robe separated like a frightened rabbit and took the lead, planning to take out the building.

In the dark sky, a fire light flashed, and Qin Fei saw a firework flashing in the sky, as if hundreds of small dark red flowers were exploding in the dark night at the same time.

"Son-mother bullet!"

Qin Fei grabbed the man who had passed by and was about to take out, and pulled him back.


It used to be aerial bombing, now there are planes throwing sub-munitions here. The cluster bomb is also known as a cluster bomb. It is a notorious cover bomb in the first Gulf War. It is generally used in carpet bombing missions. Many cluster bombs are designed for soft targets, such as human bodies. Armored vehicles or equipment can kill and damage ground forces in a large area.

General sub-munitions will be thrown at an altitude of about tens of meters or even hundreds of meters from the ground, releasing hundreds of fist-sized bullets, covering a large area like a celestial flower.

Several young soldiers who had not heeded Qin Fei's warning rushed out, Qin Fei and everyone backed, and quickly lay on the ground, hiding behind the wall.

Boom boom boom boom--

Pop, pop, pop--

An indescribable dense explosion sounded in the open space outside the warehouse, as if tens of thousands of powerful firecrackers exploded at the same time, and even the ground could feel a strong tremor.

The bodies of the few youth soldiers who had rushed out and had not run behind the concealed objects exploded directly while fleeing, and there was almost no room for escape. The dense rain-like bullets instantly covered more than half of the entire pier.

All the young soldiers who were exposed in the open space and even hiding behind the cargo were torn apart before they even uttered an exclamation!


The front sight was so frightened that the crotch was a little hot, and couldn't help cursing his mother: "What the **** is this!?"

"Cluster bomb!" The old fish lying on the side turned his head and said to Qin Fei: "No, we can't wait to die here. In case another damned guided bomb comes down and hits the warehouse, we all have to see Wang Ye. !"

Taking advantage of the time when the cluster bomb exploded ten thousand times before the gunpowder had cleared, Lao Yu thought this was the best opportunity.

Generally speaking, soldiers who lack combat experience will choose to hide in a concealed object and shiver after the bomb has just exploded or even wait and see the situation and wait for instructions.

They even forget that they may be in an unsafe place themselves.

Just like now, the warehouse itself is not safe, but in the first bombing, perhaps the pilot’s skills were not good, so the bomb was dropped and everyone escaped.

Luck never favors a person forever.

The laser guidance device at the end of the laser-guided bomb is actually very sensitive to smoke and other things, and will be affected by heavy smoke and other factors, so it is the best time to escape at this time, although gun smoke cannot affect the most advanced GPS And compound guided bombs, but due to the psychological effects of humans, they will not be dropped again immediately after they have just exploded once. This is a good opportunity to escape!

"Get up! Run!" The old fish was the first to get up from the ground and yelled at everyone: "Get out of here while the gunpowder hasn't cleared!"

"Where to flee!? Damn, this bomb has no dead ends!" Kun Guai was so scared that his brown face turned pale.

"Over there!" Qin Fei pointed to the right side of the wharf, which was obviously a construction site that had not yet been completed and was dug up everywhere.

Wherever there is a construction site, find hidden places such as pits and ditches.

Everyone fleeing at Qin Fei with their guns in their hands.

The guy who was pulled back by Qin Feisheng and survived the catastrophe once again showed his good explosive power. Because he didn't have any equipment on his body, this guy ran faster than anyone else, just like a hare that started up in the forest.

The air was filled with the smell of blood, the smell of burnt meat, and the pungent smell of gunpowder smoke. The ground was slippery and greasy. It was either blood or human organs, which was messy like an underground pig slaughterhouse.

Kun guessed that he slipped and stepped on something that he didn't know, and he fell violently.

His man slid out more than two meters, his face pressed against a round object, and he felt the smell of choking on his face.

Taking a closer look at the blazing fire, Kun screamed like a pig.

His face and the head of a dead man were just next to each other. His eyes were facing each other. The other's eyes had not been closed, half of his face was gone, a big hole in his head, and the red and white brain was still steaming hot.

"I fuck—I fuck—God..."

Kunchai is the most courageous first among all people, and his crotch is so scared that he pulls back like a gecko when he uses his hands and feet together.

Qin Fei grabbed Kun guessing, "Call Mao, why don't you run? I can't call it if I want to call it later!"

When everyone stumbled and ran to the small unfinished construction site, they discovered ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ where the hook and bulldozer were originally used to dig the beach. They wanted to extend the pier line. Maybe they started fighting before they finished it. The workers also ran away.

Qin Fei stood by the semi-finished wharf and looked at it. He pointed to a recessed place under the wharf and said, "All in!"

Everyone didn't care that there was a piece of mud below, and they all jumped in, squeezed into the sand and mud, and hid in the cavities.

With a safe shelter, everyone was finally relieved for the time being.

"How do I smell urine?" Eric raised his head and sniffed like a dog in the air. "Who is scared to pee?"

Qin Fei half-smiled and looked at Kun Guai. Kun Guai blushed and lowered his head to look at his crotch.

Everyone seemed to understand right away and burst into laughter.

"Benefactor!" The guy who was accidentally rescued by Qin Fei suddenly hugged Qin Fei, slapped Qin Fei's back with his hands, "It must be God who sent you down to save me!"

After speaking, he let go of his hand and raised his head to make a gesture of prayer, muttering a few prayers in his mouth.

Qin Fei had a black line. In fact, it was just a subconscious action before. When danger came, he instinctively saved someone. Who is this guy? It looked shocked.

After praying, the bearded white robe stretched out his hand and said in English sincerely, "May I ask the guest?"

"My name is Qin Fei." Qin Fei reached out and shook his beard.

"My name is Ibrahim." The beard nodded politely: "It's nice to meet you."

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