Absolute Honor

Chapter 649: War zone

Twenty minutes later, Qin Fei entered Maitan sitting on the pickup truck of the Youth Army.

Most of the buildings here are square red and white buildings. Two days of fierce fighting and shelling have almost razed here, but the government army relied on the buildings and the youth army to carry out street fighting, even if the youth army was very brave and good at fighting. , In this tragic street fighting, still unable to win the entire Maitan in a short time.

When he arrived near the area where Uncle Chen Yong was located, even Armand was reluctant to move on, leaving Ali to Qin Fei and others, and drove back to the youth army camp by himself.

Qin Fei boarded a building and carefully took out the monocular night vision goggles behind the broken window and looked around.

"Ask this little guy, where is the address we are going to?" Qin Fei raised his head towards Eric.

The reason why he was called the little Ali was because Qin Fei only discovered later that Armand had sent himself a fifteen or sixteen-year-old child tonight, who was not an adult at all.

Armand took away eight hundred dollars for one thousand dollars, but only gave two hundred Ali.

It seems that the term exploitation and squeeze exists everywhere.

Eric inquired about Ali in Arabic, and Ali gesticulated and gestured towards the scenery outside the window.

Finally, Eric said to Qin Fei: “Go here, go west, about 600 meters, you can get there. It turned out to be a big market, and the address we were looking for was a five-story building. The building has white half-moon windows outside, which are easy to identify."

"Chen Yong, can you still get through your uncle's cell phone now?" Qin Fei asked.

Chen Yong shook his head: "No way. After my third uncle called me before, he can no longer be contacted. His mobile phone has long been out of signal. The call was originally made from the fixed phone here, but it may be a war. The line has also been destroyed because of the factors."

After losing contact, Qin Fei couldn't help worrying.

Through the night vision goggles, I can see from a distance that there are more than a dozen complete houses on the opposite side. There should be a lot of armed men inside. According to Ali, those should be government troops here.

Suddenly, there was a noise downstairs.

Everyone was shocked and quickly walked towards the door with their guns.

As soon as I reached the top of the stairs, I saw the polar bear and the crosshair pushing the two guys up.

"Boss, these two guys don't know where they came from. Just now we touched the building with a gun and we caught them." Said the armed man who knelt down to the ground with the polar bear pressed.

Ali walked up and looked at the other person, and immediately said something to Eric.

When the two saw Ali, they were talking like pouring beans, and they kept looking at Qin Fei and the others.

Eric said: "This is the Youth Army, their people."

"Return the gun to them."

Since he was Ali's comrade-in-arms, Qin Fei didn't want to embarrass the two of them. It had nothing to do with him. As long as he did not pose a threat to him, he was not an enemy.

The two picked up their guns again, and pointed them out the window again.

"What did they say?" Qin Fei asked Eric.

Eric said: "They said that there are government snipers everywhere. If you don't pay attention, you will be reimbursed."

"Ask them, how many government soldiers are there on the opposite side?"

Eric began to chat with the two in Arabic. After a while, he turned around and said to Qin Fei: "He said that Maitan originally had a battalion of government soldiers, but they killed more than 200 soldiers. Fei estimated that there should be another 200. People are scattered around in the buildings on the west side of the city. Now the two sides are fighting in the street, tomorrow the heavy firepower of the youth army will arrive. At that time, they plan to blast the entire west of the city without leaving a living."

Blast the entire west of the city?

Isn't it that even Chen Yong's third uncle is going to be a cannon fodder?

It seems that the entire rescue operation must be completed before dawn, otherwise the commander of the Youth Army will definitely not abandon his combat plan for the sake of a few foreigners during the day.

"Ask them..."

Qin Fei also wanted to ask the two young soldiers, which street is safer to go to the west of the city.

Unexpectedly, he hadn’t spoken yet. I didn’t know that there was a gunshot from the other side of the building. One of the young soldiers leaned back around the head of a thick turban, and then exploded a ball of blood, a 7.62 mm shot. The sniper warhead pierced his head and he collapsed to the ground limply.


Everyone immediately lay on the ground.

Qin Fei crawled over and dragged the young soldier to the corner, but he only glanced at the wound on his head, knowing that he was not saved without checking, but in order to do a little bit of personnel, he still stripped off his headscarf.

The bullet was shot from the forehead into the back of the head and out. As soon as the turban was removed, the gray brain fell on the ground with a skull.

"¥@#%……@#……%¥#……#¥%……@#!" Another youth army watched his companion get a headshot, picked up the AK47 and swept across the window. .

"Stupid! Get down! Get down!" The old fish cursed on the ground in a hurry.

Because once the sniper hits the person in this room, it means that he will always aim here. In the dark, snipers far away have a great advantage at night. It is obviously not wise to continue to fight back here. .

Lao Yu's curse had not yet landed, and there was another gunshot from the other side.

The youth army was like his accomplices. This time the bullet hit him directly, making his face bloody, and his body fell straight to the ground.

"Front sight, let's find a place to kill the sniper opposite!" Qin Fei said.

"Good boss!" The sight carried his MK11-0 sniper rifle~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and crawled out of the room like a snake.

Qin Fei and everyone also left the room behind the sight and walked around to another room.

"Here!" Qin Fei saw a large hole about one meter in the wall of a room, and pointed to it.

The front sight cautiously leaned over and lay down on the ground to set up the gun.

Qin Fei moved to the entrance of the cave and sat on the ground, then connected a mirror to the monocular night vision goggles, and slowly observed in the direction of the gunshot.

Under the gray-black night, the opposite side was black, and I couldn't see anything at all. Turning on the night vision function on the sight, the image in front of me shook and turned light green.

The ruins and vegetation in the distance can be seen clearly, but the sniper hidden in the depths of the ruins still cannot be found.

"Lao Yu, go to the room over there to be a bait for him and let him shoot!" Qin Fei whispered to Lao Yu.

Lao Yu nodded, and quickly returned to the room where he had been sniped just now, lifted a corpse, and slowly stuck his head out of the corner of the window.


Another bullet hit the corpse's head, and the splashed brain directly sprayed the old fish's face.

In Qin Fei's green night vision, a cluster of lights flashed through the windows of a tall building more than two hundred meters away.

"At 10 o'clock, 220 meters away, a seven-story building, the second window from left to right on the sixth floor." Qin Fei quickly reported the position of the sniper to the sight. He always didn't like the night vision device. Use other advanced instruments.

"Received, lock it." The front sight slowly turned the adjustment gear on the sniper rifle, while adjusting its direction, "I see that guy."

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