Absolute Honor

Chapter 650: Risky strategy

"Done him!" As an observer, Qin Fei issued an order to kill.


The MK11-MOD0 sniper rifle equipped with a silencer emits extremely low noise. This is a diaphragm type silencer that can reduce the peak sound pressure level of the muzzle by 28 to 32 decibels.

A competition-grade point 308 Winchester warhead fired out of the muzzle. This extremely high-performance sniper rifle is a perfect combination of firepower and accuracy. The 100-yard walking point in the test phase can reach a terrifying 0.3 MOA!

The figure of the sniper in the KAC007 Knight sight was shocked, and soon disappeared from sight.

"Hit!" After Qin Fei confirmed that the target was dead, he reported the result to the front sight: "Retreat!"

The two hurriedly left the room, and then the walls of the building blocked the creeping and retreated back to safety. The room behind them heard the whistling sound, bullets crackling against the wall of the room, and stone chips flying everywhere.

Qin Fei and the crosshair were sniped off by a sniper. Qin Fei and the crosshair pierced the hornet's nest on the tree. Obviously, the government army on the opposite side knew that there was a sniper in the opposite building, but they did not find the exact position of Qin Fei and the crosshair. I don't even know that those who killed their snipers just now were not members of the youth army's rebels.

Fighting back is necessary, so all light and heavy machine guns greet here.

As soon as the government army on the opposite side fired a gun, they shot along with it, and things seemed a bit out of control.

Both the government army and the youth army involved in this urban street battle were originally shot by their opponents' sniper suppression, so they were both in a stalemate in this area.

Originally, everyone was just looking for opportunities to shoot and kill a few opponents who were not long-eyed before letting go.

But the street fighting has been more than a day, everyone is very depressed, and the nerves have been stretched to the extreme. The arrival of Qin Fei's small team has completely broken the previous stalemate and balance between the two sides, and has also completely collapsed everyone's nerves that were already facing collapse. .

Sometimes war is such a wonderful thing, everyone on the battlefield is in an already abnormal state, and it is easy to overdo it.

For a while, the west facing the line of fire in Maitan City, various flames appeared continuously behind the windows of the building in the dark, and the two sides hiding in the dark began to come and go. The flames of war that had already subsided were all in an instant. ignite.

The Youth Army actually dominates in firepower, and they still have at least a few mortars in their hands.

Since the government forces have actually been besieged, although the capital Sana’a is not far from here, Sana’a itself is the key target of attack. Therefore, even if there are reinforcements, it will be the first to reinforce Sana’a.

The 200 government troops here in Maitan are actually just a lone army. They also know that they will not have any reinforcements. They just occupy a small site in the west of the city and use buildings to drag the youth army into the quagmire of street fighting. For the time being Put the two sides in a confrontation.

They have always been in a state of despair, because they know very well that street fighting will not last long. Now the youth army has a complete advantage in the northwest of Yemen. The government army was beaten up as soon as the war started. There are rumors that the president has fled. I went to Aden to the south, and had given up the resistance of the capital.

Once the situation in Sana'a stabilizes, the Youth Army will undoubtedly be able to obtain various firepower support.

There is one thing that is most worrying about street fighting, and that is heavy firepower.

I can't beat you after you hide in the building, and the price of the storm is too great, so I will smash you down, simple and rude without too much ranting.

So when the mortar shells from the Youth Army landed on the building where the government army was hiding, those rabbits who had been hiding in the cave for a long time, heard the sound of the artillery, thinking that the Youth Army’s support had arrived, and their defenses were all at once. collapse.

Rabbits will bite people when they are anxious, and the government forces are desperate.

Inexplicably, the two sides were caught in an inexplicable frenzied battle before dawn, after an inexplicable burst of gunfire.

The government army no longer stood by for help, and hopelessly held on to death in the end, they even started a frantic counterattack.

Although the combat effectiveness of the Youth Army was not weak, it was just a dream that those government soldiers would suddenly become like mad dogs, attacking from various places on the defense line, and pounced on the Youth Army's position.

Even Qin Fei and others were caught off guard by the sudden change of the war.

The polar bear and Eric, who were in charge of guarding downstairs, first turned the fire on to the seven or eight government soldiers who rushed to the building.

"They are pooping! Someone is attacking us, be careful!" The RPKS light machine gun in the polar bear's hand swept down three of them, while reporting the situation downstairs to Qin Fei upstairs.

"Fak! The youth army is retreating!" Eric looked through the night vision goggles and saw that in many buildings parallel to his own building, the soldiers of the youth army rushed out like prey being chased. The concealed place he had originally occupied began to flee in the opposite direction.

Retreat! ?

Qin Fei immediately broke into a cold sweat!

This means that your team must also retreat, otherwise it will soon be swallowed by the sea like a rock on the seashore in high tide.

"Let's withdraw!" Lao Yu said to Qin Fei while holding the gun, "Otherwise he will be rounded up soon."

"No!" Qin Fei grabbed the old fish: "It's too late, it's half past four now."

Qin Fei looked at his watch~www.wuxiaspot.com~Lao Yu asked, "What do you mean!?"

"If we withdraw, there will be no chance to save Chen Yong's third uncle." Qin Fei said.

Lao Yu instantly understood that once the youth army retreated, it meant that the line of defense had to be re-established and stabilized, and at dawn, it would sneak into the west of the city to save people.

With procrastination, I am afraid that as soon as the heavy firearms of the Youth Army arrive, the gang will shout Anglahuk Aba one by one, and then use cannon to razed the city west to the ground.

At that time, what people like myself can do is to collect the body for the third uncle Chen Yong.

"What do you say!?" Old Yu asked.

Qin Fei pointed out the window: "Isn't there only 200 people in the government army? Lao Yu, if you were a commander, what would you do when you counterattack?!"

"Of course I will fight back with all my strength..." Lao Yu frowned, then looked at Qin Fei in surprise: "You plan to go west!?"

"Yes, it's a mess now. I believe that both of them have poor night vision capabilities. We can take advantage of this opportunity to give full play to the advantages of our night vision equipment. Instead, the government forces will attack eastward. For the Youth Army’s defense line, we will take this opportunity to run behind the government forces, copy their back roads, and while they are all pressing forward, we will save people!"

"Boss, it's very risky to do this! In case..." Hearing this, the front sight stood upright. This is a bold plan. At the same time, if there is a mistake, you will die.

"How did you get there!?" the old fish asked: "Break through a gap and rush through!?"

Qin Fei shook his head: "No, let's not head on."

He pointed out the window, "Go over there!"

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