Absolute Honor

Chapter 654: Encountered Jin Donghai

"Boss, over there!" Kun guessed that this guy had the sharpest eyes, and he found the spot of the firefight as soon as he climbed to the top of the mountain.

Qin Fei took out the telescope from the accessory bag and looked at the crossfire.

The place where the fire was crossed was actually a highway, and between two hillsides, it was the best ambush point at first glance.

There were two sand-painted jeeps parked on the road, but one had its legs upright, and the engine hood of the other was full of smoke, which apparently had been shot through the engine, causing a fire.

No corpse was seen near the car. The person in the car seemed to have ran into a ditch next to it, and then the big rocks around the ditch used as cover to fight back.

Turning the camera to the hillsides and mountain tops on both sides, I found many armed men on both sides. From the perspective of military strength, the party responsible for the ambush obviously has an absolute advantage, as can be heard from the intensity of the gunfire.

There are at least twenty or thirty people on the slopes on both sides, and the two cars below are estimated to have no more than ten people at most.

It's just that if this road is what Ibrahim said, it's just a waste road that ordinary smugglers can take. Could it be the convoy that was ambushed to transport supplies?

"Maybe the government and rebels are fighting." Kunchai turned over boredly, lying on the ground and looking at the sky: "Boss, let's go, get around here. This is their own war. We are okay."

The old fish also nodded and said: "Yes, no trouble, let's go, we have to catch the boat."

"and many more--"

When everyone was about to turn around and leave, Qin Fei pulled the old fish.

"It's not like the government army and the youth army, you listen to the gunfire."

When Qin Fei said this, the old fish lay down on the ground again and paused.

His brows frowned quickly.

"It's not the sound of AK47, it's SCAR, M4A1... and Minimi 249..."

The old fish was puzzled, and Qin Fei was right. These were definitely not like government troops and youth troops in the wild, because the two armies definitely did not have such strong funds to use such good equipment.

These guns are all guns that are only used by world-renowned special forces. The unit price of each is several thousand dollars. Poor countries like Yemen cannot be willing to buy such guns.

Even if they are used individually, they are by no means ordinary troops.

"Front sight, give me your observation mirror." Qin Fei turned around and stretched out his hand.

The sight handed Qin Fei the large-scale observation mirror.

Qin Fei got his hand and leaned behind the stone and looked at the mountain and the road again.

On the highway, there were no people in sight, and occasionally I saw a person's head popping up, raising a gun and shooting back, and quickly retracted back.

It can still be supported under this situation and has not been annihilated. It can be seen that the combat effectiveness and military quality of this small unit is not comparable to that of ordinary troops.

Moreover, from a distance, their helmets are definitely not the messy helmets of the general government army and the rebels, but the helmets similar to the skateboard helmets used in special operations.

Looking up the mountain again, Qin Fei saw two dressed men emerge from behind the stone. One of them was carrying a Gustav M4 and directly fired at the opponent's concealment on the road down the mountain.

The huge explosion brought up six or seven meters of loess, and the shock wave overturned another jeep with smoke from the hood to the ground.


Qin Fei couldn't help but trembled in his heart. If he was a person hiding in a dirt ditch, it would definitely feel uncomfortable.

He noticed the equipment on the two men attacking the squadron on the road from behind the stone.

These two people were wearing AOR1 (AreaofResponsibility-1 camouflage) camouflage uniforms!

This is the standard camouflage uniform of the Mi Army Special Forces, and it is a controlled item, definitely not that you can buy it if you want!

Look at the equipment on the two of them, the special forces outfits of Qing Yishui,

"Damn, are the special forces of the Mi Army over there?" Qin Fei looked at the old fish in surprise and handed the observation mirror over.

Lao Yu took it and took a look, nodded, his face became serious.

"In this case, we shouldn't be nosy, the ghost knows what they are doing." Old Yu said to himself.

"Boss! Look down there!" Kun Guai held a telescope in his hand, which was another high-powered telescope he had brought from Eric.

Eric is also a sniper in the squad, so the telescope he carries with him has a large multiplier.

"What's the matter?" Qin Fei frowned and looked at Kun guess with a look of astonishment. He didn't understand what was wrong with this guy. "What did you see?"

"Look at that person!" Kunchai handed the telescope to Qin Fei, as if he had discovered the New World: "That's your comrade-in-arms. We met him in Jebuti! It seems to belong to your Navy Special Forces!"

Hearing Kun Guai's words, Lao Yu and Qin Fei widened their eyes at the same time.


The two growled almost in unison.

Qin Fei grabbed the telescope, adjusted the multiplier to the maximum, and forgot about the dirt ditch in the direction of the highway.

A person appeared in the lens. Although the distance was far away, Qin Fei could still see the person's appearance clearly under the high-power telescope.

Jin Donghai!

It turned out to be Jin Donghai!

The person who had always wanted him to give an explanation, unexpectedly appeared in the Yemen Republic at this moment!

What the **** is he doing here! ?

Who is besieging him! ?

Countless question marks flashed through Qin Fei's mind~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but he knew that he couldn't do without interfering now.

Because if Jin Donghai was attacked on the road, then the people with him must be from country Z, and maybe even him and his men.

Qin Fei's memory has been restored. He knows very well that Jin Donghai went to the Navy Special Forces after his disappearance. In other words, the people in the trench are soldiers and members of the Navy Special Forces!

Obviously, the bombing by Gustav M4 just now caused some damage to the people in the ditch. From the binoculars, it can be seen that Jin Donghai was very embarrassed, was covered with dust and was dragging something.

There are people injured!

Qin Fei's first reaction was that someone must have been injured, and Jin Donghai was dragging the injured comrade-in-arms to a safer place.

"Old fish, that's the special forces of the navy! This matter needs to be taken care of!"

He immediately issued an order: "Old fish, take the polar bear and Chen Yong down the mountain, and insert them behind the enemy on the opposite mountain from the right. Kunchai and Eric, you two follow me, we will raid the people on the left side of the hill, sight. , Immediately find the best vantage point, establish a sniper position, control two hills, wait for my order, see one kill the other, don't be merciless!"

"Okay!" The old fish heard that it turned out to be a special navy soldier, and blood poured on his head immediately.

He is a veteran, those are his juniors, how could it be possible to watch the **** on both sides of the hills kill them.

The X mercenary group immediately divided into three groups, and started moving rapidly in different directions.

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