Absolute Honor

Chapter 657: Meeting an old friend is extremely jealous

"Captain, look at that person over there!" Wang Dongcheng, a member of the Jiaolong Team, pointed to the mountain and handed the binoculars to Jin Donghai: "The man caught in Jebuti last time!"

"What!?" Jin Donghai was wondering who was helping him. He couldn't believe his ears when Wang Dongcheng said it was Qin Fei.

In an instant, his mind went blank.

Taking the binoculars, Jin Donghai saw Qin Fei on the top of the mountain, looking towards him with the binoculars in his hand.

"Jin Donghai! This is Qin Fei!"

In the valley, Qin Fei's voice echoed.

For Jin Donghai, there is no voice in the world that makes him feel uncomfortable.

This is simply the biggest nightmare in his life.

"Captain, it seems to be his own." Wang Dongcheng said.

Jin Donghai felt a bitterness in his throat and licked his sticky mouth, "Well, my own..."

"Captain! Xie Lei and Xu Jun are seriously injured. We will send them away immediately, otherwise..." Ge Qiming, a correspondent and medical soldier in the unit, walked to Jin Donghai's side and said hoarsely: "One was shot in the thigh. One was shot in the abdominal cavity and must be rescued as soon as possible."

Jin Donghai walked to the two of them, squatted down, and looked at his two comrades who were getting along day and night, his heartache was like a knife.

"Captain..." Xie Lei's face was pale and insisted on holding up, "I'm fine, it's okay..."

Soon, the pain on his face betrayed himself, and he didn't even have the strength to hold it up.

"What is strong?!" Jin Donghai sternly said: "Lie down for me."

"Captain, we didn't do it well..." Xu Jun next to him was tightly tied with a tourniquet on his thigh. At this moment, even though the temperature reached more than 20 degrees, he still felt a chill, but he still gritted his teeth and said: "If It's really not possible. Leave a grenade for the two of us. We will not capture them alive or leave the whole body! You leave here quickly and complete the task. This time the opponent is very strong..."

"Who do you think Jin Donghai is!?" Jin Donghai was furious, "Am I the kind of person who can leave his comrades behind? I want to carry you back to the motherland!"

"Jin Donghai, we meet again." Qin Fei and all the members of the X mercenary group appeared by the road. He glanced at the ditch and found that in addition to the six Dragon Dragon members, there was actually a forty year old. , A middle-aged Chinese man wearing an Arab robe, surprisingly, this man is still carrying an AKM assault rifle.

And beside this man, there was a Middle Eastern man lying on the ground, wearing a thick body armor, holding his head, shivering all the time.

This combination surprised Qin Fei.

Who are these people?

Jin Donghai felt that the muscles on his face were frozen. He didn't know what expression and attitude he should use to face Qin Fei.

Seeing Qin Fei's indifferent expression, countless thoughts flashed in his heart like a horse lantern.

Has he recovered his memory?

Does he know everything?

What does he want?

What should I do?


"I remember it all." Qin Fei pointed to his head. He didn't want to pierce the captain in front of so many people. For Jin Donghai, Qin Fei still missed the old and left room.

In his impression, Jin Donghai is not a heinous person, although he never urinates in a pot, at least he is still a comrade-in-arms.

The only thing Qin Fei wants to understand now is why Jin Donghai didn't recognize himself in Jebuti, nor did he tell him the truth.

After he had offended this general, this point must be figured out by himself for the persistent Qin Fei.

"Why are you here..." Jin Donghai subconsciously avoided Qin Fei's amnesia, but changed the subject.

Qin Fei pointed to his teammates behind him and said: "A brother's family was involved in the civil war here and was trapped in the city of Maitan. Let's come and rescue them."

"Brother..." Jin Donghai was a little lost. This word should have been used for his comrades in arms.

Comrades in arms are as close as brothers.

In fact, subconsciously, Jin Donghai still regarded Qin Fei as a member of Unit 203, rather than the mercenary leader in front of him.

