Absolute Honor

Chapter 655: Sniper position

The enemy who ambushed the Dragon Squad had no idea that an elite mercenary squad had appeared behind them.

Ordinarily, these people are not silly, each of them is an elite soldier who has experienced many battles. Before carrying out the ambush, they also set up perimeter guards.

These people have strong logistical intelligence support and can even mobilize spy satellites in orbit.

But for one thing, their luck is really bad.

No one knew that Qin Fei's team would appear here. This was a pure accident.

At the beginning of the ambush, I thought it would be easy to win a special operations squad with only 6 people, but I didn't expect it to break my teeth.

It took a full twenty minutes. Although the Jiaolong squad had been suppressed in the trench on the side of the road and could not move, the people on both sides of the mountain could not approach the road to clear the Jiaolong squad.

Ten minutes ago, someone tried to take a risk and forcibly launch an assault, trying to get close to the road, only to lose two lives.

This is the case of 30 players against 6 players, and under the absolute advantage of 5VS1, this kind of situation happened unexpectedly, which made the leader responsible for the ambush angrily.

Qin Fei followed the mountain and cautiously touched the reverse **** with Thor and Kunchai.

The gunshots were getting closer and closer, and Qin Fei knew that as long as he reached the top of the mountain, he would be able to be condescending.

But now he can't do that.

Because in this kind of ambush, snipers will definitely arrange them, and they will definitely do the same when they become a commander.

Once you ventured up to the top of the mountain to expose your trail, the background behind you was the clear blue sky. For a sniper, this was one of the most recognizable targets.

Qin Fei didn't plan to take a risk before he knew the enemy sniper.

Moreover, Lao Yu’s group has to intersperse behind another mountain. Interspersed is a technical job, and it is also an individual effort-you must have strong physical strength as support, and the interspersed route must bypass the opponent’s observation range. Can't alarm the opponent, but it must be the shortest path, otherwise it will be a waste of time and miss the opportunity.

"Old fish, where are you?" Qin Fei suppressed the sound in the headset very low, but it did not affect the quality of the call, because they all use a throat vibrating headset, which can pass the slight vibration in the throat. Amplify the voice so that it will not alarm nearby enemies during special operations.

"We are running... there are more than four hundred meters to reach the foot of the mountain where the other party set up..." The old fish panted like a cow over the earphones, obviously he was on the road running wild.

"Front sight, have you entered the sniper position? I think they will have snipers. You must kill their snipers before you start, otherwise we will all have to finish playing." Qin Fei asked the sight again.

The sight said in a low voice: "I understand, I'm looking for him too."

This guy's voice was suppressed very low. Obviously, in a crisis situation, the sight didn't know where the sniper was.

Qin Fei had no choice but to suppress his anxiety. He knew that this kind of thing could not be anxious.

The number of opponents is obviously superior, even if his team plus Jin Donghai and his subordinates beside the highway, I am afraid they are at a disadvantage in terms of numbers.

If you act too hastily, you will only get yourself involved in a disadvantaged situation. If you can't help, I am afraid that these brothers will also get involved.

He can only pray secretly in his heart, hoping that Jin Donghai and others will survive for at least ten minutes.

Although, in this case, ten minutes is harder than ten years.

However, for the strictly trained naval special forces members, at least they will not be unable to withstand this psychological pressure on the battlefield.


Finally, a slightly excited voice from the front sight came from the earphone.

"I found that guy!"

His voice sounded slightly smiling, but he was a little proud of his excitement.

"Fack, he chose the same position as me!"

Qin Fei breathed a sigh of relief and secretly said in his heart: Good luck!

In fact, this is not just luck. All snipers have shooting talents and undergo rigorous training. In addition to summing up some of their own experiences in actual combat, snipers from all over the world have almost the same approach in some places. Yes, especially in the selection of sniper positions, there are various subtle requirements.

For example, it is best to have the best view on the battlefield, and it must be easy to retreat, easy to hide, easy to set up alternate positions, etc...

It's like a fishing enthusiast. You often go fishing in a river. The best fishing spot you think is often crowded with people, because you like it, and others will too.

"Kill him immediately! Start working early!" Qin Fei immediately issued the order to kill.

In his line of sight, behind the two big rocks in front of him, an observer and a sniper could be vaguely seen lying on the left and right. Although only part of the body could be seen, it must be two people. The sniper team is not like a lone wolf sniper like himself.

The front sight was holding his MK11 and was about to pull the trigger. After thinking about it, he pulled out Glock 17. He hesitated because he was still more than 30 meters away from the opponent.

His sight is not good because he is at a relatively low altitude and the steepness of the mountain makes him unable to see all of the opponent's body~www.wuxiaspot.com~most of them only see the feet and legs.

The sight is going to get closer and shoot again, but he must be cautious and cautious.

It is close to the Hadurshuaibu Peak. There are rugged rocks everywhere, and there are a lot of rocks and gravel on the ground on the mountain. When the combat boots step on it, it is easy to make a small click.

The sniper's barrel passed through the gap between the two stones, while the observer was lying on the side, holding an observation mirror, staring straight ahead.

The front sight slowly moved forward, as close as possible to the two of them.

These two guys not only wear thick body armor, but also wear helmets on their heads. Even if they use MK11MOD0 to greet them, they must be sure to kill them with one shot. He once thought of throwing a grenade directly at the two guys. However, the disadvantages of the grenade are highlighted only in such a steep place. Usually it will roll back in such a hard and steep place, and eventually even blow itself up.

Sometimes sneak attacks and killings are not as simple as imagined.

The two opponents, once they can't do it in an instant, as long as one of them hits them with a pistol bullet, I'm afraid the whole action will be dragged down.

The front sight is absolutely inferior in number, and it is easy to be counter-killed.

More than ten meters away, the sight felt that the sweat oozing from his head was turning into a stream, not only because of heat, but also because of tension.

Now, looking over from his position, the opponent's foot seems to be stepping on his head.

"Boss, get ready to do it..." He licked his lips and grabbed the MK11 sniper rifle.

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