Absolute Honor

Chapter 652: Almost dead

Qin Fei rolled over on the ground, and immediately went back on his stomach again in pain.

He wiped the painful place, and he felt a protruding nail on his thigh.

The RPG exploded a corner of the roof just now, maybe the explosion blew the thing over, directly piercing into the thigh muscles.

Of course not working with such a thing, Qin Fei pinched the tail of the nail with two fingers, gritted his teeth and pulled it out.

The pain made him almost cry.

The other end of the nail was not regular at all, and slightly bent. This pull really made him suffer.

Raising the nail in front of him, Qin Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

He has no time to take care of these little things, as long as he doesn't pierce the main artery, there is nothing wrong with it.


There was another explosion downstairs.

Another unlucky person who tried to enter the house set off a booby trap.

Knowing that there was not much time left for him, Qin Fei didn't care that his head was still a little dizzy, or the humming sound in his ear drums, he got up and rushed to the wire connection.

At a glance, I was dumbfounded.

That RPG blew up a corner of the roof wall and cut off a lot of wires. The most terrible thing is that the thickest wires are gone, and only a few poor rubbers with a diameter of 3~4mm are left. String.

When it comes to a critical juncture, he can't tolerate him thinking any more. If he slides past, he may die for a lifetime, and stay here ten dead.

Qin Fei untied the tactical scarf, twisted it into a thick rope, put it on it, took a deep breath, and slammed forward one.


The moment his body weight completely fell on the wire, an already fragile rubber thread was short.


He was frightened in a cold sweat.

However, the unfortunate thing is not over yet.

Qin Fei himself also weighed more than 130 jins. With the addition of nearly 50 jins of weapons and equipment on his body, the entire weight was around two hundred jins.

A few pitiful pieces of rubber thread, after wind and sun, have long been aging, how can they withstand this kind of pressure?


Two crisp sounds in succession shocked Qin Fei.

It's five stories high! If you fall, you will die!

What I was most afraid of, the last thread made an overwhelming cracking sound just over a meter away from the opposite building.

The last straw-broken!

"I fuck--"

The old fish on the top of the building suddenly stretched out his hand, almost his entire body was leaning outside, and he passed his hand over, trying to catch the falling Qin Fei.

However, he only grabbed a few fingers of Qin Fei, unable to hold Qin Fei at all.

In Qin Fei's scream, Lao Yu watched Qin Fei fall towards the ground like a plummet.

Qin Fei danced with his hands, grabbing desperately in the air with both hands, and unexpectedly grabbed the other wires that had been broken in half.

Fortunately, he slid down from a high place and he had momentum. Once he grabbed something with his hands, his huge inertia made him hit a window heavily and directly smashed the wooden window through, making him like a cannonball. Smashed into the room of a family downstairs.

"I go!"

Lao Yu stared at this scene and quickly retracted, pointing downstairs and saying: "Qin Fei has smashed into the stairs, go down and look for him!"


In the room downstairs.

The huge momentum not only caused Qin Fei to smash the window, but also threw him onto a huge wooden cabinet, and then fell back to the ground with his feet up and down.

When the cabinet was hit by him, it faltered, and unexpectedly collapsed, directly pressing on Qin Fei.

"My grass--"

Although he was wearing a bulletproof vest, there were a mess of books and sundries in the closet, pressing Qin Fei upright. Qin Fei vomited up with a mouth under the strong impact on his chest and stomach.

After I vomited up, I felt severe pain in my abdomen.

Like an earthworm, he twisted his body desperately, trying to get rid of this **** cabinet, and at the same time drew out the Glock 17 pistol above his thigh, aiming at the surroundings to avoid sudden enemy intrusion.

"Qin Fei! Qin Fei!" Old Yu appeared at the door.

"Old fish, I am here..." Qin Fei's heart finally fell, and it was his own person who came in.

"Help me move this **** cabinet, I'm scornful of his uncle! It hurts me to death!"

Qin Fei cursed, then opened his mouth and spit out yellow gall.

Except for Laoyu and Kunchai, others started to search the house separately.

Lao Yu guessed to Kun: "Come on, help me pull up the cabinet together."

The two squatted one head each, raised the cabinet, and Qin Fei quickly crawled out.

"Are you okay?" The old fish took out the flashlight and took a shot at Qin Fei's eyes. He was relieved when he saw that his pupils were in normal condition. "Your boy is really fate, I really thought you were going to die."

"Can't die!" Qin Fei squatted down holding his stomach, bowed his head and retched a few times, finally calmed down in his abdominal cavity.

He resisted the pain, bowed and stood up, walked to the window and looked outside.

The soldiers of the government army took advantage of the sudden charge and passed the building and pushed forward.

The surrounding gunshots continued one after another, but they were heading east.

"Walk, let's get out of here." Qin Fei said to Eric: "Tell Ali, let him lead the way quickly. It should not be too late. Taking advantage of the government soldiers pressing forward, the back is probably very empty. , No one, we quickly found Chen Yong’s third uncle, went out of the city from the west, and then went around to the highway to find Ibrahim~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Everyone quickly went downstairs and watched carefully at the door for a while, Sure enough, the surroundings were very quiet, and the gunshots grew farther and farther, gradually spreading towards the east.

"It seems that your method is good." Lao Yu said, "Although it is a bit dangerous, it is very useful."

Eric asked Ali in Arabic, "Boy, where is that address? That's the address of the bazaar we gave you."

"Go toward this street, go through two buildings, and then walk 200 meters north, and you're there." Ali said, while secretly looking at Qin Fei. He felt that these people were simply lunatics, and their combat effectiveness was extremely terrifying. He even dared to quietly say behind other people's troops, he had never seen this kind of combat mode.

Eric relayed Ali's words to Qin Fei, and Qin Fei said: "Eric, you are responsible for walking with Ali and lead the way directly. Don't say anything to me anymore, and notify me when you get to the location."

It was already five o'clock, and when it was still dark, a group of dark shadows slipped out of the building, then quickly moved to the shadow of the opposite building, and quickly disappeared at the corner of the street.

The 200 government soldiers now have the opportunity to counterattack and begin to expand their occupied area. They don't even know that there is already an extra squad of mercenaries behind them.

On the road outside the city, Ibrahim was smoking a cigarette, watching the violent gunfire coming from the distant city of Maitan. The bodyguard said: "Wait another two hours. If they don't come out, we will withdraw."

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