Absolute Honor

Chapter 653: Wilderness Gunshots

The squad of the X mercenary regiment did not give Ibrahim a chance to leave.

Just an hour later, Ibrahim saw a figure appear at the end of the road.

When Qin Fei and the others appeared in front of Ibrahim in sweat, the guy looked at the no less person in front of him in surprise, then turned his head to look at the already hot Maitan town, and he couldn't help but stand up. Thumbs: "I recently heard that there is a very powerful mercenary group in Africa. Until you guys dared to break into Nigeria to rescue Victor alone, I thought it was bragging. I saw it with my own eyes today."

Qin Fei ignored the broker, and sat down on a large rock beside the truck, and Kun Guai came up to examine Qin Fei's leg wounds.

"Qin, if you want, I can do a lot of business for you." Ibrahim is a broker, and it is his duty to thread the needle. Of course, all arms dealers, mercenaries and other organizations are naturally his. H.

Just like doing business, he is an intermediary. It is no problem for the seller and the buyer to know a few more, the more the better.

"Old fish, give Ibrahim the contact number of our corps."

Old Yu went up and exchanged numbers with Ibrahim. Qin Fei turned his head and looked at the wound. It was quite deep, but the wound was not too big.

Kun Guess asked Qin Fei: "Boss, your wound was caused by shrapnel?"

Qin Fei shook his head and said, "No, a nail blasted by the RPG rocket hit me, and it almost hurt me. The thing was a bit crooked, and it probably hurt my muscles when I pulled it out."

Kun Guai said, "Boss, your injury is not in the way, but I guess it hurts a bit now, and I have to break the cold shot when I go back."

After the bandage, Qin Fei looked at his watch. It was already five thirty in the morning, and the sky had begun to glow.

"We should go." He said to Chen Yong, who was standing aside and complaining that his uncle shouldn't ask for money and kill him: "Stop gritting with your elders. Leave here and talk."

Chen Yong nodded gratefully: "Boss, it's really hard for you this time, or else, your remuneration for this trip will be deducted from my own salary."

"Let’s stop talking nonsense. I will talk about it when we come. We don’t need any remuneration for our own affairs." Qin Fei stood up and walked to Chen Yong’s third uncle and said, "San uncle, do business here in the future. , We still have to look at the situation. This is no better than ours in China. There may be wars at any time. If you have any problems in the future, you should call Chen Yong directly."

Chen Yong’s third uncle is a real person. He was really sorry to see that Qin Fei was injured. He thought he was going to die in Maitan this time, so he called his nephew with the mentality of giving it a try. A team of mercenaries came over and rescued themselves from the battle.

Moreover, looking at the person in front of him, he was actually a citizen of Country Z, and he was even more cordial. He went up to hold Qin Fei's hand, and he couldn't speak smoothly.

"Thank you... thank you so much..."

Qin Fei waved his hand: "Let's withdraw first, this country is all messed up, thank you later if you can go out."

The group also knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, so they hurriedly got into the truck.

It was Ibrahim's two bodyguards who drove towards the Hodeidah port.

Along the way, the polar bear used the radio to contact Yuri who was still on the "Dolphin", telling him that the team had returned, and asked them to drive into the port of Hudaydah to wait for evacuation in four hours.

Yuri told Qin Fei that he had obtained information from various channels. The government forces are mobilizing troops to fight back, so that they must not take Highway 3, because there are two cities, Bagil and Mainahai, by the road, which are also government forces. One of the important places to compete with the youth army, it is estimated that the two cities and nearby areas will be in full swing in the next few days.

Qin Fei immediately found the satellite map from the PAD, and then asked Ibrahim's opinion.

Ibrahim gave a suggestion to take the direction of Jebi, a small city south of Mainahe. From there, you can take a detour to the port of Hudaydah, avoiding the two fortress cities of Bagil and Mainahe leading to Hudaydah.

But one thing is that if you take a detour, the time will increase by at least one hour. If the battle between Minahai and Bajil is finished before the team passes through Jeby, it is likely to arrive at Hudeida Port before Qin Fei and others.

Hudeida Port is an important weapon input port for the youth army, so they will definitely defend it desperately. The fighting must be very fierce, and the Dolphin will definitely not be able to dock.

In this way, it is impossible for the detachment of the X mercenary regiment to board the ship at Hudeida.

"Now it's not our turn to pick and choose. The situation is beyond our control." Qin Fei said, "Then go in the direction of Jebi."

After leaving Maitan City, the car began to turn to the south, heading towards Jebi.

Ibrahim is a wise man, and all the routes he chooses are in line with Qin Fei's requirements.

Large-scale battles for grabbing territories generally revolve around strategic cities, docks, and airports. In order to reduce the possibility of encountering the troops of both sides, Ibrahim chose a deserted path.

Because I am an arms broker all year round, I often have to transport some invisible things into the wild gate or through the wild gate to other countries, because Ibrahim is simply a living map.

After driving for dozens of kilometers, it is rare for people to see the fleeing people in some places without any hindrance.

The smooth progress made Qin Fei relieved and looked at his watch. It was already half past six and the sky had begun to light up.

According to GPS satellite positioning, the car has driven a distance of 70 kilometers within one disappearance. This is a rare high speed in the Yemen Republic where there are no good roads and high plateaus everywhere~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Inside the car The atmosphere suddenly became more relaxed. The sight was sitting in the rear of the car, taking out cigarettes and giving them to everyone, while smoking and blowing water.

Recently, everyone has distributed money in their pockets, each with half a million dollars, and they are all thinking about how to spend it.

Qin Fei, Lao Yu, and Eric are discussing the handover of all matters after returning to China. The situation of returning to China is unknown. Qin Fei does not know how his 203 troops will deal with him. He does not know whether he will be able to return to Eritrea within a month. Fortunately, Lao Yu and Eric are both experienced, so there should be no major problems in protecting Charlotte.

Suddenly, there were intensive gunfire in front, and the car creaked and stopped in the wilderness.

"Step aside!"

Ibrahim pounded the cab of the Ural truck in the carriage, and loudly ordered his men, "Go and hide behind that small mound!"

The bodyguard hurriedly slammed the direction, and after the car drove to the mound, everyone hurriedly jumped out of the car to find cover.

"Damn it! How come there are gunshots here?" Ibrahim looked astonished. "This is an off-travel route. Usually, no one passes here except smugglers!"

Qin Fei observed for a while and found that the place where the gunfire came from was still far from where he was, almost one kilometer.

"Ibrahim, you and your people are optimistic about the car here, let's go and take a look."

Looking back at everyone, he pointed to a bare mountain that was more than 100 meters away from the mound and said, "Let's go up and see what happened."

After all, everyone along the rugged hillside began to climb to the top of the mountain.

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