He actually asked these people around him to be brothers?

Blacks, whites, Southeast Asians...

These are his brothers?

He really remembered everything?

"Yeah, these are my teammates in my mercenary group, brothers of life and death." Qin Fei seemed to see through Jin Donghai's bewilderment, and didn't plan to immediately ask the bottom line before his men. If possible, he I hope that the two of them will sit down by themselves and have a good talk.

In Africa for more than half a year, life and death have passed countless times, experienced all kinds of incredible battles and dealing with all kinds of messy big people, Qin Fei's mentality has become different from before.

If it used to be full of fighting spirit, as sharp as a fighting knife, now Qin Fei has become more resolute, restrained and steady.

"Thank you very much for your help. I think we should go now. We are performing the task and have nothing to do with you." Jin Donghai said, "Don't ask for trouble."

"Fuck me!" Before Qin Fei spoke, Kun guess couldn't bear it anymore: "I said you don't know what is good or what is wrong, what trouble you, if it weren't for our boss to know you, we wouldn't bother to get involved in your mess. In the end! What are you! A real dog bites Lu Dongbin and doesn't know good people!"

"Keep your mouth clean!" Seeing Kun Gu's mouth full of vulgar words, Wang Dongcheng couldn't help taking a step forward, looking at him like a sword.

"What!? Want to do it? Just you? Do you know who my boss is? Do you know who is next to my boss? Just a few of you guys, you have to call him the old squad leader!" Kun Guai pointed out triumphantly Lao Yu, groaning in his mouth, completely confronted Wang Dongcheng.

"Wang Dongcheng, ignore him!" Jin Donghai turned his head and drank Wang Dongcheng, who was angry, then turned to Kun guess, right? The brother of a drug dealer is so arrogant. You still have a case in our country that has not been settled. , Isn't it?"

Kun Guai was choked all of a sudden, remembering that he was still a real big drug lord's younger brother, and he really did not end up secretly in Country Z.

Thinking about it this way, his momentum suddenly fell a lot, and he didn't say a word.

Qin Fei said: "Donghai, don't bully Kunchai. I know the best about him. He was framed."

Jin Donghai's heart shook slightly, and secretly said, did Qin Fei really think of everything?

It seems that he knows his identity as an undercover agent.

"Let's go." Jin Donghai was unwilling to entangle Qin Fei and others ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ turned around with a gun and left.

"How do you go?" Qin Fei said to the two cars that were still smoking on the road: "Your cars are gone."

Jin Donghai was taken aback, then gritted his teeth and said: "We will figure out a solution ourselves."

"We have a car, if we need it, we can take you for a ride." Qin Fei said.

Wang Dongcheng was stunned for a moment. He felt that Qin Fei was right. He and others have no cars. In such an uninhabited high-altitude desert area, walking is completely impossible. If there are no wounded, it may be okay, but now there are two. A seriously wounded person.

"team leader……"

"Don't ask him!" Jin Donghai hates Qin Fei the most in his life. In his heart, even if he is dead, he is not willing to ask Qin Fei, "We will find a way."

"Dong Hai, is it embarrassing to beg me?" Qin Fei couldn't help but ignite anger when he saw Jin Donghai who was stubborn. "You are so selfish in this life, understand? Selfish! You can not ask for it. I, but your teammates and subordinates have to beg me if they want to survive, put away your junior soldier set! Tell you! Please don't be ashamed, don't forget that I am still a full member of Unit 203 until now!"

When Jin Donghai heard Qin Fei say that he was a young master soldier, his anger went wild. What he hated most was that others said he was a young master soldier!

He entered the military academy, entered the special forces, and participated in the 203 selection training, all to prove that Jin Donghai is not a young soldier who is living in the army by family relations!

"Fuck you, uncle!" Jin Donghai roared, and suddenly turned back and rushed over, bumping into Qin Fei.

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