Absolute Honor

Chapter 647: The downed F-15C

"You are Ibrahim!?" Qin Fei was taken aback, and suddenly felt that he had not caught it in vain, otherwise this Ibrahim ran out, and now it is a pile of rotten meat on the ground.

As soon as he died, this mission was very troublesome.

"Nice to meet you, Ibrahim. We are friends of Mr. Victor. He asked us to come here to find you, saying that you can take us to Sana'a."

"I know it's you." Ibrahim said with a smile: "It seems that I have to thank Mr. Victor, otherwise my life will be ruined here today, thank God."

"But now..."

Qin Fei looked at the sky above his head, and didn't know how many fighters hovered above it.

"We have to find a way to get out of here first."

Ibrahim shook his head easily: "Qin, my friend, don't worry, the people here will deal with them. All we need is waiting."

Seeing Ibrahim's confident and affectionate face with a big beard, Qin Fei suddenly had an illusion.

They've all become grandsons, but this guy looks so calm?

Before he could recover, Ibrahim carefully drilled out of the cave, and then lay on the concrete dock and yelled to the surroundings. It sounded like he was giving some kind of order.

Qin Fei doesn't understand Arabic/Laboratory, so he doesn't know what he is talking about.

The polar bears are all around, calling Yuri constantly in the channel.

"Yuri! Didn't you hear me, I'm your father!"

"I heard it, I heard it! Are you all right?" Yuri's voice came, and everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

The ship is a big target, and it is almost certain that it will not escape the fate of being bombed.

"Yuri, you leave the ship immediately, otherwise there will be bombing later, the ship is a target on the pier!" The polar bear warned his son: "Diving, swimming in the sea, we are on the east side of the pier, There is a dent there."

"Don't worry too much." Ibrahim returned to the pit, looking at the polar bear with an anxious look, and calmly said: "Don't worry, the Youth Army will deal with them soon."

"Deal with them? Who is bombing you?" Qin Fei asked.

"It was the F-15C fighter jet that took off from the neighboring Kyrgyzstan Air Force Base. It was specially designed to bomb us. It seems that the intelligence in this transaction tonight has been leaked out." Ibrahim glanced at the sky very contemptuously. , "It's a pity, those poor big dogs (anti-harmony, self-searching for which country the big dogs are), the air force are all stupid donkeys, wait for a good show."

As soon as his words fell, Qin Fei heard a harsh howling outside.

Everyone couldn't help but get out of the hiding place and looked in the direction where the sound came from.

A missile with its tail pierced into the sky, followed by another.

These missiles were actually launched on a small mound next to the woods nearby. Through the fire generated during the launch, Qin Fei vaguely saw a group of people surrounded by two modified trucks, welded in the truck compartments. A shelf looks very simple.

Several people next to each other yelled and formed a circle, and what seemed to be some electronic devices surrounded them.

Qin Fei and Lao Yumian looked at each other.

Unexpectedly, these ugly youths with outdated equipment would have anti-aircraft missiles! ?

The two missiles flew into the sky, alas, under the control of the ground, they began to change their trajectories, as if they were pursuing something.

After a while, the sky suddenly lit up.

"Fuck! It's two fighters!" Kunchai screamed first.

Sure enough, everyone saw the two F-15Cs continuously releasing thermal jamming bombs in the air. From a distance, the shiny jamming bombs continued to spread out on both sides of the aircraft, as gorgeous as fireworks.

One of the missiles appeared to be jammed, changed its trajectory, and lost control.

But the other missile has always bitten behind an F-15C.

Ibrahim is like a crazy fan, seeing the team he supports dribbling through the midfield, approaching the penalty area, and then past the defender...

"Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!"

He kept chanting a famous prayer.

Finally, an F-15C that fled in embarrassment was hit, exploded a ball of sparks in the air, and then dragged a long tail of fire. The aircraft lost control, began to descend rapidly, and fell...

"Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!"

Ibrahim cheered like an excited fan, and hugged Qin Fei tremblingly.

The black line on Qin Fei's face actually has nothing to do with him, but the F-15C was shot down, at least it is safe here for the time being.

"Mr. Ibrahim, we are in a hurry to come to you. If possible, I think Mr. Victor mentioned to you beforehand that my friends and family were trapped in the city of Maitan near Sana’a. It is said that You have a wide range of contacts here and can help us bring people out."

Ibrahim nodded and looked at the one in the sky that was not hit, but was frightened. The F-15C, which was released by the last jamming bomb, flees towards the border. His face showed satisfaction. Smile.

"No problem, here, both the government and anti-government forces have a very good relationship with me." He said, "You are looking for me to find the right thing. Otherwise, the current situation here is complicated and no one knows that they will break into it. Who's going in the line of defense."

"Everything is fine?" Qin Fei was a black line again.

This is completely beyond my imagination.

At least here, what he saw was a leader of the youth army, who could be excited about shooting down the F-15C of the big dog family. How could he become a good friend with the government army in a blink of an eye?

This particular relationship is a bit messy.

Ibrahim seemed to see Qin Fei's doubts and smiled and said, "You must think I am the leader of the Youth Army?"

"Isn't it?" Qin Fei thought to himself, there is guard protection~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Every soldier in the Youth Army treats him respectfully, not what the boss is! ?

Ibrahim shook his head, "No, no, no, you are mistaken. I am a businessman. If the arms buyer is a needle and Mr. Victor is a thread, then I am the one who threaded the needle. ."

Everyone's eyes are round.

Ibrahim seems to be a broker, and a two-headed snake, earning everything.

However, he actually dared to say this to everyone in public, and he was not afraid that the Youth Army would hear him being slaughtered?

"Of course, I still support Houthi in my heart. You are like those anti-aircraft missiles just now. You have also installed ten air-to-air missiles in your cabin tonight. They are all Russian-made R-27T air-to-air missiles, and they use them to find and track aircraft. It is the airborne radar removed from the MiG-29 aircraft, and the tracking system is an infrared photoelectric system produced by FLIR."

He made a conclusion to himself, "Those MiG-29 radars are all I bought from government soldiers. Dealing with them is a need, understand?"

Qin Fei was not interested in learning about the chaos of the entire Yemen. Hearing what Ibrahim said, this ghost place was a mess. He didn't know who was a human or a ghost.

"So, when can we leave?" Qin Fei asked, "We need two cars."

Ibrahim said, "Let’s go, let’s go now. Taking advantage of the dark night, it’s more convenient to get on the road. It takes more than four hours to get to Maitan from here. It used to be more convenient, but now Highway 3 is completely destroyed. It's not that convenient to walk."

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